Spirit Helpers: Deceased Loved Ones As Gatekeeper Guides
Updated 2021.12.28
When someone close to you dies, it can feel devastating.
For many, it’s also the first time they really consider the whole Spirit, Afterlife, and the possibility of an Other Side.
On the positive side of it, going through any major life change, including loss, can open up a window in the web of life that didn’t feel available before. It can expand our consciousness, lower our boundaries to new things, and improve our ability to feel our empathy.
After someone you love passes, you may start to hear things you didn’t hear before, see things out of the corner of your eye that you never used to see, and sense things that before the crossing of your Loved One, you can't ever remember feeling.
This is normal.
Your Loved One likely wants to get in touch with you, and they can do it outside of a mediumship reading, in a variety of different forms of afterlife visitations.
Depending on how close you were, and the nature of your soul relationship, it’s likely that even with death, both of you can continue that bond in the spiritual plane, if desired.
Just because one of you has moved to a new home in another realm, doesn't mean the bond can't continue in some way. We are spiritual beings on Earth and when one loses the body, they often keep their spiritual body for some time.
Your Loved Ones in Spirit can help create that reality and it doesn't have to be unhealthy to stay connected to deceased loved ones. In grief counseling, there is a continuing bonds theory that says that in some ways, continuing a bond with someone now non-physical, can be helpful in the grieving process.
So when someone close to you dies, especially a soulmate, someone in your soul group like a parent or a best friend, someone who you would readily consider your other half, this person can become your other half - in Spirit.
They can help you understand how communication through the veil works both for you and for others around you. They create what is called a Spiritual Bridge and this is often done with Light Energy.
What this looks like in practice…
The Spiritual Bridge
One of the first things we do in mediumship development is to meet a bridge Spirit that links you here on Earth to The Other Side, over in Spirit.
It’s a spiritual being that is like a protector, that helps you develop trust as you meditate and open your connection, and travel between realms in dreamstate.
This individual is often a:
Guardian Angel
Animal Guide
They serve as a reference point of trust when interacting with any other individual in Spirit. I consider this spirit-individual, your Spirit World Orientation coach.
Everyone has one, and these Spiritual Bridge beings often appear in energy healing sessions, dreams or through physical visions. Meaning you may have already seen a Spiritual Bridge being who is attempting to appear to you and reach out their energy to make a connection.
They're someone you ideally meet one of the very first times you begin interacting in The Spirit World, and someone you can go to time and time again for help with anything you need while in The Spirit World - protection, guidance, advice, etc.
The key here - is this Spirit Individual is there for you as a trustworthy source of information you can rely on when you are unsure about anything at all.
What better person for this job, than someone with whom you already have a foundation of trust?
What better candidate than someone you already know, love and whose communication style you understand?
There is no better "bridge" individual than a person you love and already knew in this lifetime.
This is why many psychic mediums start developing their abilities only once they have someone special on The Other Side they can trust - a Spirit who was close to them in life, acting like a Guide to open the connection.
With a trusting source of insight in Spirit, often, it is far easier for us to ease into a spiritual connection, than without one. Meaning, having a messenger in Spirit you know, love and trust can speed up mediumship development rather quickly.
Spirit communication is a type of language we can all learn at any age. When you have someone you trust on The Other Side, you can both continue your connection with them in Spirit and access other realms of the spiritual reality in tandem.
Why does the gift to sense Spirit open when you have a deceased loved one in Spirit?
For many, there is really no incentive to build a relationship with Spirit, until you know someone personally over there, on both sides. All happens in The Spirit World when the timing is right, and when the space and circumstances allow it.
So consider your Loved One in Spirit, an old best friend, now ready and willing (and very excited) to start teaching you a new language of communicating via subtle energy.
Once you learn the language, then, the communication and connection - never has to end, it continues for eternity.
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