The Gift Of Presence - 4 Steps To Sensing A Deceased Loved One
Updated 2022.04.06
In this post we discuss sensing Spirit’s presence - how to sense a deceased loved one when they visit.
One of the most common methods of visitation by deceased loved ones is also one of the methods that takes the most practice to interpret and notice - sensing the presence of Spirit in a physical visit.
Sensing spirit energy is a real phenomenon of Spirits visiting.
So I'm here to talk today about how to be sure you have a presence of Spirit with you, and how to identify it from all the other energy out there.
Without a physical body and now residing primarily in Spirit form, your loved ones, Spirits, aren't restricted by financial resources, plane schedules, or physical distance.
It doesn't matter what time it is because, in the Spirit World, time is continuous and doesn't exist.
Your loved ones can visit you for important events, in dreams, and stop by over morning coffee. And they delight in doing so.
Your loved ones will visit you so long as you feel emotionally stable and comfortable with them visiting.
In the first few weeks to months following someone's passing, it is reasonable to cry or get emotional when you sense their presence or see an image of them. It's part of the grieving process.
For this reason, your loved ones may not visit you too frequently as you process and move through the bereavement journey. However, they may stop by more and more as you get more comfortable with their new state.
In readings, your loved ones often proclaim that having the liberty of visiting more often is one of their favorite parts of being in Spirit now.
Spirit visitations happen so frequently, I've written about the four most common times and occasions that your loved ones stop by.
Even if you never notice at all, they'll still visit you, and their favorite grandchildren or siblings, they don't mind popping by and being incognito.
If you knew when they were visiting, though, you might be able to say at least hello, thank them for coming and enjoy the fact that they are still a part of your life.
While your loved ones can certainly send you signs and signals like coins, birds, and feathers, it is so much easier and more enjoyable to visit you, for real.
It's like sending a card to your daughter every year for her birthday. Yea, it's beautiful, but wouldn't it be better if you could be with each other?
Nothing, in my opinion, is better than a visit from a loved one, and these are genuinely the most common Spirits whose presence you'll sense.
So in this post, we're going to learn how you can sense the presence of your loved ones comfortably without playing a guessing game. No longer will you assume your mother was there, you'll know.
The tips below also work for sensing pets and other types of Spirits.
Let's get started -
4 Steps To Sensing A Deceased Loved One
1. Get relaxed
Go for a walk, do some exercise. Lay down in bed and take some deep breaths. Whatever it is that you do to take a load off, loosen up your muscles, relax your Spirit, and quiet your mind.
Get as relaxed and as cozy as you possibly can without being at risk of falling asleep. And if you do, you need to relax. You can always start this exercise another time.
There are no time constraints - your loved ones will patiently wait for you to connect.
2. Take a trip down memory lane
Once you are relaxed, think of the loved one you have in mind and want to begin to start sensing and noticing.
Start with one person or pet for now, and if you have others in mind, work on sensing them after you've mastered your ability to sense your first.
Now close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in your kitchen with your back turned to the open doorway behind you. Just take a moment to imagine this scene.
Next, imagine that your deceased loved one has just stepped in behind you.
What does your loved one feel like to you?
What did they feel like when they were alive when you were with them?
What does it feel like with them there?
If you can't think of a good description with words - it doesn't matter - so long as you can feel it.
If they were alive right now, you would know if the person who entered the room was your husband, dog, 5-yr old daughter, or brother. You would know. You would be able to feel their energy and sense who it was.
This energy, the essence of who they are is still the same - it hasn't changed at all - just remember it.
It's okay if you can't think of the words. Remember the feeling.
Now, go back to yourself, standing in the kitchen with your eyes closed. What does this person feel like to you?
This is the feeling washing over you is what you'll want to notice and pay attention to when out and about, or at your next family gathering.
3. Recall your favorite moments and times with your loved one
Now that you remember what this person feels like, start thinking of your most memorable moments with your loved one.
Think of at least three happy memories you have with them and then actually feel the memories in your body.
Your most precious moments with this person are their most cherished moments, too. So sometimes they will show you these memories as a clairvoyant vision to let you know when they're around.
When you feel this energy in your body, spontaneously, this is when they will be visiting you. Occasionally, people will see the memories flood to them spontaneously, and this will be the first sign their loved ones are there.
And yes, sometimes your deceased loved ones do show up randomly on a Tuesday afternoon.
Over time, you'll start to notice these energies washing over you around at times when you wouldn't have expected. These are typically the visitations.
4. Bring it all together and practice
Once you have practiced remembering what your loved one feels like to you - the standing in the kitchen with your eyes closed exercise - take a moment to try this exercise more than once. Call them in and feel how they feel to you.
Try to remember what they feel like as often as you need - to make sure you have it down pact.
It feels good to remember, too. So please, practice, practice, practice away.
Next, take your loved one sensing abilities out for a test run.
Think of the cherished moments and the moments you wish for this person to be there and start to test your spirit-sensing abilities in one of these moments.
A few ideas for practicing sensing
Do you miss your grandmother when you are rocking your newborn to sleep?
This is a relaxed time naturally good for tuning in.
The next time you are rocking your newborn to sleep and are alone in the nursery without any interruption, to whoever you want to call in or can sense with you, say out loud:
"I'm ready to practice with you now."
Then wait and see if you can sense their energy, feeling the emotions of their happiness with you. If you can’t sense anything, try walking away from unneeded electronics and shut down any electrical fields around you and then see again.
Do you miss your person when thinking about going for a hike?
On your next walk, imagine them out in front of you and notice how you feel, as you are sensing their energy/mood/spirit with you. When you sense this again spontaneously, it may be a real sign.
The key is to call it up once so you can identify it and then look for feeling the same again. Most of the time, we become mirrors of the people that we love, reflecting in ourselves aspects of them that we both honored and admired.
So that when this person or pet passes over, we don't lose their most cherished points because we are them.
So to recap, to sense the presence of your loved one
#1 Get relaxed.
You can start listening to soothing music, going for a walk, rocking a baby, or any other pursuing any other activity that soothes you.
#2 Reminisce of what your person or animal felt like in the past when they would step into a room.
Imagine their face, their feel.
#3 Then, remember at least three good memories you have of them.
You can use a way back timer for this or simply call them up in your mind. Attempt to cultivate their energy with you when you'd want them to be present.
#4 When you get these sensations, feelings, or cues spontaneously, this is usually a sign when they're genuinely around.
This is spiritual communication using a shared symbol.
The more that you can think of yourself being at one with the energy of your loved one, the easier it will be to carry their heart and soul with you, wherever you go, and miss them less.
And if you have sensed a presence before, know there are different languages used to talk about it in different cultures. For example, in mountain climbing, it's called the Third Man Factor.
Some people call it the feeling when God walks near them, and you can call it up for just about any energy you want to bring forth. Still, it's especially lovely when it happens on its own after you've been practicing.
If you do sense the presence of a loved one, know this is considered normal in some cultures, a study in Japan found that 90% of widows felt the presence of their dead spouse.
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