Spirit Q & A: The television is changing channels (turning on and off) and no one is touching it!
Updated 2020.09.24
Television is an electronic piece of equipment that continues to capture our attention and keep us thoroughly entertained and occupied.
When I was younger, my siblings and I were allowed to watch an hour of television a day.
Then the rest of the time had to be spent reading, practicing playing instruments, doing homework, helping with chores or spending time outside.
In college and after, I went ten years without it, but these days, things have changed. I now usually have the television on throughout the day, playing soothing images and sounds as I work in my office.
It doesn't matter how much or how little television you watch, many of us have a ritual of watching the TV.
With your eyes fixated on the screen, the noise, and the light, and the television usually being in the main social room of the house, it is an obvious choice for Spirit communication.
As it is sometimes seen with children's toys, Spirit can engage in minor television tomfoolery to get your attention.
It is not unheard of for the television to change to favorite shows and channels of a Loved One or be the ideal spot in the house for your Loved Ones in Spirit.
The Spirit World does and will send us many signs they are present.
However, those in Spirit usually have to create a diversion and create something unusual to get you to stop, think, and consider something else that may be going on.
They have to move something, make an unusual noise, or create some other out-of-the-ordinary happening, to get you to pause and question the nature of things.
Spirits will do this immediately after they pass to let you know they’re right there. They will also do it on and off, in the many years following their passing.
Times in which the television is on, often also coincide with times of the day when the veil between human and Spirit is thinnest and when you're alone.
Spirit loves to get our attention when we're alone because our notice is more quickly gotten, and we're less likely to write off an odd happening.
So while yes, minor spiritual television interruptions can happen, such as channel changing and it turning on and off, before jumping to Spirit involvement:
Make sure to look at the television connections
Check televisions in other rooms to see if similar can be replicated
Scan the remote for sticky buttons
Still, if your television is acting up, changing channels or turning on and off, someone in Spirit may be trying to get your attention.
What Spirits communicate using the television?
Electronic activity is often a deceased person.
Angels and Spirit Guides typically use other means to connect, like number signs and dreams.
The Spirit who is trying to get your attention is usually someone you personally know. However, there are rare times when it's an Earthbound Spirit who has wandered in and needs assistance.
Most of the time, strangers tend to ignore other strangers, the same is true in Spirit World.
If you feel it's not someone you know, and usually your extrasensory abilities of something unfamiliar will alarm if it is, check out: 18 Resources For Setting Up A Space Clearing Ritual.
These two tools can usually release a Spirit and prevent further manipulation of devices in the home.
If you think it could a be loved one, continue reading.
How do Spirits communicate using the television?
All of us, including you and your loved ones in Spirit, operate in the realm of energy.
Everything is energy, and according to the law of energy conservation and transmutation, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Still, it can be manipulated to change form.
Televisions, which run on electric currents, are a natural outlet for all Spirits to manipulate - as are lights, radios, children's toys, and mobile phones.
Through drawing power from the television or sending energy to it, your Loved One in Spirit could easily power a wavelength transmitting device down, or up.
You have a few options if you think this activity could be spiritual
Find out who this person is and their message. Once you uncover the message, the activity typically dies down.
Ask them to leave or cross them over. Use the two tools mentioned above or some people like to set a candle outside their door to guide lost Spirits out.
Learn more about Spirits who communicate this way.
To find out who this Spirit is and cease the activity, know fear can increase activity. I suggest deep breathing and calming down and then space clearing, which can enhance your emotional environment and reset the energy level of your home.
This can cultivate a more peaceful environment, attracting more of the type of spiritual business you desire, if this isn't it.
You could also try talking to the Spirit directly if you feel safe.
You could try asking for them to send you another sign to verify their identity.
To get them to leave, know you have the power to do this quickly and without a third party. Everyone has command over their personal space. Learn to spell out your boundaries with Spirit starting here.
Whoever you find out it is, someone clearly cares enough about you to manipulate the power of energy to get your attention, and that's quite a feat.
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