What Is A Soul Contract?
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Before our births, each one of us exists in spirit form.
During this time, your Spirit selects a plan for your next life that will assure you achieve the most soul growth as possible and have the most fun and wonder for your time on Earth.
To do this, you create a life that will include joys and achievements, all specially designed for your soul to develop.
The ultimate goal of all souls is to have full capacity to experience, give and receive unconditional love of the universe.
All souls on Earth have a contract and are here for specific purposes.
The purpose of the Soul Contract
The life plan you develop to grow and develop as a soul incarnated on this Earth, to move closer to unconditional love, is called a soul contract.
You can step into the mystery of unfolding, and stand in the wonder. Yes, it is possible to evolve and shape it on many levels.
While the soul contract is the 'deal' you make with yourself to follow the path you all set forth, you want to think of it like a tree or a river, and there are many channels and pathways you can take.
For this reason, the soul contract can be somewhat creative.
Thankfully, you always create your soul contract with helpers. Call them what you will, Spirit Guides, Jesus, Angels, Watchers, Water Signs, Air Signs, Guides, whomever.
We are all incarnated on this Earth with souls who walk us on this journey of love.
To make sure this soul contract of your own and Spirit's design is followed, you choose and are assigned Spirit Guides to support this path.
Helpers on the way to your destiny
These are called wayfinders or pathfinders.
They are in charge of sending you signs to make sure you are on the right path and are with you as you learn the lessons you came here to achieve.
Spirit Guides are wonderful spiritual helpers, many of which are with us since birth.
Events can also be wayfinders.
If you remember your entire contract, you would certainly not learn most of the lessons, as many of us want to avoid pain.
With pain, think of it as a lightning strike, there is always new growth and blossoms and happy things at the end.
In horticulture, it is lore that fruit trees deliver more sugary fruit on the branch most affected by the strike since the flow of sugars and waters is changed.
All of our joys, hardships, and full-spectrum experience of life are in the contract to teach us about how to love and be loved.
And we may not remember the exact details of how we set this up once we incarnate on Earth.
The plans may also change.
Can you break a Soul Contract?
To break the contract would only mean that you were no longer following the path that you decided upon.
There are many ways to step away from your destined path, and usually these involve distractions that don't make you feel good. Nature has a funny way of doing things and letting you know where your soul needs to go.
Your Spirit Guides will try to keep you in the direction of your path, usually through signs. Signs can manifest in the body, in your dreams, or even in your energy field.
They sometimes send you happy animal or human guides to help lure you back to the way of your truth.
What makes you happy? Can you think of it?
Has someone, any being, you trust providing that, has ensured that? This may be a Spirit Messenger sent to lovingly help guide you back to the path.
Many times, we pick up on these signs and re-align with our purpose on this Earth naturally.
What happens if someone breaks a Soul Contract with you?
I like to think of this as two canoes choosing to sail down different channels at the next fork in the river. Usually, these decisions are guided by a person's inner Spirit, their Guides, or Guidance System.
Souls make contracts that involve other souls, to assist each of you in learning lessons.
Typically, this is decided when both of you are in Spirit, together before you come in.
Sometimes this deviation is decided by the Great Spirit before we head into this Earth, so it's hard to place blame.
Did they really break the contract, or was this evolution of the relationship initially part of the deal?
One thing you can do is pray, meditate, or ask your Guides about it.
If you have a karmic lesson that you still must release, another soul helper usually appears later in Déjà vu, to help seal this karma for you.
So to end, about Soul Contracts:
They help us return to a place of unconditional love in our hearts.
We all receive helpers along the way, to assist us with them, usually Spiritual Helpers like Guides, but they can be embodied in the physical, too.
Sometimes our contracts part ways with others intentionally, and these break-points may be pre-setup by you and the other souls.
Most importantly, they are mutable, and you can re-chart them or re-step into alignment at any time.
The only way to know what alignment feels like is to see the opposite.
So, if you are reading this and you have symbolically known the opposite, this is totally fine and acceptable and have forgiveness with yourself for knowing it.
We have all been in the space of the absence of light, and sometimes it's beautiful. This is where the moon lives, the deep creatures of the ocean live, and when we rest.
Now that you know the opposite, there is an even better chance you'll be able to find that place in alignment with your path, just by the way it feels, from now into the future.
Soul contracts are agreements we set up pre-birth that guide our life, and we can shift how this all happens to some extent.
This is also the teaching of Goddess Kwan Yin, who reminds us that we can rise above in compassion at any moment to see things at a higher level.
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