Clairvoyant Dreams: 3 Types Of Information You Can Receive In Psychic Dreams
Updated 2020.09.25
Do you have psychic dreams? Have you had any prophetic dreams in your lifetime? Find out more about dreaming and psychic abilities below -
It's possible to have psychic dreams of the future.
You can also develop your clairvoyant abilities gently, using your dreams.
The ability to prophetic dream and clairvoyantly dream of the future is well-known in my family history.
My very active dream life was one of the first signs that my father used to identify the fact that I had a natural psychic ability.
As a child, every night, I dreamt.
Sometimes, my dreams were so active, so lucid, that I thought my dreams were a reality. They would continue into my physical space while I was alive. As a child, I called what I now know was clairvoyance, waking dreams.
Rich and vivid, filled with metaphors and often events that would later occur in the future, my dreams kept me up at night, and thinking about them distracted me from schoolwork.
I still remember some of my dream scenes now. At the time, there was little research to support why they happened. Besides the explanation, my grandmother had these dreams too, and they seemed to run in the family.
Do you have an active dream life or wish to cultivate one?
You might be more prophetic and have more precognitive abilities than you choose to admit.
Neuroscientists now have research to support prophetic dreams of the future and estimate that anywhere between 15-30% of people have psychic insight come to them in their dreams.
Are you aware of, and can you remember your dreams vividly? Dreamt of something that later came to pass?
If so, intentional dreaming as a means for receiving guidance, prophecy, or insight is a practice that can quickly develop into waking clairvoyance - seeing visions and insight in your mind’s eye while you’re fully conscious.
Bright, colorful, and imaginative visions in lucid dreaming are usually signs of awakening clairvoyant abilities.
You can develop your clairvoyant abilities using your dreams as long as the fear of what the dreams mean is released and replaced with curiosity.
Clairvoyance may first manifest in dreams and can intensify as time goes on.
If you or a child of yours regularly has nightmares, lucid or active, colorful dreams, you may have future telling psychic abilities.
Clairvoyance in dreams
What can you see in a clairvoyant dream?
In a clairvoyant dream, you may see metaphors to describe the people in your life and their intentions, future events, or even descriptions of past events that are repeating themselves in the current moment. You may have spirits come to you.
Clairvoyant dreams involve scenes that are clear, crisp, and descriptive; sometimes, they’re called lucid dreams, sometimes active dreams, sometimes precognitive dreams.
Precognition is historically associated with dreams. And precognitive dreams virtually the same as future dreams or predictive dreams. While they are rare, they are an aspect of the reality of psychic dreaming, also known as clairvoyant dreaming.
Clairvoyants often have an active dream world where they can perceive true information.
Think you might be clairvoyant? Want to cultivate and make use of an active dream life? Or develop one?
The first step is knowing what to expect when having a psychic dream.
Let’s discuss what you can see with active dreaming, also known as clairvoyant dreams, and how you can increase these dreams or work with them, so you can use the information to your advantage.
3 Types of Information You Can Receive In Psychic Dreams
1. Spirits Who Wish To Reveal Themselves
Angels, Spirit Guides, and your deceased loved ones can all communicate with you in clairvoyant dreams called visitation dreams.
Guides often reveal themselves to us in our dreams. Spirit can and does visit you in dreams. They can deliver to your symbols and metaphors and can provide you with an answer to something specific you asked.
The dream space is typically considered safe, so we are usually more welcoming to our Spirit Guide's messages during this time. As you dream, your mind is open and relaxed.
When relaxed, there’s the least possible chance you’ll reject a Spirit visitation or message, so dreaming happens to be a favored time by Spirit to reach people.
When Spirit visits you in a lucid dream, it’s a very distinct and memorable experience, and there are certain qualities about it.
In a visitation dream, beings directly address you, there is more light and peace in the dream, and the feeling upon waking is distinct from other dreams.
These dreams help you identify spiritual support.
If you wish to increase Spirit Communication in dreams, set the intention before bed to do so and keep a notebook read. Ask to communicate and see what information comes forward in the morning.
2. Metaphors That Release And Identify Current Patterns
Some dreams, like lucid dreams, can help us shape the present.
Our consciousness attempts to help us understand our lives by showing us alternate explanations for our life experience through our dreams. These messages come through the language of the soul, metaphor, and symbolism.
Dream symbols can help us identify and release karmic patterns, see our life from a bigger perspective picture, and understand life in the current moment.
So sometimes our soul and higher self will speak to us in dreams through symbols and metaphors. These symbols can help us identify and release patterns so we can move forward on our soul's path.
Pattern releasing dreams typically identify themselves by being rich with symbols and coming in threes.
Through learning the universal language of symbols and your personal symbols, you’ll have a better idea of dream messages conveyed, what the information means, and how it can be applied.
Once you apply the messages, these dreams typically subside. When this happens, it usually indicates the breaking of a soul code, and you or someone in your soul group is moving up to the next level of spiritual expansion.
These dreams help you overcome challenges and are often repeating until the challenge is addressed and faced.
You can promote them by taking steps to have a more peaceful sleep, so your brain can go deeper into an intuitive mind state.
Any of the tips recommended for improving the comfort of your sleep space can also enhance metaphoric dreaming.
3. Prophetic Future Dreams
Prophetic future dreams, also called precognitive dreams, are some of the first signs of untapped intuitive ability, and they can be exciting or even make you wonder if you're living in an alternate reality.
Seeing events that could occur in the future is called precognition.
Anything that we can see in the future represents influencing energy that is affecting how we think and act. So if you see a future event, simply know this oncoming event may be affecting your life now.
Precognition dreams include thoughts or ideas currently in play in the non-physical world that we may be able to change.
For example, if you see a dangerous and detailed event in the future, you may be shown this information so you can alter it.
In some cases, if you don’t see enough details to change it, you may simply be shown this information for confirmation and insight into your gifts.
Not all future information that comes in dreams is alarming, sometimes a dream will predict a future meeting of someone new, and when this happens, it can help you prepare for the meeting.
Seeing into the future can allow you to make better decisions in the present moment, and in some cases, you can redirect your path towards or away from the future event you see.
Sometimes we will see the future as an opportunity to change the trajectory of our current path. Likewise, we may see the past so that we have a chance to heal it or change the pattern for the future.
To promote future dreaming, pay attention to getting in tune with your energy state more and more.
Do things that inspire you and get into your essence, and the more you are here, and in-tune with your life, the greater chance is you'll be able to perceive future energy when it's present. These dreams help you prepare for the future or rewrite the present.
To recap, on clairvoyance through dreams
Clairvoyant abilities can express themselves through dreams
Spirit visitations can happen in clairvoyant dreaming
Metaphors to help shape the present in lucid or active dreaming
Prophetic information can come through in future dreaming
All three above are possibilities with psychic dreams
Do you have any evidence of psychic information coming through in your dreams?
Whether it’s mediumistic information, symbols to help you decode a current issue, or insight into the future, if you have had any of these experiences, you may have a gift.
If you have a night of active dreams, know there’s usually something you need to pay attention to in your waking life. Go over what you received and actively attempt to decode it, acting upon the meaning of your dreams.
Any type of psychic dream gives you power over your creative potential on earth. When you work with the dreams you get, you can become a more active participant in your own life, which can be fun and empowering.
Dreaming is a passive way of safely improving your clairvoyant abilities that many cultures and people use to play out daily and future events with more ease and insight.
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