I'm Seeing Shadows - Are They Low Vibrational Spirits?

Seeing Shadows: What Are They And What Is The Significance? Photo of black birds flock by freestocks.org from Pexels

Updated 2021.12.29

Seeing shadows usually means a person is clairvoyant, and these shadows can be locational attachments, they can be earth Spirits, and they can even be lost or lingering Spirits.

But just because you see one, doesn’t necessarily imply that it means you any harm, it’s merely another spirit form.

There are many different ways to see a Spirit with your physical eyes or with your spiritual, clairvoyant eyes.

Spirits can appear as -

  • A flash of light

  • A movement out of the corner of your eyes

  • A full-body apparition

  • A blob shaped figure that doesn’t have a discrete form

  • An orb of light or a streak

  • A shadow

It is also possible to see Spirits in your dreams, or they can come to you in meditation or with your eyes closed.

Those in the Spirit realm can also appear to you through non-physical sight modalities, such as seeing one in your third eye with clairvoyance. 

They can visit you by sensation, sound, touch, or through external physical signs.

But of all of the ways you can see those in Spirit, there is one way of seeing a Spirit that scares most people - shadow form. 

Shadow Spirits

Vertical photo of bare tree with hanging branches by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay

I’ve written about Shadow Spirits before. 

Who are they? Are they low vibration? Are they Light? Are they neither and stuck between the realms, somewhere in an open space?

Those in Spirit will appear to you in the way that will be the most visible and hardest for you to shake and shrug off.

No one wants to be denied, ignored, or pushed aside.

Not even a Spirit visitor. So sometimes, Spirits will appear in ways that can feel alarming or bold, such as with a dense shadow.

Most Spirits appear as bright light reflection off a surface, similar to a sun-fleck, ray of moonlight, or orbs rising in the air.

So if you see a shadow, is it possible the Spirit who is appearing to you has intentionally decided to appear to you as a shadow - to better grab your attention.

Rather than appearing to you as a Light being, they may have lowered their energy, making themselves more dense, heavier, and thus, easier on the eyes to see. 

It is easier to see denser, more solid objects than it is to see less dense objects, due to the amount of light a collection of molecules more densely packed reflects.

The denser something this, the more light it reflects and the easier it is to see. This is why heavier Spirits are often more noticeable than angels and other Light beings, for example.

A Light being could also appear as a shadow (when they really are Light), if the Spirit themselves is backlit, by a street or hallway light, rather than illuminated from the front - such as with a camera flash or a flashlight.

Or if, as a collection of molecules, they pass between a light source and a wall and appear as a shadow, that way.

Shadow presences are most commonly seen in lower, dimmer light environments, where Light presences are more frequently seen in brighter, higher lit areas.

Yet, as a Spirit, the choice to take a shadow form or a light form isn't necessarily an indicator of a low vibrational or a high vibrational Spirit - though this could be a natural assumption.

How can you tell if a Spirit is positive or negative?

You can tell whether a Spirit is positive/negative, benevolent/malevolent, based on how they feel to you, along with other characteristics like how it behaves and the types of communications it delivers.

Low vibration Spirits draw upon and remove the energy from the space to manifest.

When there is a low vibration Spirit present, the space usually feels heavier, denser, vacant, and more echo-y. Some people feel low vibrational Spirits make a space feel cold. Spirit-sensitives will often feel a sinking or pulling feeling in their stomach or heart areas.

Light Spirits add and increase energy to the space to manifest.

When there is a Light Spirit present, the space usually feels warmer, more full like a crowded room.

Spirit-sensitives will often feel more flush, more adrenaline being added to their body, or sensations of high energy - commonly misinterpreted as a sudden energy rush.

A Spirit, no matter from which realm they have come, can appear to you in a variety of ways.

Seeing a shadow is not necessarily an indicator of a low vibration Spirit, though it can be. It is merely another way for Spirit to appear.

If you are identifying a Spirit, make sure to use more than one indicator to figure out what or who it is. I've seen shadows that later turned out to be gnomes or earth Spirits, and all was well.

I've also seen shadows that turned out to be non-human.

Pay attention to the feeling they evoke in those they appear around, as this can be an indicator of the type of influence this Spirit or energy has on a space.

Also, shadows are sometimes residual emotions held up in a space and can occasionally be cleared with Reiki, space clearing visualizations, or other house clearing methods.

One of the best ways to remove heavier energies from a space is to clear the space spiritually.

Since lower vibration Spirits often rely on the present energy to manifest, if you have an emotional person in the space whose energy is amplifying the energy, space clearing often helps them pivot their energy to, and attract new vibrational beings to the space.

If you feel you are dealing with a non-human entity, it's best to clear the energy of the space and keep the area and the humans in it, as high vibrational as possible to prevent its return.

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