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How To Open Your Third Eye Chakra
Wondering how to open your Third Eye Chakra safely? In this post, we are discussing how to open the Third Eye in meditation -
What Is Light Code?
Spiritual Light Codes. What are light codes? What is light code? In this post we answer those questions and discuss the meaning of light codes -
Blocks To Clairvoyance
The most common reasons for a clairvoyance block & how to remove them. Inside discusses a few reasons for intuitive blocks and how to release a psychic block -
What Does 'Clairvoyant' Mean?
What does it mean to be clairvoyant? What is the definition of clairvoyance? This post discusses what it means to be clairvoyant and what clairvoyance means.
Seeing Static Energy Dots? Spiritual Meaning of Visual Snow
Seeing Energy Dots? Seeing static in the air? Learn the spiritual meaning of visual snow, or psychic static, also called orbs -
What Do Apparitions Look Like?
What does a ghost look like? In this post I answer the question, how does Spirit look when you see them claivoyantly?
How To See Auras Quickly With 6 Easy Exercises
Auras can be colorless or rainbow, and they express based on a soul’s life path and situation. In this post, learn how to see auras quickly in a mirror -
Spirit’s Fingerprint: Identifying The Calling Card
Calling on spirits for help? They all have unique calling cards. Inside is calling card meditation to identify your Spirit support team -
I'm Seeing Shadows - Are They Low Vibrational Spirits?
Seeing Shadows. Wondering what the spiritual significance of a shadow is? Are Shadow Spirit People Always Dark Spirits?
The Real Reason Why People See Ghosts
Why some people see ghosts and others may not. Your ghost sighting can be a wake up call to your intuitive gifts and in this post, we discuss -
How To Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities
Develop Clairvoyance! Learn how to develop clairvoyance inside with 4 tips for clairvoyant development designed to increase your clairvoyance.
9 Signs Of Clairvoyant Abilities
Clairvoyance definition plus answering, what does it mean to be clairvoyant? This post discusses and covers the most common signs you’re clairvoyant -