5 Crystals For Connecting With Archangel Gabriel

Photo of Amazonite, Celestite, Larimar and other blue crystals in front of Brown Bird Wing on white surface, with lime green background.

Photo of Amazonite, Celestite, Larimar and other blue crystals in front of Brown Bird Wing on white surface, with lime green background.

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Archangel Gabriel is known as the Angel of Miracles. As one of the Angels considered closest to Source, Gabriel is also one of the most popular Angels in today's lexicon. 

Right next to Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel is considered a power Angel. 

Gabriel's energy tends to appear as the color bright, light, cool blue, with some white light. Gabriel can appear as male or female though usually appears Male in meditations. 

You can call on Archangel Gabriel for miracles, for expressing yourself clearly, for a fresh perspective, for the feeling of calm, and for looking at the details.

Archangel Gabriel, a fan of public speakers, teachers, and marketers, is known to assist in clear pathways and communications.

When connecting with Gabriel, it's normal to feel usually serene, like you are on holiday, or as though you are floating at a higher level at peace. To me, Archangel Gabriel is like the embodiment of Harp Music.

You can also use crystals for calling in Archangel Gabriel's energy.

In today's post, below, I want to cover the five crystals you can use to connect with Archangel Gabriel's Energy.

Blue crystals on white background with text overlay, 5 Crystals for Connecting with Archangel Gabriel

Blue crystals on white background with text overlay, 5 Crystals for Connecting with Archangel Gabriel

1. Larimar

Larimar is often a blue-aqua to light-teal colored stone with white striations. It's known for providing peace to the viewer and for calling in the calming, soothing and cleansing energies of the ocean. 

You can use it to communicate with clarity in all realms. 

Larimar can be worn or placed in your meditation area for soothing communications and balancing your energy field for softer, and more honest connections.

2. Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is often a light-to-deep cornflower blue color. Some variations look like the sky around the time of a thunderstorm. 

It's a translucent to semi-translucent stone that promotes clear communication and opens up clairaudience. This stone keeps an open pathway for the Throat Chakra. 

Blue Lace Agate can be used to clear the channels of communication to improve your connection to others. It can also be used to enhance your ability to pick up on clairaudient messages, which can help promote miracle thinking and then action.

3. Blue Chalcedony

Blue Chalcedony is a partially translucent blue stone that sometimes appears with bubbles on its surface. This stone represents water energy and is thought to promote positive energy when public speaking.

You can use this stone to promote telepathic communication with your Archangels and to promote confidence when speaking. It makes a lovely palm stone when polished. 

4. Celestite

Celestite is a transparent crystal that often appears in points and clusters. It can give off a lot of sparkles when left raw and natural. 

Celestite is thought to open the portals to Angelic Communication when used in meditation or when placed in the lap.

Celestite can be used for creating and holding open a gateway of light, known as a portal, for use in Spirit Communications. It's a great one for anyone channeling Source Energy for personal, religious, or professional reasons.

5. Amazonite

Amazonite is dense, heavy stone that's opaque, and its coloring ranges from a vibrant teal to a light-aqua color, sometimes with white speckles or stripes.

Jewelry with true Amazonite can be rather heavy. The weight of the stone is thought to ground a healer's connections to the Heavens.

Amazonite can be used to anchor in high vibrational Angelic energy. This makes it a great grounding stone for Angel communicators. 

Working with Amazonite can also promote clearer intuition and throat chakra communication, that's both more stabilized and more grounded. 

So recap, to connect with Archangel Gabriel using crystals, I recommend

Photo of Amazonite, Celestite, Larimar, other blue crystals and candle in front of Brown Bird Wing on white surface, with lime green background.

Photo of Amazonite, Celestite, Larimar, other blue crystals and candle in front of Brown Bird Wing on white surface, with lime green background.

  • Larimar

  • Blue Lace Agate

  • Blue Chalcedony

  • Celestite

  • Amazonite

Have any of these stones laying around? 

Photo of Celestite, Larimar and other blue crystals  on white surface.

Photo of Celestite, Larimar and other blue crystals on white surface.

Try using these crystals to enhance your connection to Archangel Gabriel. Since Gabriel assists with communication, these crystals make great necklaces. I like to place one around my chest and neck when starting my meditation practice in the morning.

Without them, you can also generally use any cool blue stone you have to enhance your connection. As another substitute you can also visualize the color blue in your meditations and observe that shade running through your body as you ground or channel light.

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