9 Signs Of Clairvoyant Abilities
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Clairvoyance definition: clairvoyance is intuitive sight, the ability to see prophetic visions which appear either within your mind or external to yourself.
Clairvoyants, people who have clairvoyance often see colors, images, daytime visions, dreams, and symbols. They see these images to help make sense of their environment, literally or metaphorically.
These are called clairvoyant visions, and they can be seen within your mind's eye or externally with your physical eyes.
There are four main methods of accessing intuitive wisdom.
Clairvoyance is just one way you can tap into
The knowledge of your soul
The collective experience of all souls of the universe
The wisdom of Spirit
Even though clairvoyance is somewhat common, many very clairvoyant people discredit their clairvoyant abilities as a daydream, wandering of the mind, wishful thinking, and their imagination. Or they have allowed others to do this for them.
This makes sense, as most of the intuitive abilities manifest from the same side of the mind that houses your creative centers - your right side.
The intuitive side of your mind is the same side that houses imagination, and your imagination also seeds mental images, lights, or shapes.
Because of this, it can get confusing to know if what you see is imagination or true prophecy, and below, we'll talk about how to tell the difference.
To start, here are some signs you may be naturally clairvoyant -
9 Signs Of Clairvoyant Abilities
Dreams are becoming more active or more vivid.
You find yourself daydreaming a lot, keep going this is how prophecies come along.
When you feel like there's a spirit in your space, you feel like you can see it in your mind, and you have an idea of how Spirit might look.
You have had precognitive visions in dreams or in meditations - this can even happen on the yoga mat.
You are starting to see flashes of light or having a faded view like the world is coming in and out. In Celtic and other forms of shamanism, this expanded view is considered possible by changing your visual focus.
You see things out of the corner of your eyes, to the point where you are double-taking and double-checking that you didn't just see someone.
Sometimes Spirit will stand just out of the way, or you can only see them at a certain angle.
You're good at coming up with descriptive metaphors to explain things. Your language includes lots of adjectives.
When you listen to a conversation, you often have an inner scene playing out in your mind where you can see it unfolding as it's being discussed.
You often create entire scenes in your mind about the future. You have been rated a visionary in personality tests before.
Have you experienced five or more of these signs?
These are signs that you have a sharp inner vision which can be enhanced, decreased, or even worked with progressively for the greater good.
If 5 or more signs resonate with you, you may be naturally clairvoyant.
Clairvoyant visions can help plan your life path, to determine who is trustworthy and who isn't, and even to further understand and navigate circumstances in your life.
Once you know you are receiving clairvoyant visions, some clairvoyant visions can be woven into everyday life. Acting upon your visions can be fun, and remember, you can ask for guidance from your Spirit Team on the steps to make your images come true.
How to tell the difference between imagination and clairvoyance
Clairvoyance doesn't always rise and make its first appearance in an elaborate precognitive dream, though it can manifest that way.
Often, it's much more subtle.
Clairvoyance can begin as seeing colors, swirls of light, or even start as being able to see faces in your mind's eye. In general, clairvoyance is thought to be a much more lucid form of inner vision than imagination.
Time often shows you which images are real.
Clairvoyance is one of my favorite gifts, and I hope you ultimately like it too.
This gift can be sweet as you can see good things that will happen for people, and when you do, that image is often embodied with a feeling which can be beautiful on the soul.
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