10 Ways To Get And Stay In A Happy And Loving Mood
Updated 2021.12.30
Wondering how to change your mood to happiness? Looking for some tips for getting in a good mood?
Today, I wanted to address just this and share a few ways to ignite joy and love, so in this post, we’re discussing how to be happy. Only as an FYI, this article includes a few affiliate links to some of my favorite resources.
Being on this earth long enough, and you are bound to experience something that shakes you up and has the potential to compromise your joy.
Whenever you go through anything, it has the potential to influence the mind, body, and spirit system.
As you come back to earth, and back to your center after any experience, it's essential to find ways to forgive and regain access to self-love and self joy.
Finding ways to love yourself and your inner child again can be easy. It can be a change in the patterns and choices you make, which can take time to develop at first, but you'll become a happier person for it.
Self-love is more than taking baths and eating right. It's also about embodying our higher self all the time, for yourself and others.
The importance of nurturing the self and taking care of what makes you happy and cozy frequently comes up in sessions with Spirit. And it is usually aimed at directing people to joy.
So after you get well versed in self-love and finding inner peace, the next step is practicing getting your energy levels up to the states of happiness, bliss, and joy.
Below we're going to go over a few tips on how to tap back into loving yourself, which is also usually a journey to joy.
Returning to Joy is also part of the abundance process and the process of finding and returning to your soul purpose.
Meaning, engaging in any of the below can reignite passion into a goal, business project, or creative endeavor, too.
Taking any of the below steps along with you on the next leg of your adventure to support you in becoming one of the happiest and most peaceful people you know.
10 Ways To Get And Stay In A Happy And Loving Mood
1. Be The Most Compassionate Person You Know
Everyone has within them the ability to be saint-like and to see others through the eyes of an Angelic point of view.
When you’re in touch with your higher self, you start to understand others and their behaviors from a more compassionate viewpoint. You judge less, and you accept more.
When you are compassionate with others, you naturally start to begin the process of being more compassionate with yourself.
What happens is that the waves you send out of love and acceptance eventually start to make its way back to you in the form of reflection.
This love within you then begins to reverberate through your body, so you feel the love inside your cells.
Once this starts to happen, it becomes more and more difficult to fall into a place of self-loathing and stay there for very long.
It also becomes easier to detach from non-loving situations, because you are forgiving and taking things less personally when you embody compassion in your heart.
2. Embrace Your Darkness
Each of us has a shadow side and a light side.
When pushed to specific situations, each one of us has sadness, anger, or a feeling of deep sorrow that can come out and guide our behaviors.
Usually, we can rise from these emotions before too much damage is done. Still, occasionally, these temporary emotional situations can appear before we realize how far into fear and away from Source we have gone.
Everyone goes through a shadow period or a period of their life where they feel led by fear or that situations provoked it.
So please never feel guilty for being guided by fear, in some cases, allowing doubt to guide has saved people's lives.
Once you've gone through this period, though, it's time to re-seek the silver lining.
When you do, you typically move into a deeper state of compassion for those around you because you then have a deeper understanding of the complexities of the human soul.
You learn what strengths you uncovered about yourself during those darker periods. You can identify what truths you gained about life and are grateful to have.
After meeting your darkness, you also are then able to come from a deeper place of helping others. Once you've met and experienced your Inner Moon, you are better able to help others walk through theirs.
Your moon experience also has a gift to offer. It can provide an even bigger gift once you release the fear of having it or knowing about it.
Accepting the gifts of your dark experience can help promote peace and happiness. When you share the knowledge of it, it can also liberate others, who may feel caged or trapped by theirs.
3. Forgive Others For Their Opinions
Or their lack thereof. When others go through a period of self-development, they are not always acting from the highest state of self-love possible.
People's feelings and opinions evolve the minute the belief they carry leaves their mouths at times.
People will often say the negative things they think, even if as soon as they do, they realize how it sounds if another had mentioned it to them.
A person may simply not yet know they are echoing something they've heard, and haven't considered the truth of it until it escapes their brain. We are all creatures of culture or habit, and cultures change only in exchange with others.
Everyone has opinions about the world around them, including ideas on who you are and what you are about, and not all of these opinions are true.
So forgiveness with others' thoughts is essential.
It is also vital to forgive when a person has no words of support to offer. When you forgive those around you for their opinions, this releases the idea that you are other people's thoughts or that other people are the thoughts they happened to step into.
As you release the idea that you are other people's thoughts, it allows you to live more freely in your own body. It also provides you with an excellent opportunity to laugh and let go.
And when you release a person of their thoughts, if you need some distance, take it. Forgiving a person's thoughts or absence can also include loving them from a distance.
4. Practice Dog Love
Dogs represent pure, positive energy.
They're encouraging sources of joy, hope, and optimism for many humans on the planet. Dogs also represent unconditional love for those with whom they develop deep bonds.
It is possible for us to embrace and display this type of respect and love to those around us, and give the same gift of love to the people we care about.
Start to provide love to others freely, even if just with your words, you begin to see how much of loving a person you can be. You can give loving support to those who don't provide it back, too.
It ends up being a gift to you, as it inspires you to have more positive thoughts of love about yourself and the world around, regardless of what is going on around you.
5. Watch Your Thoughts
Minding your thoughts changes the way that you think about yourself, your reality, and even the situation you're in.
It can also change the type and quality of relationships you have with others because it will change the kind of words and emotions that come out of your mouth.
Consciously watching and pivoting your thoughts as you have them can change the way the whole universe responds to you.
Watching your thoughts change as the words that come out of your mouth and the emotions you feel, can change how the world spirals around you.
Start by trying to talk to yourself the way a spiritual coach would. When you do this, you begin to see how encouraging you can be, and then you'll start to spread this encouragement to others, which lights up the room around you.
When the room around you changes in response to the way that you're thinking, you start to see yourself and your purpose differently.
This allows you to forgive yourself for anything that happened in the past, and you may begin to see yourself for who you indeed genuinely are. A loving and wise, complete being, who is also inspiring.
6. Monitor Your Media
You are what you eat. This goes for what type of books, audios, and media you listen to and watch. The mental kind of material you take in can change the way you view the world and the way you see yourself and your life.
It can also affect the thoughts you have.
What you absorb can increase or decrease stress levels, changing the way you feel about yourself, your body, and your life. Watching fearful or unkind media, music with an embedded scarcity mindset, reading books with suspense, can create feelings of instability.
This can impact your mood, your outlook, and how to respond to others.
It is much easier to love yourself when you surround yourself with loving influences. I like meditations for positive media, which is why I’ve created a whole archive of them in The Member’s Center on the website.
Meditation can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation.
You may enjoy listening to peaceful classical and massage music soundtracks as you work or wind down. I also like mantras.
Pairing down on any media that gets your heart rate going with aggression can help promote a positive and loving mood about yourself and others.
Though, noting this type of media has value. It can ignite passion and purpose for those working to advance and evolve experience on earth.
You simply may just want to reserve it for specific periods or for processing certain emotions.
Fiery media is often created in union with Archangels Uriel and Nathaniel, so even this, too, can be divine, just all in moderation.
7. Essential Oils
Feelings of self non-love and non-joy can represent thought patterns that have existed for many years.
Your environment could have shaped these thought patterns, the types of people you surround yourself with, or even the kind of media you heard as a child.
Regardless of where thought patterns or belief systems arise, creating new habits is like attempting to carve a new road through the woods.
It can be done.
At first, it can take a little bit of voluntary work and extra tools. Then, once the way is carved, the process gets easier each time you decide to take that same route.
One of my favorite tools for helping to stimulate the brain to stay in happy new thoughts and emotions are essential oils.
8. Use Your Dreams As A Guide
Dreams can tell us a lot about where our subconscious mind spends its time and what we carry under the surface.
By not processing dreams, especially those about situations in the past, a cycle may be continuing to be activated under the surface, holding us off from feelings of ultimate peace and serenity.
You can release and process undercurrent dreams by taking steps in your life that promote peace, happiness, and love, and feelings of security.
For example, merely having food in the house can assist you in having a more positive dream state.
When we look into our dreams, we can fully process our experiences and integrate our wisdom. Analyzing can help with letting go of waking cycles shown to us in dreams.
Angelic support also can assist, as you can call them into your dreams to send you messages about what needs to be released.
You can welcome Angels into your home, identify your main Archangels who watch over you, or meditate and ask for assistance for what can support your dream life.
I've written about a few things that can enhance your dream state here. Still, if you'd prefer to contact the Angelic yourself, if you're in The Membership, I also have an Angel Sleep Meditation.
9. Accept Where You Are
Wanting to change where you are is another way of looking at your life without love and seeing your current situation in the absence of joy.
It's natural to evolve and make plans to expand.
Wishing to change where things have been is a way of devaluing the soul growth you've achieved and the thresholds of evolution you've since crossed and mastered.
Every event that has happened has gotten you here. And there is no way to change the past. We can learn from it and try to look at what it has to teach.
Looking at the positives of your current environment can help you to accept where you are and allow yourself to learn and live on this earth.
Focus on just a few positives of where you currently are, then focus on how you see yourself in ten years, fully getting into the feeling of where you can be in ten years.
This act promotes feelings of acceptance and optimism about where things can go and cultivating gratitude for where things are now and where they're going.
10. Optimize Your Environment
All of us have environments and situations we are born into and grow from, creating the people that we are. We all have the resources in our environments that are different from the resources that others have in their situations.
Start to notice the resources in your current environment. When you do this, you can begin the process of adapting and maximizing the type of support you have in the situation you live in to stretch these resources best.
A species who can make use of their resources is the definition of someone who carries resilience and is thriving.
What do you have in your situation now that you didn't have ten years ago?
What about five years ago?
Any tools that you have now that you didn't have before are resources we can focus on to make the best of our situation.
Acknowledging these new resources, the small tools that you have around were manifested by you, and can also help to promote feelings of self-acceptance and love.
So to recap, to cultivate a loving, good mood
Embrace compassion
Accept your dark side
Forgive others opinions
Practice dog love
Watch and guide your thoughts
Monitor your media
Consider essential oils to boost your mood
Look to dreams as a guide
Accept where you are
Take stock and optimize your environment
You have the ability within you to change the entire universe around you, the way that others respond to you, the types of experiences you encounter.
You can shift the way that you see the world by merely changing the way you emote, meet, and feel about things.
As much as life can feel fixed at times, we are all capable of shifting the seas. Much of this starts from within, mindset first, then outer environment.
Of everything mentioned above, what speaks to you most? Which will you start today?
It is possible to reactivate a state of love and joy into your life, even after a long time away.
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