How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians

Photo of ferns in golden glowing forest by Johannes Plenio from Pexels

Updated 2024.12.09

One of the best things you can do to begin to build a relationship with your Spirit Guides and Angels is to start learning about the ones that interest you most. To start building a relationship with your Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians, surround yourself with them.

Bring art inspired by them into your home, research the Angels in your energy field, and check out some of the animals that have come forward in your meditations or inspirations.

There are many types of Spirit Guides and Angels Guardians out there, and you likely have thousands of them watching over you.

Though, for the most part, anyone of us has around three to four Spirit protectors looking over us at any time.

If you're wondering how Spirit Guides and Angels are assigned, you'll be happy to know they are usually assigned or picked out for you before birth. 

Typically your parents, ancestors, and you, before you enter this realm, all go into deciding who will be on your Spirit Guide and Angel Guardian Team in this lifetime. 

When you begin to learn about Spirit Guides and Angels, you begin to pick up on nuances within their typical behavior and personality.

Then when you know how each Spirit behaves, it's much easier to understand how, when, and why they visit - and to call upon them for help when you need it.

The different groups of Spirits out there to safely connect with are plentiful. They may be dependent on your culture, where you are living regionally, or your ancestral lines.

How you begin communicating with your Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians will be unique to you.

Below, are three primary ways you can open the connection that is waiting for you:

How To Connect with your Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians - Photo of a green fern by Mwabonje from Pexels with text overlay of title.

1- Hone in on a Spirit group you're drawn to

This is the first step in connecting with Spirit. A connection with Spirit can start easily, and all groups stem from a ray of Universal Source energy.

Do you enjoy those in the Angelic realm? Do you have a friend that recently passed over? They can be a Spirit Guide. Seeing visions of Animal Spirit Guides?

If you create art, think about the types of energies that have been coming forward in your creations. 

If you meditate or have another relaxation practice, think about any visions that have come forward. If you recently had a child, think about what types of Animal Archetypes came through as good for the nursery. 

Some people recognize their Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians through gifts received by grandmothers, lovers, and friends. The people closest to you can usually see objectively into your energy field.

These are all usually useful clues about the types of energies that are hanging around and will be most comfortable for you to access. 

You can connect with Spirit through physical tools - art, crystals, and books that feature them, will bring the energy in, so it is around and more comfortable to access.

The goal of Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians, no matter what shape or symbols they first use to appear, is to watch over you and foresee your life path and your goals. 

They can help you form an alignment between you and your soul purpose, creating a more relaxed and enjoyable life. Choose one group of those in Spirit that seem most interesting to you.

To begin, check out: The 6 Types Of Spirits You Need To Know About.

2 - Call this Spirit Guide or Angel Guardian in to help with something in their expertise

Think of one area of your life that you want to see the most transformation. 

For an idea of where to transform, think of money, career, purpose, love, health, or living situation. These are the six most common areas people want to evolve into something better.

Most of my consultations now focus on stability and career, or spiritual gifts.

For some ideas on who to call in to start, Angels and Spirit Guardians that work over these areas are:

Take one Spirit Guide group and sit down to meditate, pray, or call them in and ask for assistance with this area.

Here's a prayer you can use to connect with Spirit.

Visualize the loving energy of a Spirit coming forward and wrapping around you. It can often appear in your mind's eye as imagining diffuse light swirling in around you.

Notice what colors appear, what words you hear, and what images come into your mind. These are usually symbols you can use to identify the Spirit. 

The first sign you'll usually notice that the energy is with you is a shift in your perception or emotion. 

They may send love energy into your heart, or deliver messages of patience, or show you an image of somewhere you could provide more mercy or grace. 

As you feel their energy, know this is called becoming one with Spirit. 

Once you become one with Spirit, a Guide, or an Angel, then it is easier to walk with them in your actions and transform your life with their guidance in that area.

3 - Ask for evidence of their presence

Now you've identified a Spirit Guide or Angel Guardian, called on their energy and visualized it coming in, now it's time to ask for a sign.

This is called proof of existence. The proof is essential because it provides tangible evidence that you do have spiritual support. 

This is what makes it easier to trust your spirit team and guardians as you develop a relationship with them. It also allows you to be able to trust the guidance you receive in the future.

There are many signs you can ask for - numbers, feathers, words, animals, and more.

Whatever proof you ask for, be specific. The more specific you can be, the more likely you are to actually get and notice that sign. 

Some people ask for a future vision and then see if it comes true the next day, as their sign. Some people like numerical signs. Some people even like to ask for a book or a mentor to come forward. 

Your heart will always validate for you that a sign is a sign. When you get a real sign, your heart usually feels expanded and open. 

Just pay attention to your heart. When you get true evidence from Spirit, your heart feels like it's expanding beyond your energy field.

The more you send out calls to Spirit, the more your energy field fills with pure, light energy. 

Your Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians want you to feel complete love and joy, so their signs will typically reflect this feeling when received.

So as a recap, to connect with your Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians:

Photo of fern in bokeh light by Mwabonje from Pexels

To start your journey working with your Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians, these are the first three steps needed to begin. 

  1. Hone in on the closest, most interesting group

  2. Ask them to fill your energy and support something you want to grow

  3. Then ask for physical evidence or proof to validate

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