How To Develop Your Claircognizance

Steps to develop claircognizance. Photo of black and white notebook with skeleton key by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Steps to develop claircognizance. Photo of black and white notebook with skeleton key by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Updated 2020.02.27

Claircognizance is the intuitive ability of clear knowing.

If you are naturally a thinker and find yourself becoming aware of facts and knowledge with no explanation as to how you know it, you may be claircognizant.

And you can begin developing your ability to receive information through clear, intuitive, and divinely-inspired thought.

To start, begin testing out your abilities.

Ask out loud to the Universe to start receiving the sudden, stroke of insight, the Light Bulb type of guidance that comes from claircognizance.

When you start consciously asking for an answer with claircognizance, the answer pops in often suddenly in the minutes, and soon after that, from asking. 

You can never know for sure if you have the ability until you try it out and give it a test run.

Start asking questions out loud or within your head to receive answers to predicaments or problems that you have. And then, wait for the spark to come.

It may come immediately or after you've cleared out your mind from any distractions preventing you from receiving. 

One of the best ways to develop claircognizance is to open your mind up for space for it to come. So below I have a few tips that I like and that have been recommended from Spirit - 

3 Steps To Develop Your Claircognizant Gifts

3 Tips To Develop Claircognizance. Photo of people on a balance overlook by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

3 Tips To Develop Claircognizance. Photo of people on a balance overlook by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

1. Go for a long meander to clear out your head

The insight that is claircognizant can come during our natural thinking time.

Identify a long period when you are alone, begin to cherish this time as your claircognizant time.

Begin to notice what insights come to you during this time - usually, some of these are meant to keep you safe, productive, and warm, allowing you to continue your soul's purpose with more ease. 

Some other of these ideas are creative and will bring your soul incredible joy to do, which honors the Spirit. 

Sometimes, yes, it's just your own inner self hashing these things out, but when Light Bulbs go off - this is it. 

This is the Divine Spark. 

Once you identify when your light bulb time is, seek out these times to be alone, as when you need to clear your head. These designated inspiration-quiet times will help things can come to you more freely.

Quiet time is essential for developing claircognizance.

If your mind is always running, then there's no room for anything else to come in.

2. Start recording what you get

Carry a notebook around to make notes of what comes to you.

Strokes of claircognizance often come in as a word, a concept, an image, or a flash of something and then - poof - it's gone. It can be hard to remember the exact idea of that light bulb moment when you want to consider and think about it later on.

Spirit often suggests paying attention to the repeating ones, the ones that keep coming back - with everything happening, recording your notes can be helpful. 

Rather than let intuitive insight slip away from you, carry around a pen and a notebook to jot down what you receive, even if it is just the quote or the phrase or the image and nothing more than that.

With a place to log the free thoughts you receive, you can come back to it to gather more insight when you are ready to work with it.

You can begin to develop your claircognizant abilities when you start asking for it, carve out some time to receive it, and then record what you receive so you can remember that you got it, when in fact, it does come true. 

3. Open to receive external validation

One of the best ways to check-out if your receptions are real and authentic is to bring them to others and see how they pan out.

External validation is important because it helps you identify when a vision or impression was extremely pronounced. 

It allows you to think back to the other conditions going on at that time, which made it possible to receive that, making it so you can more easily recreate it. 

You can get external validation in an intuitive development group, like the one we have in The Membership.

Bring your knowing receptions to other intuitive or spiritually inclined people, who are more likely to be tapped into messages from the collective consciousness, can help. 

Bringing intuitive information to a person who hasn't opened themselves to information received this way, can do the reverse. It can create blocks and affect self-esteem, especially if you are newly developing.

So if you are wanting to get feedback on your receptions, allowing you to make them stronger, use your heart center to know if a person may be open, then share.

If you'd instead not share publicly yet, also know claircognizance is related to precognition.

Meaning sometimes your gifts get validated by physical manifestations of what you saw happening before you in days or weeks that follow a vision, dream, or insight.

You may see evidence of what your knowing tapped into, and this is your soul and the Universe keeping you in the loop. 

When or if this ever happens, know precognition is now supported by cross-tested research by neuroscientific labs, though it's still mystical when it does occur. 

Overall, claircognizance is a gift. 

To recap, to develop claircognizance

Psychic development steps to develop claircognizance. Photo of black and white notebook with skeleton key by Debby Hudson on Unsplash. 3 Tips To Develop Your Claircognizant Gifts text overlay.

Psychic development steps to develop claircognizance. Photo of black and white notebook with skeleton key by Debby Hudson on Unsplash. 3 Tips To Develop Your Claircognizant Gifts text overlay.

  1. Giving your mind space to clear, opening you to receptions

  2. Writing down, double anchoring in those receptions for you to act on them later

  3. Asking the Universe/Peers for external validation, helping you to remember the conditions in which you received claircognizance strongest, allowing you to recreate it

Claircognizance can be nurtured developed and connected to other abilities, such as clairvoyance or clairsentience. 

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