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How Long Does It Take A Spirit To Cross Over?
When Spirits First Visit After Loss. How long does the soul’s transition take? What can I expect as a soul transitions to heaven?
Is Your Loved One Crossed Over?
In this post we discuss the signs a deceased loved one has transitioned to The Otherside. Has your deceased loved one made it to heaven? Here's how to tell -
What Spiritually Happens When A Parent Dies
Parents in The Spirit World. What spiritually happens after a parent's transition to the afterlife? Learn how parents who transition live on in Spirit.
Do The Deceased Go To Their Own Funerals?
Attending your own funeral. Do spirits attend their own funeral? Does the now-dead person go to their own funeral or legal happenings?
Crossing Over Window: How Long Does It Take To Cross Over?
Can the deceased visit their own funeral after they die? Find out what happens when they cross over, here.
About Spirit Rescue & How It Helps Earthbound Spirits
Grey Zone Spirits. Find out more about spirit rescuing Earthbound Spirits and crossing them into the light in this post.
Do Our Loved Ones Really Wait For Us On The Other Side?
Do our loved ones wait for us in Heaven? Do our loved ones remain for us before they reincarnate, continue to the next level of their soul's journey?
How To Cross Over A Spirit
How To Cross-Over A Deceased Loved One. How do you cross over a Spirit into the Light? Inside are the best crossing over Spirit tips to transition Earthbounds.
What To Expect When A Loved One Transitions To The Otherside
What happens in the transition to Heaven? Inside I discuss the transition to the Otherside and what happens after death, spiritually -
The Difference Between Ghosts, Earthbounds And Crossed-Over Spirits
There are Spirits, and then there are Ghosts. Two different players in the game, both without physical bodies, but very different in essence.
What Is The Life Review?
Soul Life Review. This post covers the life review process after death and touches on a bit about life in The Spirit World when the soul transitions.