The Meaning Of Seeing Shadows In Your Peripheral Vision
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What does it mean to see Shadow Spirits? Do you see dark Shadows in your peripheral vision? Wondering the spiritual meaning of seeing Shadows? In this post, we discuss the possible spiritual meaning and what to do if you've seen them.
One of the most common ways to see a Spirit is non-confrontational.
Spirit lives in another dimension, slightly layered on ours, so often when we interact with them, it is in passing.
When having a spiritual awakening, confronting fears, or accepting the Shadow in life, it is often possible to see, sense, or interact with other beings that appear as a darker Shadow.
Some shadows are positive, and in this post, we'll discuss that.
Have you ever seen a Shadow Spirit?
If so, if it was a temporary experience, you've likely seen a Spirit.
In this post, on the different ways to see Spirits, I discuss how some deceased persons and maybe Guardian Angels can appear as Shadows.
This is a common way that the ancestors can appear to people they watch over.
Earth Spirits can also often appear denser and appear as little darting Shadows. This is common in areas with Gnomes.
Seeing a Shadow is a common way to see Spirit in your peripheral vision.
If you are currently undergoing a spiritually transformative time of life, Spirits can appear as Shadows as an indication of dark or fearful energy you may be releasing.
So seeing Shadows in your energy field can be a confirmation that any spiritual healing work you are doing to resolve old traumas is working.
As old negative energy is released, it may hover in your etheric field momentarily as it lifts away from you.
So, seeing Shadows could indicate a spiritual awakening.
When you start to see things you didn't before, this can be a sign your clairvoyance is opening. Increased clairvoyance indicates that your ability to see with your mind's eye is expanding - something that typically happens when one spiritually awakens.
Whether it is residual energy departing, a Guardian Spirit, or even an Earthbound Spirit in a new home, you may be able to clear it and appreciate it. We'll talk about how to do that at the end of this post.
The critical thing to remember is Shadows usually have no intention of scaring you, Especially when appearing in your peripheral.
Sometimes they are protector Spirits, or Spirit Guardians, that have been appointed to you.
When a Spirit wants to get your attention, they usually appear in more direct ways than just being in your energy or appearing in your peripheral.
If a Shadow Spirit wanted to scare you or get your attention, they'd do more than float just out of sight. They'd slam a door shut, make a loud noise, touch your back, whisper your name, or hover above your bed.
So if a Spirit wants your attention, they typically directly address you or make a noise.
What the Shadow is doing when it appears:
It depends on the entity that is appearing.
If it's an Earth Spirit, it could be watching over you. If it's Earthbound energy, it could be waiting for you to help them cross over.
If the Shadow Spirit is an archetypal pattern you are releasing, sometimes it's confirmation the self-healing work you are doing is working. Keep going.
Those in Spirit often come back to the Earth to visit. So it's also possible that the Spirit you see likes this place or is attached to it.
Two possible scenarios could be going on
A. They are trying to get your attention gently
Sometimes a Shadow Spirit is a Protector Spirit Guide or a Deceased Loved One who is there to assist you. They are showing themselves to you as a way to provide comfort and solace.
If you live in a natural area, Shadows can sometimes be things like Gnome Spirits or Elf Energy, darting around, and if you see them, it adds to the fun the both of you can have. So seeing one of these is sometimes an invitation to work more closely with the Earthen realms.
Earth Spirits, when they appear as Shadows, usually appear as low to the ground, not full-bodied figures. That can indicate a protector Spirit, such as a masculine ancestor or Guide, or even an Earthbound person.
If you recently had a death in the area or moved somewhere that hasn't been energy cleared in a while, it may be a local Earthbound Spirit.
If they are appearing, they are generally ready to be released - appearing to be you could be a signal they need or want your help.
Before you begin that, if you haven’t already, consider either setting boundaries or attempting to identify the energy first.
If you'd rather not handle it directly, a space clearing could also usually help - see this article for more information: 18 Articles For Setting Up A Space Clearing Ritual.
B. They have no idea you saw them
When we're going about our day, we hardly notice the other people who happen to see us.
Guides, Angels, Deceased Loved Ones also have tasks to do, activities, and hobbies all lined up on their schedule.
Often, we catch a glimpse of Spirit while they too, like us, are happily going about their business, completely oblivious to what anyone else is up to.
What may have happened is that you snuck a peek between the veil of the physical realm and the spiritual realm and caught some Spirit activity.
If you're awake during a time when the veil between worlds is thinner, this is possible.
What to do if you've seen a shadow
If you've caught a glimpse of a Shadow, this is not necessarily heavy or burdening, there’s nothing to do. But if you feel it is, or it bothers you, consider cleansing your space, such as with Reiki or sage. Know that it could be a sign your Spirit is awakening to be in touch with the other dimensions here on Earth, and your clairvoyance may be opening.
If this is so, check out the post Managing Gifts Day-To-Day As A Clairvoyant Medium for how to regulate how often you see into the spiritual planes.
Seeing a Shadow could indicate protection energy or a Shadow aspect of self that is looking to be welcomed back in or released. It is possible to see Shadows in less startling ways when we embrace the Shadows of life.
So to recap, if you see a Spiritual Energy Shadow
This could symbolize that you're in a transitional phase and you're either releasing shadow energy or open to the other realms
It may indicate that there are Spirit energies around, but they are non-confrontational - like Guides or Ancestors
You can clear the energy by continuing to do spiritual healing work, cleansing your energy space or by crossing over any energies into the light that is ready to go
When you see a Shadow in your peripheral vision, this usually points to signs of non-confrontational energy, a possible spiritual awakening, and there are some supportive energies around.
Usually, when you clear your land, your energy, and continue on your healing path, the only shadow energy one sees going into the future is coming from Light energies - Earth Spirits, Protector Spirits, and Deceased Loved Ones.
These are the Spirit groups that are closer to Earth, so generally appear denser and more shadowy.
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