10 Things To Know Before Investigating A Haunted House

Paranormal Investigations: 10 Things To Know Before Going - Photo of gold orange mirrors and fixtures in room with dark wooden doors. Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay.

Paranormal Investigations: 10 Things To Know Before Going - Photo of gold orange mirrors and fixtures in room with dark wooden doors. Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay.

Updated 2022.01.26

You may feel you have to seek them out in odd and hidden places, and sometimes it does help to have a concentrated place where to look, but Spirits exist everywhere.

Those who genuinely wish to communicate with you will often gladly come to you when asked and when using the right tools and approach methods. 

Those who are kind, compassionate, and loving in Spirit, such as your Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones, are available anytime, anywhere you are. Yet, paranormal investigations and going to specific haunted houses can be fun and informational.

You get to connect with different Spirits, cross-test your gifts against history, providing validation and confirmation, and you learn new techniques, as the more different types of Spirits with whom you communicate, the more you learn about The Spirit World in general. 

If you do choose to go on a paranormal investigation in an unknown location, there are some things I'd like to share before you go that may help keep you safe, secure, and free from friends once you leave.

10 Things To Know Before Going On A Paranormal Investigation

Rosaries are an affordable tool you can use to stay centered and grounded during a ghost tour. Some people like to keep them in their pocket because every time you touch it, it reminds you to call upon your Angels. Especially helpful when dealing wi…

Rosaries are an affordable tool you can use to stay centered and grounded during a ghost tour. Some people like to keep them in their pocket because every time you touch it, it reminds you to call upon your Angels. Especially helpful when dealing with darker less familiar energies. Photo of hand holding a wooden rosary by James Coleman on Unsplash.

1. Some Spirits Are Friendly

When I used to work at a Zoo and do wildlife guiding, I learned that some creatures are friendly and curious about humans.

Even within the same species, you'll have specific individuals that are more curious towards people, and some individuals would rather be elsewhere. 

The same is true with The Spirit World, some Spirits are very talkative and responsive, and others would rather just standoff and watch. 

So if you pick up and energy and get nothing, sometimes this is just how that individual is, and if you visit the same place over time, you may get the same 1-2 individuals that always seem to act up and put on a show for all. 

I like to think this was how they were in life, but sometimes, a Spirit may be earthbound and need energy, or in a resting state, I discuss this rest state more in step three in this post. 

2. Spirits Have Their Own Sets Of Boundaries

Not all Spirits respect wishes just because you asked at one time. 

If you've practiced spirit communication at home and set times and rules for the ghosts on your land or property, or in your ancestry, they may all understand how to best communicate with you already. 

Whenever you go to a new place, you have a new set of energies to figure out. Some Spirits have never talked to a human before, or they are recently deceased and haven't learned how yet.

So before you go, write out your list of boundaries, and once there, say it out loud.

The Spirits usually can hear humans speaking when they are in the same room with them, and if they want to communicate, for example, if they have a story to tell, they may listen to what you have to say. 

You may run into a few non-compassionate Spirits or desperate ones, but for the most part, when you go looking for ghosts, the ones who appear are usually just as curious about you as you are them. 

3. Be Willing To Stand Your Ground

For those energies which are intense, just a firm voice will sometimes do.

If someone touches you, rather than becoming filled with fear or start screaming firmly, calmly, and neutrally say stop. If they keep doing it, you can always leave. 

You can usually get these Spirits to depart from you by following the tour with high vibrational activities that keep your energy healthy or by clearing your space once you leave or once you get home. 

If you become emotional, those who wish to get a rise out of you may realize they can and may continue. It has to do with attention and feedback. 

5. Some Spirits Just Like To Have Fun

Some Spirits are more playful than others and mess with electronics or say and do eyebrow-raising things just for a laugh. Some do it simply to make a point. 

For example, if there is a skeptic in the group, you may find the foolish or rowdier ghosts finding their way to this person. Think of the comedian in your family.

These people pass away, and they sometimes find their way to houses that host ghost tours. 

If you feel you are experienced with Spirit and go on a hunt with someone more skeptical or less experienced, just know that sometimes Spirit focuses all the messages or energy on that person. I feel it's for a reason, but you be the judge. 

Just to observe and witness the fun, but do not take it personally.

I've seen it happen! In the field, the more experienced guides usually tend just to hang back, maybe make impressed eyebrow movements at each other, and let the magical moment happen. 

Photo of person in brown suit holding note pad and recorder by cottonbro from Pexels

6. Compassionate Communication Can Get You Results

I admit that saying funny things to your comrades helps to pass the time and helps you avoid overthink into every sensation, especially if you know you're going to have to be somewhere for at least a couple hours. 

Most Spirits can show you images in your mind's eye to communicate, which is a more silent form of communication.

Being observant, intuitive, and gentle adds to animal encounters and makes them more likely, and it does the same for most Spirits out in the wild, too.

When you genuinely attempt to ask questions and get to know who is present, you’ll receive the best results possible in all communications, both with those here on Earth and those in Spirit.

While I admit stirring the energy can get a response, openness can get you in-depth and abundant, detailed information, I've found.

7. Careful About Leaving The Premises

When you leave any space of wilderness, whether it is physical wilderness or spiritual wilderness, you always want to check to make sure you aren’t carrying home anything with you.

Spirits, without physical bodies, can easily follow you home. So, upon leaving your investigation, clear yourself and your space. Just use your favored method of clearing, and it'll keep you clear, unbiased, and ready for your next investigation. 

If you have something with you, you'll usually notice unusual activity in a few days, and at this point, there's still plenty of time to ask this Spirit to go home. Some people do this with prayer.

Others use Sage, Reiki, or sound healing. Here is a list of articles with a few ideas on how you can clear yourself. 

8. Spirits Use Different Tools To Communicate

Not all Spirits know how to use electronics to communicate yet, but for those who do, bring extra batteries, and double-up on necessary devices.

I've had fully charged cameras die, car and phone batteries drain, and multiple flashlights give out.

If you are in a rural location, for preserving phone power, you can use low battery mode or turn off automatic scans for wi-fi to save your charge, but these safeguards are not always guaranteed when working with The Spirit World.

If you are going at night when electrical interference tends to be lowest, having more than one light is something I feel is just so important. Some people like to have more than one camera or phone.

If you don’t get anything using one device or technique, that doesn’t mean nothing or no one was present.

Having multiple devices helps for other reasons, too. Not all Spirits know how to use the electronic tools you’ve brought, so when you arrive, make sure to explain how they can use the tools.

Not all are familiar with modern equipment, but many are willing to learn. So if you lead tours, explaining to your guests what to do can also dually explain/demonstrate to those in Spirit at the same time. 

When you teach those in Spirit present how to use the communication devices present, they have an easier time using them or will, over time, begin to learn how to use them.

Most of those in Spirit can manage subtle movements of physical objects or just prefer and are comfortable non-electric forms of communication. 

So, if you have a pendulum, dowsing rods, or something that you can notice that can move, bring it and use that.  

You'll want to use what you have, but if you have a choice, pay attention to the composition of your tools, too. For example, dowsing rods are usually composed of Copper or Steel.

Copper is a pure element, and Steel is a mixture of various metals.

For Spirits, I feel Copper is a better metal of the two because it generally has a higher electrical and thermal conductivity when compared to Steel. 

To me, meaning Copper is more likely to receive and hold a connection. In personal experience, I've found while coat hangers bent over will work, Copper, to be most responsive. 

So if you've tried pendulums or rods before and it didn't work out, just selecting and trying out another metal or metal alloy may mean all the difference in your success, and you may be open to giving it another go.

9. You Can Ask For Protection From Benevolent Spirits

This is like going into a crowd with a bodyguard.

If you are going somewhere where you've been told, there are more Spirits than rooms, you benefit if you go into the event with spiritual protection. 

Ask Angels to help protect you. My preferred Angel to call on for protection is Archangel Michael.

Some people simply do a prayer or wear an old fashioned charm bracelet - view my protection jewelry ideas here.

If you do this work for a living, you probably have something for protection laying around, or someone has probably bought you something. If so, just use what you have.

In the absence of any protection tools, even a prayer you memorized, for example, if you're out and about and someone just suggests a ghost tour to you, I find, just going on a ghost tour with at least one a funny or high vibrational person usually acts like all the protection a group needs. 

If this person goes silent, then everyone kind of has an indicator of when the energy changes. Usually, the funny one is the more perceptive one, even if they are more modest about it.

10. Have A Buddy System

Speaking of protection, if you feel you are not a sensitive individual, ask one to go with you. This person can help direct you to the spaces in the house or structure where a Spirit is present, which can help you save time on where to set up.

Also, I’ve found that when going on any type of search, having even more than one person on the team, you have more areas of expertise so something you don’t pick up, the others may.

You get to learn new things about the talents of the people you like, which I feel deepens relationships and friendships. 

This also makes ghost hunting a great bonding experience, I feel. 

My first paranormal investiation was probably when I was 11 years old. What about you? Is this your first time or your fiftieth time? Read on - Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay of ornate golden housing fixtures with text overlay - 10 things to kno…

My first paranormal investiation was probably when I was 11 years old. What about you? Is this your first time or your fiftieth time? Read on - Image by Niek Verlaan from Pixabay of ornate golden housing fixtures with text overlay - 10 things to know before going on a paranormal investigation.

So to recap

Going on an investigation can be fun, get you in touch with new groups of Spirits that widens your understanding, and it can help those in The Spirit World who have stories to tell, speak. 

When you have a plan before you go, usually, the whole thing goes better, so hopefully, a few of these tips will simply add to some of the plans you’ve already developed. 

In addition to all these tips here, I also suggest sorting through this list of old publications compiled by the Penn Ghost Project.

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