Mediumship Is More Than Talking To The Dead

Photo of woman facing mountains with arms open to them by Andre Furtado from Pexels

Photo of woman facing mountains with arms open to them by Andre Furtado from Pexels

Updated 2020.10.01

Whenever someone first meets me and they find out, either by introduction or by conversation, that I’m medium, the first thing that comes to their mind is:

Dead people 

Which is funny, because mediumship, while I can see and hear those in Spirit, doesn’t mean all I do is talk to dead people. Sure, that’s part of it, but it’s certainly not the principle of my job or my gift.

The ability connect with Spirit is about one universal thing only: communication

Communication with myself and those in the Divine

Communication with myself and my Clients

Communication between my Clients and those in Spirit

And ultimately, communication between my Clients and those in the Divine 

Mediumship is the act of channelling any Divine Light and Information down through yourself and extending out into the world around you.

Mediumship is an act of receiving and an act of giving - at the same time.

What energy passes through you, is what you channel as a medium. The energy of ancestors is only one form.

It is an act of passing through yourself a gift that is made of Love, Compassion and Divine Light.

It’s a form of communicating and connecting, with yourself as the link, between the physical and the spiritual.

If you take a moment to think back into your life, I bet you can come up with at least one time when you gave something to someone else that you believe came from somewhere beyond or greater than yourself - something that took a great deal of courage or strength.

Perhaps it was a message

Perhaps it was distance energy session

Perhaps it was a three card reading 

Perhaps it was a spiritual manifesto

Since we’re all part-physical, part-spiritual, we’re technically all part - medium - the intermediate agents between two places - with the ability to step fully or partially into either space at any time.

Mediumship can be

Connecting to Spirit Guides or Angels.

Gaining information by asking the Universe for answers through tarot or oracle cards.

Receiving guidance from an ‘unknown source’ in your dreams or waking life.

Connecting to those in Spirit who are your loved ones.

Can a medium communicate with the dead?

Yes, but it’s not necessary.

While this is my speciality (that and teaching other mediums), a medium is someone that can connect with any spirit in the Spiritual plane.

You can choose your speciality.

There are angel mediums, spirit guide mediums, plant spirit mediums, crystal spirit mediums, ancestor chaneling mediums, divine light mediums - which are all just different forms of the same thing.

Not passing messages along from loved ones and still call yourself a medium? Who cares.

That doesn’t mean you aren’t already practicing another form of mediumship in some way. 

Mediumship can take more than one form - with verbal messages being just one type of conduiting down the communication. 

Are you an intuitive professional providing readings for others?

You’re already a medium for Divine light and information. To take it one step further, start asking who’s showing you the information.

Are you a shamanic, reiki practitioner or energy professional?

You’re practicing a form of mediumship and can develop your abilities by lining up with your own and your client’s Guides and Ancestors.

Are you providing card readings for yourself and others, and tuning in while you ask your questions?

Great! You’re already comfortable with asking questions from Spirit. Begin finding out who you’re connecting with in my eBook!

Being a medium isn’t for an elite group of people - it’s for everyone.

We all communicate with Spirit on a daily basis - when interacting with our friends and family.

People are Spirit, too. 

The first step to developing your mediumship abilities is to realize you may have already been doing it for years - with those in Spirit - right here on Earth. Once you get used to connecting soul-to-soul in person, doing it without a body becomes second nature.

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