3 Psychic Protection Tips For Children

Photo of butterfly in bokeh light by Layers from Pixabay 

Photo of butterfly in bokeh light by Layers from Pixabay

Updated 2020.10.04

Psychic abilities tend to run in families.

From father to daughter, from mother to son, from great grandmother to great-granddaughter, from uncle to brother. On either side of the family line with any cultural history.

Extrasensory abilities are carried down from parent to child. 

In the Germanic tradition, it's typically passed down from opposite genders, and in other cultures, it's passed down from the maternal line only.

While older generations may have previously suppressed these abilities, many new, open, and understanding parents today are coming to embrace their children's abilities.

They want to help them not only develop their gifts but feel safe, secure, and comfortable in their own space.

And while you can enforce boundaries in your home, use white sage until you sell out all the metaphysical stores- 

Your child may still have trouble feeling safe and protected, especially if they can see, feel, or hear those in Spirits.

Spirits, being Spirits, and not limited by time or space, can be bothersome. They can push the limits. They can get over excited about merely having a possible friend. 

Spirits can approach your child when you aren't around.

After bedtime, on the way home from school, in the playroom. 

This is okay, and as long as your psychic child has the tools to protect themselves when they're alone - everything will be just fine. 

Whether your child senses Spirit or is empathetic to others emotions, here 3 spiritual protection tips for psychic children I recommend -

Photo of butterfly in bokeh light by Layers from Pixabay with text overlay 3 Psychic Protection Tips For Children

1. Remind them they can tell the Spirit no and to leave

The most important thing you can teach a psychic child is boundaries.

They have the right to say no to anyone requesting permission to enter their personal space.

Psychic children, while they can usually see, hear, and sense Spirit are generally, extremely empathetic to those in Spirit with a human body, too. That means, people.

As empathetic individuals, feeling and being able to understand and connect with all of those around them, this is a lot like being a street light on a dark street. You attract everyone who wants to be near a Light Source.

A source of understanding. A source of feeling good and caring. And sometimes, even being a Light Source can be exhausting. You can't care for everyone all the time. You can't always carry someone out of the darkness.

Being a light source occasionally also attracts darkness, of course, to heal it, but this can be a heavy burden to bear as a child.

And as a psychic child, it's essential for them to know they can tell anyone at any time to leave them alone and get out of their space.

This applies to those in Spirit bodies and those in Human bodies.

You can teach your child how and when to say no and how to set boundaries. It helps a lot, just knowing you can make it stop, whenever you want.

And believe it or not, if you tell a Spirit, firmly, to leave, they leave. Most children only want the ghosts to leave them, so if you have an angel around or a spirit guide, these entities are usually comforting.

2. Have your child image themselves as a beaming sun

This is a meditation that encourages children to see themselves as a Light source - teaching they are their own safety and comfort.

Rather than placing a protective divine white light shield around yourself, this technique, of being the Light, is self-empowering, feels good and is fun to do. This technique will also push away anything that isn't good.

Next time your child feels scared of a spirit, or insecure for any reason, try teaching them this visualization technique: 

Golden Sun Meditation

Imagine a giant golden sun above your head. Far up into the sky, and start to notice that that big giant sun is getting lower, lower and lower in the sky, until it is floating right above your head.

As you inhale, imagine this sun being pulled into your mouth, down your throat, and into your belly and as you exhale imagine this sun glowing bright, inside your tummy.

Inhale, imagine this big golden sun getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Exhale, and see the suns rays shining through your tummy, through your skin, and through your body into the space around you. Inhale, bigger, bigger, bigger sun, glowing bright yellow inside the tummy.

Exhale, watch as the sun gets larger. It starts growing so that it's now bigger than your body, coming through your skin, outside around you and with golden rays swirling all around you into the room.

The room now is golden bright - with the sun inside your belly. Inhale - imagine the sun getting bigger and bigger, surrounding your body. Exhale, watch as the sunlight gets so bright, you can hardly see it anymore.  

Inhale, and watch as anything dark, scary or intimidating is blasted away by the golden rays, out of the room, out of the house and away from your big golden sun. And exhale, as you are surrounded only by a glowing, golden light. A giant sun surrounding you.

As long as you are surrounded by the sun, you are protected.

Practice this meditation for yourself or for your child, whenever you want to feel wonderful, safe and protected.

3. Try a crystal protection necklace or stone

Sometimes, it's easy to forget that you have complete control of your surroundings, your life, and your experience within this life at any moment. Even now, it can be easy to forget that you can tell Spirits to leave. 

This is why it may be can get a crystal that is charged to do this work for you, on your behalf. 

Crystals have healing and protective powers, and your child can comfort themselves by wearing a crystal necklace under their shirt or by carrying a crystal they like with them. 

Amethyst, Tiger’s Eye and any rich-toned quartz or iron-based minerals are excellent, but most children enjoy picking out their own. 

And believe it or not, most children actually pick out the exact crystal that works best for them. Crystal shopping with your child can be a fun bonding experience. You could use it as an excuse to get some crystals for yourself, too. 

If you can’t have the child pick out their own crystal, I think Tiger’s Eye and Polished Hematite, sparkly grounding stones seem to typically do well. I usually like to offer kids old enough a dish of stones to choose from.

You may find providing a child with a protection object, like a crystal, that act as a reminder that they can protect themselves from anything really can help some children, especially if they are into fantasy, cartoons or mythical journeys.

So to recap, 3 tips for psychic protection for kids are:

Photo of white glittery spiral by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay 

Photo of white glittery spiral by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay

  1. Remind them they can set boundaries with Spirit and show them how. Here are a few posts to begin: Mediumship & Spirits 101 - How To Set Boundaries As A Psychic Medium or Set Boundaries With Spirits: What To Do With A Spirit In Your Home.

  2. Use the Golden Sun Visualization or any energy meditation with White Light or Gold Light.

  3. Try allowing them to have their own safe stones, objects or crystals.

These are just a few of the tips I have for helping a psychic or spirit sensitive child, but one of the main one is comfort.

The more you can listen, and provide comfort and support to your child, the better equipped they will be to deal with anything that comes their way. You may not be able to prevent the reactions of anything they say to anyone else.

But you can be the space of support that they'll know to seek out when looking for friends, relationships and other bonds throughout life.

More and more, children are accepted as being sensitive, so as time goes on, more resources are already being made more available.

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