13 Signs You're An Empath
plus what it means and the benefits of empath gifts
Updated 2021.12.30
Empath definition
An Empath is someone with the keen ability to feel the thoughts, emotions, and energy of others, and generally, people who are empaths are affected by these influences.
Empathy is the psychic ability of heightened clairsentience.
This gift can be embraced, managed, and you may even enjoy it.
Highly sensitive people can become assets to their families, as they are known to be more attuned to risk and danger, and likewise love and joy.
What does it mean to be an empath?
Empaths are persons in touch with and acutely aware of their surroundings.
Empathy is the ability of clairsentience - clear feeling. Instead of manifesting in psychic readings, or in mediumship sessions for your clients, empathy is out there manifesting in the physical world.
While you interact, you pick up on the thoughts, feelings, and physical concerns of physical people, animals, and entire ecosystems.
Many people are already working with their gifts in the physical world through exercising their empathy with others.
Honestly, empathy is about embracing it. Becoming okay with being an empath is simply a matter of managing it and growing more aware of it.
In the meantime, below are the most common signs you're an empath -
1. You can carry the weight of the burdens of others for several days following your interactions with them
Think about how you feel after someone's just unloaded all their problems and worries onto you. Is it easy to walk away or do you worry about it for the next three to four days?
If you tend to take on energy, think about who these feelings come from and if it's healthy for your life to take them on. Empaths often feel bad for reasons that are not theirs, and you can release this guilt-free.
2. Certain social situations have become increasingly uncomfortable for you
Listen to your body. Think of old classmate reunions, hospitals, and family patterns. I call these places trigger points, and they're different for everyone. Over time these patterns can be reworked, and people do evolve.
In the interim, keep in mind what drains you. Notice what your time limit is for persisting in such areas. Be supportive, but always lighten your load.
3. You dislike, don't trust, or conversely like and enjoy a person's company for reasons you can't yet pinpoint
Empaths can read people's energy. Even the energy that others unconsciously carry. Sometimes when you do get a read on a person, that person is merely having a bad day or a bad period in life, or they've taken on other people's energy.
It's okay for some of your energy to brush off here.
If it's a strong enough feeling, and you keep attempting a connection, know it's okay to cut it off for good and move another way. If they follow, they follow.
4. You get energy highs in crowds and from tapping into crowds
A sign you're picking up on other people's energy, and it's time to space clear.
Empaths regularly get energetically hyped up when they're picking up on incoming energy that's discordant with theirs. You often have to clear it to get it out, though sometimes it will release on its own.
If you need to clear this energy, check out these articles on clearing your space:
Sometimes all you need is just a little bit of lavender and some time amongst the elements.
5. You go through waves of emotions, including heights of joy
Another sign you're dipping into and out of other people's energy and back to yours.
Feelings of low energy are often related to the pulls of lower vibration earth energies, which are called primordial energies and fine to feel.
The joy sensations you get back into, are a sign you're quickly picking back up into connection with your higher self.
6. You are quickly excited about ideas, dreams and the hopes of others
This one is one of the benefits of being an empath. I love empaths in my life for this. They will hop on an idea with you and ride it right to the top.
When you're an empath, you can tap into sadness, just as readily as you can tap into joy and the experience of each is heightened tenfold.
As much as some empaths can be melancholics and great creators, for their ability to tap into the pain and transmute it, Empaths are great amp up people, too.
They can readily add to and sense the joy of others. When they're in their best moods and in a supportive environment, they accelerate the happiness and motivation for others.
For these reasons, empaths can make excellent life, wellness, and intuitive coaches.
7. People discuss their issues with you, and you solve them easily
People naturally do this, not to hurt you, but rather, because their intuition tells them that it is you who knows how to help because empaths are clairsentient.
They can tune into the emotion behind the problem, which is where they begin.
My best recommendation for empaths is to set boundaries for yourself regarding when you can help and how. This will help keep you from feeling drained.
If you do use your empath gifts for a living, boundaries will keep money in your bank account, as they prevent you from overgiving in places where the well has worn dry.
8. There are times you've suddenly felt stomach queasy for no reason at all
If you frequently get this sign you absorb the emotions of others, mostly in the form of worries and fears.
The stomach is considered the second brain, and it can pick up on the invisible information all around you that perhaps your eyes can see, but your nervous system can sense.
It's also home to the Solar Plexus, which is a powerful energy center whose job is confidence and self-power.
So, if your stomach is telling you something, there's a reason they ask you to trust the gut feeling, listen. The Solar Plexus will always speak to you and let you know when you've taken on too much.
9. You can sense the thoughts of others and know what they are thinking even when they aren't saying it
This is part of the clear-feeling mentality. Most clairsentients have secondary heightened psychic abilities such as clairvoyance or clairaudience.
Psychic abilities often come in pairs.
Telepathy is a clear indicator of clairaudient gifts coming in with clairsentient ones.
This gift is perfect once managed, and you're on the right wavelength and around kindred spirits. It's honestly fantastic when you get around the right souls who understand you.
10. You can quickly tell when someone is uncomfortable
This is a sign you can read the energies behind words, just as you can determine the energy behind the people speaking those words.
This subliminal messaging is something empaths are especially good at determining - where it is, who's saying it, and where it is.
In this way, empaths are excellent companions in business deals, negotiations, and partnerships.
They also make great musicians and marketers and regularly have Archangel Gabriel as their guide, who can assist in reading these energies.
11. You've been called too sensitive
A compliment, in my book. Others often see our gifts before we do, and in my industry, being too sensitive is an asset, something people covet.
If you've been called too sensitive in the past, you're certainly not alone. Know there are places, such as in the creative or psychic arts, where this label is valued.
12. You value your own emotions and what they tell you
The more confident you become in your true empathetic nature, the more you'll demand an equal level of respect in all the relationships you choose to invest in.
Some relationships you may have to walk away from for new, more respectful ones to enter your life. Know you can release the karma of others, and balance it by stepping out and allowing others to refine their own balance.
Empaths are excellent teachers of true reciprocity.
Empaths often have to walk away from relationships they are set into after they own their gifts. You can usually find new bonds quite quickly as soon as you start stepping out again and using your energy to guide you.
13. You're able to walk into a room, and sense when something is off
Also, you can sense when someone's been sad in their bedroom, when a house has been vacant for a long time, or when someone's died in a new car you've just purchased.
Notice seven or more of these signs?
These are all signs you can sense the energy, emotions, and thoughts of those around you and you may be an Empath!
These cues are often validated in the days, weeks, and months after you follow them.
Because many empaths sense things before they come into the physical, they can be Avant-Garde and slightly futuristic. Though, they can be great at predicting markets or even trends. Public perceptions tend to change over time.
This is why empaths also classify as introverts, but some flip to extroverts later in life once they find situations and people who support them.
Surrounded by the right people, in the right places, with the right energy - empaths can be just as extroverted as anyone else.
Being an Empath can be pretty cool once it's been identified, managed, and under control - it can work for you rather than against you.
Once embraced, Empath abilities can provide many benefits
An ability to connect on a soul level with any person on earth who is willing, leading to more meaningful relationships
An ability to read others and your environment to better tailor your responses, interactions and to respond during times of need
The gift of being able to still offer love and compassion to others, all while maintaining your own personal boundaries and space
A more exceptional ability to manage your own personal space and integrity of heart, no matter who or what is around
The ability to start a business surrounding your gifts
A higher level of stability in your own emotional, physical, and mental states of mind once you identify the influences
A decrease in overall mood swings and greater feelings of peace
The ability to begin connecting and sensing those in Spirit, without body
Plus, so much more!
Your empathic abilities can be applied, enhanced, and developed to provide better outcomes in your life, more fruitful relationships, and a higher level of confidence all around.
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