How To Develop Clairaudience

Photo of mother shell on beach with surf on the horizon line by seth0s from Pixabay

Photo of mother shell on beach with surf on the horizon line by seth0s from Pixabay

Updated 2022.05.04

Clairaudience is one of the most common psychic gifts, and it can either create a sense of distress or peace. 

The goal of this article is to help you manage the telepathic, intruding thoughts you hear, to streamline them and help you make peace with them. 

Many of us are born with some intuitive gift.

Usually, your most innate ability has been ingrained so deeply into your life and way of being. Uncovering your abilities can then be much like discovering a hidden treasure, that's been underneath a bunch of boxes in the closet. 

Most people don't value their gifts or even notice them because these abilities have been there so long that they feel natural. 

Identifying what that gift is, even if it’s been undervalued in the past, can be key to developing your abilities to where they can serve you and others in the greatest way possible. 

Chances are if you are reading this article, we have already narrowed it down to you having at least one gift. You are clairaudient. 

Clairaudience is the psychic ability of clear-hearing. It usually means you can hear guidance from your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Angels, or even loved ones on the Other Side. 

Clairaudient ability also means you can typically sense the thoughts of other people and animals around you. 

It is also the ability to hear the messages of The Spirit World.

While you may not be actively hearing anything right now, this ability can be developed to a point where it is recognizable and useful to you.

After working with many people one-on-one to develop these gifts, I've come up with a few of the commonly given tips, gathered from many Spirit Guides and Angels of my clients, for developing this ability. 

If you'd like to strengthen and clarify your clairaudient ability, read on - 

4 Tips To Improve Your Clairaudient Abilities

How To Develop Clairaudience. 4 Tips To Strengthen Clairaudient Gifts. Photo of mother shell on beach with surf on the horizon line by seth0s from Pixabay -

How To Develop Clairaudience. 4 Tips To Strengthen Clairaudient Gifts. Photo of mother shell on beach with surf on the horizon line by seth0s from Pixabay -

1. Practice your listening in the present

The voice of Spirit, of your Guides and Angels, speaks very softly.

Many explain it as trying to hear someone talk while they are underwater or sounding similar to the thinking in your head, except generally, it is crisper. 

The ability to hear Spirit is an act of focused, gentle, and non-interruption listening. In fact, in sessions, when Spirit speaks, I have to focus intently, careful to not interrupt, to hear the transmission precisely.

Interrupting those in Spirit mid-flow can often disturb the message, and it can take a minute or two to get going again. 

So you can practice this focused listening to a best friend or to a partner. If you listen, gently, and with focus, you can hear the message that is behind the words she is truly saying – what she is speaking in her own Spirit. 

Listening carefully, we can hear the message behind the message, and this is typically what wavelength Spirit is speaking on. 

When practicing Spirit-listening, also called soul-listening, hold your questions until everything is out or until the flow is complete.

If you listen and allow those around you to speak until all of their thoughts and emotions are out, you often will find yourself reaching the bottom of it. 

When you listen, you will discover the real reason why someone is upset, hurt, worried, or scared. Interrupting this flow can answer logistical questions, but it prevents you from reaching the real, most important message at that time.

The more you listen to others in your everyday life, the easier it will be for you to listen to the messages from Spirit, because the voice of Spirit and the voice of our friends are one in the same.

Spirit Guides and Angels recommend that to develop your Spirit-listening, you practice listening to those in Spirit all around you (your friends, your family) first. As you do this, it will become easier for you to hear when Spirit speaks as the soft-still voice within. 

When you start listening more in general, those in Spirit will begin to see that you are ready to hear, to pay attention, to receive messages directly from them. 

The biggest block to us not-hearing psychically is getting in our head, so too much not listening, blocks the messages, whether they are those heard internally or externally. 

It’s easy to zone out - simply zone back in as soon as you remember and get present. Once you empathically apply clairaudience in this realm, it’s easier to do it with the Other Realms.

2. Determine where your clear-hearing comes from

Internally/Externally/Right Side/Left Side

Many people believe that clairaudience means that you can hear voices and sounds external to yourself, just like you would hear a regular person. 

You may hear someone say your name, say hello to you, or a strange noise in your kitchen, but it's much more common to hear the voice of your guides come from within.

At the current time, non-physical Spirit is free from a physical body, and this means they also are free from a voice box. Thus, creating an external sound can be very, very difficult. 

So Spirit can speak to clairaudients; however, the message comes across more like telepathy, where you hear a voice in your head.

Not all internal voices are distressing, some can be helpful. 

Do you talk to yourself a lot? It could be a Spirit Guide or Angel you're conversing with. Do you 'imagine' conversations with a loved one on the Other Side?

Do you ask questions to yourself, then receive answers within your mind? If so, chances are you don't imagine it at all.

Voices can come through from within and externally. 

Strengthening your clairaudient abilities is also about discerning which you experience the most - the internal voice or the external loud noise.

External voices can sometimes be startling, and will usually happen when Spirit really wants to get your attention.

However, most of those in Spirit, I connect with speak clairaudiently, and I hear their voice through the right side of my head, internally.

Your right brain is your more intuitive, creative side – this is the receptive side for Spirit to use. Your left side is the more logical, more thought oriented side. 

To discern which voices are coming from where, when you talk to yourself try to identify the voice of Spirit vs. your voice. See if you can identify which 'side' of your brain the voice comes in. 

Spirit typically always comes through on the same side. And the voice of Spirit is positive, gentle and prodding.

Negative influences may intrude clear truth, but it’s possible to release them through positive thought therapy, self-love, and self-care.

Already talk to Spirit in your mind? One of the most common complaints from those in Spirit is, "I hear you, but you won't give me a chance to reply!"

Next time you connect, wait to see if you hear a reply. You might be able to get a conversation going.

Knowing how you receive is key to receiving more clearly in the future.

Photo of woodland antelope with large ears and horns by Rachel Claire from Pexels

3. Identify when it's happening

Often, clairaudients use their clairaudience and do not even realize what they are doing. 

Do you receive answers to questions that you asked all of a sudden?

Do you have a keen ability to deliver pinpointed truthful information to someone who just needed to have it all laid out on the table?

Do you speak clearly and succinctly allowing words to flow from your mouth, afterward, not realizing where on earth all of that wisdom came from?

When do you get your clairaudient messages most easily? For some people, it’s during The Golden Hour, the magical time before sundown. For others, it’s in earlier hours of the day.

Consider for a moment how and when you are getting this information.

If you are asking a question, consider Spirit actually hears you

Often, you hear the response internally, as it flows into your mind from your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, or theirs.

I often joke that unconscious clairaudients are the best channels for Spirit – because they allow the words to fly right out of their mouths.

Another way that clairaudience unknowingly presents itself is as an innocent conversation with yourself in the shower, car, or while cooking dinner. 

Do you run over worries, problems, or concerns over in your mind only to be offered advice on calming down, possible solutions, or assistance on solving the problem? 

A common sign you are clairaudient is that you talk to yourself often.

Next time you are running over a problem and get an answer, ask the one who answers you what their names are and who they are. Listen, internally, for a response. What is their name? 

The talk that is of Spirit is patient, loving, and gentle – never mean or berating.

Narrow down what voices are flying around and when. To do this, get in a comfortable, calm, seated place, and listen. 

Even just quiet breathing with my hand on my heart, calms down my energy so I can more easily distill the noise and hear that small, still voice within more readily. 

4. Know your clairaudience may be coming in as claircognizance

Clairaudience (clear hearing) and Claircognizance (clear knowing) are actually pretty similar – they are both ways of receiving messages from the Divine. 

With clairaudience, the message comes in the form of a voice in your head, mostly internally.

In claircognizance, Guides and Angels have often described it as a bird flying over and dropping a message into your crown. It is more like a thought download, less like hearing a word or phrase. 

You suddenly know the answer, you know what to do, or you know what to say. Rather than hearing it, you knew it, firmly and precisely – without question. 

This is a method of clear receiving information rather than hearing, this ability is a knowing, and with both methods, the information is landing within your mind.

When people are struggling to develop clairaudience, we often learn that they're really claircognizant.

Clients of mine who are claircognizant mention they knew they had a clear way of knowing, but they had no idea that this was anything special. People often don't realize their gifts because it is so ingrained in their lives. Claircognizance is under-appreciated for this reason.

One way to develop claircognizance is through meditation and clearing out the mind, by imagining all the thoughts leaving your energy field. This clears your own internal thoughts and allows you to receive from Universal Consciousness. 

When you clear your mind to receive from Universal Consciousness, you connect to a greater truth and usually connect to answers and solutions that will heal many on a mass level. 

So I like to think of gifts as a means of receiving that heals us and heals the world, because the abilities to receive tap us into collective needs, which usually represent a need of our own. 

Wondering if you’re Claircognizant? Check out this post: 9 Signs You Are Claircognizant

To recap, four ways to develop your clairaudience

Photo of two shells side by side in the sand by seth0s from Pixabay 

Photo of two shells side by side in the sand by seth0s from Pixabay

  • Practice listening to humans and animals, be present for hearing what is said

  • Start identifying where the ethereal voices come in from

  • When the voices come in, ask who is speaking, beginning to identify whom you are communing with and where these voices come from

  • Regularly clear your mind for thought transmissions too, as clairaudience is often mistaken for claircognizance

Paying attention to when we hear voices and being more receptive to your Guides and Angels, makes it easier to receive more of this type of delivered guidance.

You can begin enhancing and improving your clairaudience today. 

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