111 & 1111 Meaning

Photo of two stone number ones on hilltop along blue sky by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

Updated 2024.11.14

Seeing Angel Number 111 or 1111? When you see this sign, frequently, it’s often confirmation you’re on a positive new path and headed in a new direction -

As one of my favorite number signs, if you keep seeing 111 on clocks, street signs and receipts, paired with its number friend, 1111, read on to learn more about what these symbols mean and in turn, what message they may carry for you when you see them.

It is thought that Angels, Deceased Loved Ones and Spirit Guides can all use numbers to speak to you, using numbers as the symbols to deliver a message to you. 

The number signs 111 & 1111 are some of the most commonly seen out there and often appear as a series.

If you are using a digital clock, when 1:11 and then 11:11 appears in a row, for several days, this is a strong sign to pay attention to where you are directing your thoughts as new beginnings in alignment with truth and stability are all around you.

One, by itself, is the first prime number that begins a chain of all other positive numbers in the Universe, divisible only by itself. When you multiply it by any other number, that number simply remains the same.

For this reason, I see one as a strong, stand-alone number, that is little influenced by the other numbers around it, but acts like a strong base to build the rest.

Naturally, this makes one an independent foundational number, that often symbolizes both sturdy beginnings and the excitement, and leadership of new starts. 

The number one in numerology is related to independence.

In tarot, the number one card is The Magician, which to me often means that whoever sees it or is connected to this number is self-reliant and also a bit of an alchemist, being able to create any situation they please. 

So this Angel number one is a great number of confirmation to see and can remind you that you’re a creator.

When you see 11:11, which is usually the first of the series you’ll see in a day - pause, and ask, what is going right in your immediate environment.

What were you thinking about? Where are you?

Start the moment amplifying your intent on the positive around you, as this is one way to start something new and be an active creator in the process.

Next, pay attention to what you were doing the moment you saw the sign, and see if you can fill it with positive thoughts and action. 

Usually, number signs can also be seen as validations of a choice or new path, so what are you doing when you see the sign?

This is a key to what this number as a sign is confirming as true and stable; pause to fill it with positive energy. This way, you move with the change and with the new beginning this symbol often represents.

Below, I’m now going to discuss what it means in detail, when you see the most common Angel numbers which stem from the number one, 111 and 1111 Angel numbers, starting with 11, eleven. 

The Meaning of Angel Number Signs 11, 111 & 1111

Photo of two stone number ones on hilltop along blue sky by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay with text overlay 111 & 1111 Meaning.

11 Angel Number

The number eleven often symbolizes both leadership, new starts and divine union, since this number boils down to the number two. Because of the number two at the base and the dual repeating sequence, eleven is also a twin flame number, as seeing it usually represents a new start in a partnership. 

In addition to a sign from the Angels, all is well with a new start.

If you are seeing this number a lot when manifesting new relationships or partnerships, or new patterns in those partnerships, this is a very positive sign to keep your thoughts directed where you want them to go and that you are leading this connection.

111 Angel Number

Symbolizes you are at the beginning, you are at a change point to a new future and it suggests you are a leader. When you see this number, it can be great for energy clearing and new starts, and represent an opportunity for you to step into a leadership role in your life. 

It’s often showcasing to you an opportunity to pivot, by bringing your attention into the now and new. Stay focused on the future when you see this number sign.

In a relationship, seeing number 111 can mean fresh new connections are coming in, so this is good if you are looking for new partnerships like relationships in work, life or love or fresh starts in older bonds.

In a job, 111 can symbolize turning a new corner, new perspectives, leaving the old behind, and new leadership ahead, keeping your thoughts positive and on these goals. As three numbers in a row, this number sign also symbolizes the number three, or the trinity, often meaning all things are coming together in perfect harmony.

In love, seeing 111 can symbolize now is the time to have total love for the self, stability in all directions, balanced in all aspects of self.

It’s often seen as a new start number for methods of thinking as well as actions, so pay attention to what you are thinking about when you see this, and lead with the positive.

When you see this number, have total certainty for moving forward in recent decisions that have been made, as seeing this leadership and independence number often means you are on the path of your soul.

It is often a confirmation you are in the right place when it appears.

1111 Angel Number

The 1111 meaning always reminds me that 11/11 was an armistice peace making day that ended World War I in 1918, at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day. Today, it is Veteran’s Day here in the US.

This solidifies it as a number that symbolizes balance, peace, stability and pivots for a new start. It often means that positive energy towards new beginnings are quadrupled. This number sign can symbolize truth, alignment and stability with a higher light, and standing your ground on a new way forward.

1111 is also two elevens coming together, which then means double presence and new beginnings.

When you see this sign, really listen to your intuition in the moment you see it.

You can expect stability in whatever you are starting when you see this number which is why when you see this number frequently, you want to focus on only choosing the best for you.

Due to this number boiling down to a four Angel number, seeing lots of 1111 numbers can also be a sign that any new beginnings you see now are like a square, and very secure at the base.

1111 is also a double twin flame number, like eleven, so this number can also be a great sign if you are currently manifesting any form of love relationship into your life or if you see it a lot when you are with a person who is good for you in a relationship of any kind.

Commonly asked questions about 111 and 1111 Angel Numbers

Photo of golden number one balloon by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

What does 111 & 1111 angel number mean in love?

Both 111 and 1111 Angel numbers can be a sign a twin flame is on the way.

In love, the 111 meaning is often a strong sign that new beginnings, patterns and independence in relationships is coming to form. If you are feeling in a rut in love, this number is a lucky sign that a fresh, divinely aligned karmic new start is on the way either from your current partner or if you are seeking a new one.

If you are seeing 111 during a twin flame separation, this is a sign that independence is good to keep in mind between the parties and the decision is representing leadership in whoever is making the changes.

If you or another has been playing victim, it also is a confirmation that now is a great time to take a leadership role in the change of the bond.

1111 is a great soulmate number, and in love, the 1111 meaning symbolizes stability, long term security and dual harmony, so this can be a great confirmation of love relationship balance. 

If you are seeing 1111 during twin flame separation, this is a sign to take a look at your own stability and that security is and will still be in your world even with a relationship change.

What is the 111 meaning in the law of attraction?

In the law of attraction, one is the pillar of strength and independence, so seeing it can symbolize a great time to recharge your energy, and be a reminder that your attraction potential is high.

If you are seeing it, it’s a great time to fill your energy field with optimism and self love, and bring your aura into an energy generation state of being. 

This number often means new things are starting, so to work with them, you want to use the 111 number sign as a cue to get yourself into a loving, grateful and feeling good state of mind, so things go where you want them to go to attract what you want to attract.

Overall, when you see 111 or 1111 Angel Numbers

Photo golden number one on aqua background by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels
  • Step into a new direction and initiate something new

  • You are independent and a leader

  • A new start is on the way; think positive thoughts

  • Your attraction potential is heightened

When you see it, it’s a great time to remove doubt from yourself, or from an idea and fill the space with only what you want to think and do. 111 can mean a very lucky new start, and 1111 can mean that start is rooted in stability and family. 

If you are seeing both of these numbers in a row, keep your thoughts positive and on hopeful new beginnings, as this is the best way to direct the charge in the way you want all to proceed.

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