How To Forgive Someone Who Has Died

Photo of pink and purple tipped white lotus, amongst burgundy and blue leaves by AJS1 from Pixabay

Photo of pink and purple tipped white lotus, amongst burgundy and blue leaves by AJS1 from Pixabay

Updated 2022.06.02

How do you forgive someone who has passed away?

Forgiving in the afterlife, forgiving when someone dies, is possible.

When I was in college, my dad died the week before finals in another state across the country from where I was. After that, my grandmother transitioned within the month. I've lost friends and a dog. I have a lot of support in Spirit, and I'm sure you do too.

Later, in graduate school, when I started doing mediumship readings, I noticed a lot of psychic mediumship readings were the deceased apologizing to the living in various ways, for various things. 

Even today, many of my traditional mediumship readings revolve around Spirit coming through to tell their loved ones to release feelings of guilt over what happened, and they are sorry for this or that. 

Those in Spirit do come through and offer opportunities for forgiveness, even if it has been many years since their transition.

So I wrote this post in honor of everyone who moved on before they had time to shore things up.

Forgiving when someone dies is possible. It doesn't matter how or what the circumstances; it's possible to have resolution in a relationship through the veil.

You can release and step into love even after some time has passed. It's always the right time for being at peace with another in a spiritual sense.

Below, I want to go over my five-step process for bringing closure to a bond through forgiveness if one party is on their side, and the other is in Spirit.

5 Steps To Forgiving In The Afterlife

Photo of white lotus on water with floating leaves by Anna from Pexels

Photo of white lotus on water with floating leaves by Anna from Pexels

1 - Go to a special place for the two of you

Even if you had a tumultuous relationship with someone who had died in your life, think back - there IS someplace where you share at least one fond memory.

I recommend smelling a fragrance or looking at a photograph where you are smiling with that individual. See if your mind takes you to a fond memory. Where are you?

Some people can do this just by closing their eyes and asking for a positive memory.

Find your place and go there. If you physically can't go there, go there in your mind's eye or through using sensory cues.

2 - Address them in Spirit

Imagine they are there with you and you are with them. 

Verbally or in written form, speak or write all of the things you want to say, have questions about, and why. Let it all out.

If you have a piece of paper, write down all of your emotions and thoughts and how right you are - and put it on the ground. If you want to offer an apology, you can.

Photo of three flames on beach by Edwin Danen from Pixabay 

Photo of three flames on beach by Edwin Danen from Pixabay 

3 - Accept the apology or the energy that comes back in return

Listen and see if you can sense a response. 

Even if you have not been to a medium to hear an actual apology from a loved one - they may have one for you.

When someone dies, they go through something called a 'life review' immediately after death. 

In this life review, they sit through a presentation where the events of their lives are played back to them. They see new perspectives on what happened. They get to see things through your eyes and the eyes of all affected.

Whatever this person did, they are hands down, sorry, and want to apologize. I've done enough of my readings to know that if someone did something to you - if you were my client - you'd have an apology waiting for you. Accept it. 

Embrace the energy that comes back to you when you listen for the dynamic response to your release.

Say you accept it, write that you take it, and then put it under this letter on the ground if you wrote it down.

4 - Release your feelings

The way I do this is by burning smoke or through a space clearing.

Still at your special place, gather some twigs, some sage, and any written papers if you have them, and create a small, protected fire.

Think about your intentions to have peace, to forgive, and to let go. Burn anything you've written down if you wish. 

They are learning their lessons in the afterlife. They will have to make peace with it in Spirit. 

Usually, if someone passes, and they have made outstanding promises, they will still attempt to make these dreams come true by pulling strings for you from The Spirit World. 

You have also learned valuable lessons from your relationship with them. Make sure to acknowledge that. If you are still reading, there's a good chance love was present in the bond, and this continues forever, meaning you also have forgiveness from them.

Once you feel balanced, your clearing is complete.

5 - Carry On

Once you release your feelings from yourself and then into the Universe, it's sealed, the energy is released and cleared, and it's time for you to walk away. 

If you sense your loved one is present, you can also ask for a sign that your message was received and the forgiveness is received.

Learn more about how to do that here: How To Ask For A Sign From Spirit.

If you decide to complete this ceremony, know that no matter how long ago someone has died, forgiveness can create a massive shift in your life. It is always worth the effort.

To recap, to forgive someone who has died:

5 steps to forgiving in the afterlife. Photo of pink and purple tipped white lotus, amongst burgundy and blue leaves by AJS1 from Pixabay  with burgundy text overlay How to Forgive Someone Who Has Died.

5 steps to forgiving in the afterlife. Photo of pink and purple tipped white lotus, amongst burgundy and blue leaves by AJS1 from Pixabay with burgundy text overlay How to Forgive Someone Who Has Died.


Go to a special place for the two of you


Address them in Spirit


Accept the apology and the energy that comes back in return


Release your feelings


Carry on

Some people like to end their ceremonies with anointment. 

For this ceremony, I like any of the essential oils for grief mentioned here. Frankincense, Palo Santo, or White Sage Leaf, if you are doing smoke to anoint instead of waters.

Ready to forgive? Next time you have a free window, give this ceremony some attention.

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