21 Things You Need To Know About Dead People

Photo of ghost figurines with patches and stars on them in a circle by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Photo of ghost figurines with patches and stars on them in a circle by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Updated 2022.08.24

Dead People Facts. What are some common truths regarding the deceased?

It used to be that on some days, before I started balancing my professional and personal life, I would talk to more dead people than I did living people. 

Over the course of these interactions, I’ve come across some stark differences between what people think dead people are like, compared to what they are really like.

These realizations have helped ease my own fears with interacting with the deceased, both in readings and in everyday conversations, so I wanted to share them with you.

Below, I go over some truths about the deceased, hopefully to release some of the stigmas - 

Ghost Myths - Photo of ghost figurines with patches and stars on them in a circle by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay with text overlay 21 Things You Need To Know About Dead People

Ghost Myths - Photo of ghost figurines with patches and stars on them in a circle by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay with text overlay 21 Things You Need To Know About Dead People

1. They are all individuals

Each person is a uniquely different individual with behavior traits, characteristics and distinct personalities that are retained after death. Meaning, each deceased person has a different way they like to communicate and express themselves - and no two are ever the same.

2. They are usually not zombies

Right. Most of the time, the deceased are not drawing upon the energy of humans to gain anything - many can get their own energy from a Divine source. They usually do not appear with their injuries sustained upon death, though this does happen from time to time.

They usually look, behave and act, just like they ever did - before they fell ill.

3. Most of them are friendly and nice

Most people, by and large, are friendly, nice, well meaning individuals. Which is why the deceased are quite a nice bunch to be around. You can generally expect positive, loving interactions from most deceased individuals - just like you can with most human interactions. 

4. They don’t always appear as white apparitions

Spirit can appear to us in a variety of ways and the traditional white, smoky apparition is only one such way. Many of those in Spirit can appear in full color body and form or a little bit more of a translucent version of themselves, filled with intricate detail.

The more detail, generally, the more it takes for them to learn how to appear this way.

5. They can choose to stay on Earth for Heaven

Many deceased people loved being alive and when they cross over, they are given the choice of staying fully in Heaven, or coming back to Earth to hang with their own loved ones, helping them out and spending time with the people they knew still on Earth, eventually crossing over as well.

There is nothing wrong with this choice - and it doesn't hold anyone back from moving on. 

6. Their presence can be easily felt

Going back to #1, their behavior, personality and energy remains the same in death as it was in life.

Just as you can easily sense a living loved one when they walk in a room behind you, many people can easily sense a deceased loved one walk in a room behind them - it’s just that when they turn around to see no one there - they talk themselves out of it.

7. They generally don’t have ‘unfinished business’

Some do, but most deceased people aren’t hanging around because of something unresolved on Earth. In fact, while many deceased do have messages for the living, they aren’t being held behind because of it - just like you aren’t being held behind in your life, simply because if you had the opportunity, you’d have a few words for a former partner.

You can live your life and if the opportunity comes to pass a message, you do. If not, no worries. For the deceased, it’s the same.

Photo of two ghost figurines and pumpkin by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Photo of two ghost figurines and pumpkin by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

8. They have emotions, thoughts and feelings . . . and can transfer these to living people

Individuals who are highly sensitive can feel the emotions and thoughts of others. These people are called empaths. They can also sense the emotions, thoughts and feelings of the non-living, just as they can the living.

Many people who have mood swings are actually picking up on the thoughts, feelings and emotions of the unseen around them.

9. They can create sensations that feel like someone is touching you

Spirits can’t technically touch you, because they don’t have physical hands, however, they can manipulate the energy around you to create a pinpointed physical sensation resembling physical touch.

When energy is condensed enough close to your skin, it can be felt and even leave marks. You can tell them to stop touching you, just like you can tell a living person to stop touching you.

10. They can hear you when you speak out loud or ask them questions specifically in your head

The deceased can hear you. The problem with communicating with them arises because they can’t speak back using physically produced words - requiring a voice box. If you are talking or asking questions of a deceased person in your space, they can respond with action or communicating with you another way - like by moving something.

11. The deceased can appear using the energy of the space 

All things in life are made out of energy - including the deceased. To appear, many of those in Spirit will gather stray electronic particles in the space and focus them into a small area.

The denser the collection of particles, the easier they can be seen. This dense collection of particles often looks like a ‘heat wave’ or wavy type of air. It’s generally clear in color, not white.

12. They can manipulate energetic objects

Spirits can’t technically touch you, because they don’t have physical hands, however, they can manipulate the energy around you to create a pinpointed physical sensation resembling physical touch. 

When energy is condensed enough close to your skin, it can be felt and even leave marks. You can tell them to stop touching you, just like you can tell a living person to stop touching you.

Speaking of a collection of energetic particles in the area, energy can be drawn upon or sent to, which sometimes affects electrical equipment - on purpose. If batteries are inexplicably dying, lights are flickering and televisions are scrambling, this could be a dead person trying to make you aware of their presence.

13. They can help you do things you never thought they could

Dead people are not out to scare the living. In fact, generally, the very nature of their presence means they want to help you with something.

Some deceased, now without a job or anything to occupy their time - seek to assist the living and be helpful in some way. Just like some living people want to be of service and to help others, many deceased people are givers, as well.

They can help you to put a birdie in someone’s ear, or nudge someone to get their attention, in order to arrange job offers, proposals, apologies and send certain beneficial people in your direction. Need a good word put in for you? Ask a deceased person to help. They'll be glad to assist. 

14. They sometimes ascend after death and become Angels

While most deceased people stay people after dying, others ascend in the afterlife and become angels. This is most common for children and those who were very spiritual on Earth.

Got an aunt who revered and honored the angelic realm all her life? There’s a good chance she’ll become one in the afterlife.

Photo of three ghost figurines in a row by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

Photo of three ghost figurines in a row by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

15. They can be hilarious and play jokes on the living

Dead people are not always serious. Nor are they sad. Some are pretty funny. In fact, they will play jokes on their loved ones to get them to notice them, lighten up and play a game with them. Missing something?

Could be your deceased uncle playing a joke on you! When you want to be remembered fondly, one of the best ways to do this is to be as fun as you were in life, as you are in the afterlife.

Some deceased do come out more on halloween for this reason, too - not to scare others, and rather, to be a part of the fun!

16. They like to hang out around living people

This may be a surprise, but there’s not nearly as many Spirits in a graveyard as there are at a holiday gathering. The deceased like to be in the company of others as much as the living do - and not to leech their energy - but simply, to enjoy a community of friends and family, even if no one can see them.

17. They don’t like to be yelled at and will generally respond the same way you or I would to it

Instigating a deceased person for a paranormal investigation? No one likes to be yelled at and if you do, it depends on the individual as to how they respond.

They can yell back or react defensively, or they could simply ignore and walk away from you. Either way, if you want a deceased person to do something for you, speak nicely, but firmly.

18. They can cross-over before their actual physical death

Not every person who dies leaves their body as soon as their physical heart stops beating. Some people leave their bodies before their physical body ceases to exist.

This happens frequently in the case of long-term decline. Do you know a deceased person who died from something painful? There’s a good chance they left their body moments before and didn’t feel a thing.

19. They can wait a few days after dying before officially crossing-over

Not every person who dies leaves this Earth right away and crosses over.

Some visit with loved ones they weren’t able to physically see before passing or attend their own funeral. But they don’t wait too long. Generally, there’s a small window of opportunity to cross over in the days after dying. 

20. Once they die, their physical concerns are generally relieved

Most of the deceased people do not suffer after losing their physical body.

Free from their physical self, they are often free of all ailments that occurred while on Earth. Thus, when they reappear, it is very rare for a deceased person to be carrying with them physical ailments.

21. They can choose the way they appear to others

Without a physical body, many deceased people can choose how they want to appear - which is why you’ll often see the deceased, looking the best they ever did while alive.

If someone would recognize them by body ailments only, in this case, they may appear in the way that would be best for others to remember them by.

The deceased want to be related and many times, connect joyfully and helpfully with the living.

It is only our minds, their behaviors, and popular culture that depicts them as otherwise.

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