5 Signs You Have A Dolphin Spirit Guide

Photo of three dolphins in the water in misty pink and blue light by Guillaume Meurice from Pexels

Updated 2024.11.18

Dolphin Spirit Guides tend to be known for inviting in playfulness, community, and a sense of humor. 

There are forty-nine different species of dolphins, and the most common around where I am located is the Bottlenose Dolphin. When connecting with a Dolphin Spirit Guide, they can make their presence known to you by feeling, a clairvoyant vision, or even through another intuition that you trust.  

Having a Dolphin Spirit Guide can mean you are more drawn to a flowy lifestyle. You’re feeling more playful, and it can signify you may be an energy channel or could benefit from receiving energy work.

If you have been feeling extra playful lately, you may have a Dolphin Spirit Guide, but that's only one of the signs.

Below are 5 ways to tell you have a Dolphin Spirit Guide on your team -

5 Signs You Have A Dolphin Spirit Guide - photo of dolphin in water reflecting pink light, with warm pink-red sky and clouds on the horizon by Guillaume Meurice from Pexels with text overlay of title.

1. You're drawn to blues, grays, and aqua colors

Oceanic colors calling your name? Have you been dressing in the shades of the ocean? Anytime a person starts shifting their wardrobe to a specific color palette, this can be a sign they have a new Spirit Guide watching over them. 

Dolphin Spirit Guides can show themselves by guiding those they watch over to pick out colors that represent them.

They will also guide people to accent colors for the ocean sunset, or colors of the sand or shells. If you've been dressing or picking out designs lately in ocean patterns, this can be a sign you have a Dolphin Spirit Guide.

2. You’re drawn to go with the flow and flowy lifestyles

Whenever you have a chance to go back and be yourself, you always return to a semi-state of flowing with the movement of the waves. Think of when you are allowed to be yourself. Are you carefree? Do you desire to go with the flow?  

If you've been drawn to flowy clothes, going with the flow, and simply playing in the playground that is Earth lately, this is a sign a Dolphin Spirit Guide may be with you. 

Dolphin Spirit Guides go where and amongst those where it feels safe. So if you are attempting to flow where it's best for you, this is a sign you are being guided by a Dolphin Spirit Guide.

3. You've been feeling more like playing

Dolphins live in schools where they will often play with other dolphins, sometimes using tools for play, or socializing with other members of their community, to up their level of playfulness. Have you been seeking ways to enhance play? Have you noticed yourself engaging or wanting to engage in more joyful activities? 

If you notice that your soul is more geared towards play, this is a sign that a Dolphin Spirit Guide is guiding you back to a more loving, light-hearted lifestyle.

4. You're using sound and vibrational waves to communicate more

Dolphins share a collective consciousness and communicate with other beings, including humans, with the waves they send out either by the heart rhythm or by their thoughts. 

When you’re picking up on the vibrational signals sent by others and using it to guide you, this is a sign of Dolphin Energy. For example, if you can sense someone’s energy field, or how they feel before they tell you, then you are using waves to communicate. 

If you’re using clairsentience to guide you more than you are using the words of others, you are connecting with Dolphin Spirit Guide energy. 

5. You've been drawn to energy healing modalities

Dolphin Spirit Guides will often enhance the lives of those they work with by guiding them to sound therapy, Reiki, or other forms of vibrational aligning modalities. 

Shifting your frequency through the wave moment of light, sound, or vibration is the Dolphin's specialty. Using waves of energy to harmonize the body is something Dolphin Spirit Guides delight in assisting with. So if you have noticed yourself being guided by these practices, there's a good chance you have a Dolphin Spirit Guide around. 

To recap, if you…

Photo of dolphin in water reflecting pink light, with warm pink-red sky and clouds on the horizon by Guillaume Meurice from Pexels


Feel drawn to ocean colors


Want to go with the flow in life


Have been feeling more playful


Are using vibrational therapy more


Feel connected to energy healing modalities

Noticed a few of these signs? You most likely have a Dolphin Spirit Guide.

If so, you can tap into the energy of your Dolphin Spirit Guide by placing your feet flat on the floor, your hands palm up, and closing your eyes. Once there, in your mind’s eye, ask your Dolphin Spirit Guide to appear to you and give you a message.  

Use that message to guide the rest of your day. That's the first step. 

It is possible to live a playful life like the Dolphin here on Earth. The more you connect with their energy, the more you will draw it in and invite the Dolphin's sensitive, playful side into your life. 

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