How To Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities

Psychic Development, How To Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities, Image of green liquid part in a cloud by Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay.

Psychic Development, How To Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities, Image of green liquid part in a cloud by Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay.

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Becoming clairvoyant is a fun and exciting process.

Clairvoyance does not always manifest the way you might think - as seeing something in front of your physical eyes - in your physical space, like a ghostly apparition or a flash of light.

For most, clairvoyance is the intuitive ability to clearly see actually appears akin to the way a memory or an imagination is seen in your mind.

Clairvoyance is the seeing you do with your inner spirit.

It's the spiritual sight of your soul. 

This ability manifests as an internal or external one through seeing within your mind.

If you can imagine a scene or replay a memory by seeing it in your mind, this is the same exact way that clairvoyance works, except often, clairvoyant gifts illuminate more of the present or even the future. 

While I have described this as an inner movie reel playing inside your mind, it’s often more abstract than that, and it can begin as colors, flashes of a scene, or even seeing a spirit. 

4 Tips For Clairvoyance Development

4 Tips for Clairvoyant Development. Photo of pink abstract art by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash, depicted as clairvoyance can often begin with seeing colors dance in your mind’s eye.

4 Tips for Clairvoyant Development. Photo of pink abstract art by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash, depicted as clairvoyance can often begin with seeing colors dance in your mind’s eye.

#4 Accept your visions, what you see has value

Have you ever told or thought at someone, “I told you so?”

Think back on what happened, this could be called precognition if it was a knowing or sensing. Usually, some level of precognition comes with all clairvoyant gifts.

It is now known scientifically as possible to see something for the future, even if you didn't consciously realize it. Take a moment to recall all the things for which you saw, felt, or knew an outcome, and then it happened.

Some people even find having a journal helps, but usually, I feel all it takes is just sitting back and thinking of a hunch you had, and basking in it. 

As confidence grows, the Solar Plexus expands, and this illuminates more of the energy field in front of you, allowing your clairvoyant gifts to pick up on more images as well. 

#3 More attention to your dreams

Sometime this week, set the intention to dream of something you need the answer to. 

It’s much easier to avoid the automatic reaction to discount a clairvoyant vision when it’s happening while you are in a completely passive state, like dreaming.

When do you dream, and subsequently wake up, write down every odd and small detail and then look for the symbols and metaphors. 

Pay particular attention to the things you didn’t understand or that didn’t quite make sense - the things that didn't make sense are meant to catch your attention. 

Spirit and intuition often speak to us in a metaphorical sense.

So while dreams may not make sense in a physical-logical-analytical way - they may symbolically make sense. 

We all have symbols that are unique to use, but there are universal symbols for things - across cultures, across nationalities, across languages - that we can all connect to.

Clairvoyance is often the seeing of images and symbols, where we can then use those symbols to understand something on a deeper, more meaningful level.

Interpretation of the clairvoyant images you see can help. 

The more you understand the symbols, the more you value the wisdom clairvoyance holds, the more easily it is accessed the next time. 

#2 Ask your Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones to start reliably appearing

Sometimes Spirit will start to make noises around the home when they wish to appear and be sensed by you, and then the passing of the information through visions usually comes next. 

State a request for small lights to begin to appear, starting just small globes, or flashes in the peripheral. Light Spirits can look this way. 

If you're super comfortable, ask for a shadow to show up in your peripheral vision, or ask for a dream visitation.  

See what happens. 

Your Spirit team wants to be visible to you, and you can give them a way to do that, with your permission. I find it is easiest to see Spirit in low light settings or on the nights surrounding a full moon. 

Since there is illumination, but not enough to saturate the entire retina, it is possible to see other bodies.

You can mimic this low light at night with candlelight, dimmers, or scones. Or even small room lamps. It is this type of light where it is easiest to see auras, too. 

#1 Work with an affirmation

As you ask for safe appearances and practice opening up to dreams, remember to remind yourself, each day when you wake up,

“I am profoundly clairvoyant, and everything I see is safe and helpful.”

Fear is a common block to clairvoyance and one that can be cleared by trusting some of the simple visions you get. 

Trust a few of them, and it works out, and you’re more likely to trust a few more. 

The way you can clear fear of clairvoyance is by meditating in the morning with this mantra and then in your mind’s eye asking your guide to step forward, see who appears. 

Then ask to be shown one action to take to advance your life positively. 

So to recap, 4 tips to develop clairvoyance

Psychic Development, How To Develop Clairvoyant Abilities, Image of green liquid part in a cloud by Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay with text overlay - How To Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities: 4 Tips for Clairvoyant Development

Psychic Development, How To Develop Clairvoyant Abilities, Image of green liquid part in a cloud by Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay with text overlay - How To Develop Your Clairvoyant Abilities: 4 Tips for Clairvoyant Development

  1. Accept your visions as possibly truthful and valuable

  2. More attention on your dreams

  3. Ask to see your Spirit Guides

  4. Work with an affirmation to open the third eye

With practice, you, too, can see clearly, naturally.

It’s often just merely a matter of releasing the feeling that you can’t, then slowly, safely and securely, beginning to pay attention to what you see - in any form that starts coming to you, in a place where you feel safe. 

If you try all of these things and you still aren't getting anything clairvoyantly, it may be helpful to focus on improving and identifying other gifts first and then moving onto clairvoyance after that. 

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