How To Release The Fear Of Seeing Spirits

Photo of human with hand out over water wearing pink sheer cover

Photo of human with hand out over water wearing pink sheer cover

Updated 2020.09.28

Have you had an experience where you thought you saw something?

A shadow walks past a doorway. An apparition in the woods. A flash of light out of the corner of your eye. A person inside your mind’s eye that was not visible with your physical eyes.

There are many different ways to see a Spirit.

The first time I saw an apparition, I was most definitely scared. Mostly, because I had no idea what these things were and no one to explain it to me. 

As I got older and grew up, I started seeing more and more things, until I was scared all the time. When I became a teenager - I decided enough is enough. I wanted to have a normal life and I never want to see or experience any of this again.

And then, it was gone. For a time, anyway. 

This is what is called ‘shutting off’ your abilities. As a child or an adult, you may have had 1, 2, 3 or many more paranormal or spiritual experiences that were frightening mainly because they were not explained or unexplained to you.

Many of us with intuitive abilities, including myself, shut down our abilities due to fear of what we might see or what we might experience. One thing that scared you happened and you said to yourself - never again! It worked.

Thankfully, whenever you are ready, what was once possible is again possible. And while this 'shut down' can last as long as you want it to, eventually, the doors do begin to open again. When they do, you can choose to be ready and willing to open back up. 

It's possible to step out and connect with safety. I've pushed fear aside and I know you can too. 

All it takes is a little self-encouragement and some baby steps.

Are you ready to explore and understand your experiences again? Need some fear releasing encouragement?

Before you dive into welcoming all kinds of psychic and spiritual activity back into your life with open arms, here are some things to help you feel a little more safe.

3 Steps To Overcoming The Fear Of Spirits


1. Say it out loud, “They’re just people”

Most of the time, Spirits and those that you see in spirit-form, are just people. Just like you and me. Except for one major difference - you are a Spirit with a physical body and they are a Spirit without a physical body.

Two spirits, just one has a body at the current time and the other doesn’t.

These are people with unique personalities, feelings, thoughts and emotions. At one time and likely still, they’ve had families who loved and cared for them. Sometimes, they appear to you because they want to simply connect with another person.

As two spirits interacting, this is possible. Just as you can talk, sense and connect with another human spirit in physical body - the same is possible when needing to connect with someone who doesn’t have a body.

There are technicalities and new spiritual communication methods needed without the ease of use of a voice box or physical touch - so adaptations are made. But it’s possible and you can learn these adaptive techniques to reach out, too. And like people, they sometimes reach out to others for companionship, guidance and support.

Every time I would see, hear or sense a Spirit and begin to get all worked up, I’d take a few deep breaths and practiced saying to myself this:

It’s just a person. Just a person like you or me.

2. The fear that you’re feeling - what if it’s not yours?

Imagine this possible scenario for a moment. 

At the time of your death, you don’t understand what ‘the Light’ is when it comes to carry you into the Divine space of Spirit. And it scares you so you resist it fiercely and run away in the opposite direction.

Or what if, you don’t even realize that you have died and you are now confused, not aware of what’s going on? Then, you push back against anything you don’t understand until you can get back to your body.

Or what if, you aren’t ready to leave yet, so then you decide not to?

In any of these cases, eventually the opportunity to ‘cross over’ is lost and now in spirit form, with no way to get in touch with the physical realm or the spiritual - you become stuck here. Pretty soon, you begin to realize that talking to others and seeing their family is impossible.

If it were me, panic would set in and I'd begin to feel scared, alone and start desperately searching to get somewhere - anywhere - where they feel loved and safe.

Also make the effort to communicate my scary situation to anyone who might notice - just to get to a more loving, warm and safe place. Into the Light of the Divine. 

This does happen sometimes, and when it does, this Spirit is known as an ‘earthbound’. But they don’t have to be.

Sometimes, when you sense ‘fear’ with the presence of the Spirit, it is actually their fear. Perhaps they are coming to you for help, not to hurt you. You can help. Listen and hear them out. Cross them over. Learn how to cross over Spirit here.

3. You can decide what you see and don’t see

If you have the ability to sense and see Spirit, it likely means they’ll want to get in touch with you - for talking, passing messages, providing you with assistance and guidance, etc.

Much like a busy executive with people who want an appointment with you, you can hire a secretary and this secretary can help you figure out your schedule.

To work efficiently, this secretary is going to need to know a few things.

  • Where are you available to connect with Spirit?

  • What types of Spirits will you see?

  • When will you see these Spirits?

  • In what frequency?

These are called spiritual boundaries and you can set them.

All you need to do is write them out in a list on a piece of paper - then everyone knows what your hours are and who you will see!

You don’t have to see spirits all the time, just like you don’t have to take clients or appointments all the time. Since you’re the one with the office, you can set the hours and decide the types of clients you are willing to see and when.

This secretary is known as a gatekeeper guide, and I suggest getting to know and working with yours - they are so helpful! Much like your Spiritual bouncer they can help you reinforce your boundaries, once they know what you are comfortable with.

Your list of boundaries lets your guide know how they can help manage the energy.

As you develop, your list of boundaries can grow and develop too. You can cut things out as you get more comfortable. You can begin opening one door at a time, removing boundary by boundary as your comfort level expands.

For today, just try this boundary:

“Today I will be surrounded by Spirits who radiate love, truth and joy. I will only see and feel those things which make me feel secure and supported. I am profoundly clairvoyant, protected by Spirit and safe at all times.”

Ready to take the next steps to release your fear of Spirits or and put the social stigma of sensing them behind you? 

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