What is a psychic medium, defined. Photo of red toned vista overlooking water with bare tree branches in front by Collins Lesulie on Unsplash.

What is a psychic medium, defined. Photo of red toned vista overlooking water with bare tree branches in front by Collins Lesulie on Unsplash.

spiritual medium: defined

Updated 2022.06.18

Spiritual mediums definition. In the past 100 years, over 73 different kinds of known medium gifts have been identified. For the definition of mediums, continue below.

A medium, in science, is defined as: the nutrient solution in which cells or organs are grown.

In art, a medium is described as an object, usually the tool or the surface, that acts as the midway point between two communicatory bodies

Others have described mediums as

Spiritual Mediums Defined. What is a medium? Starting with definitions can help with psychic development so in this post, we discuss the definition of a psychic medium. Photo of pink and blue sunset with boat off the distance by Jove Duero on Unspla…

Spiritual Mediums Defined. What is a medium? Starting with definitions can help with psychic development so in this post, we discuss the definition of a psychic medium. Photo of pink and blue sunset with boat off the distance by Jove Duero on Unsplash with text overlay What Is A Medium? Spiritual Mediums Defined.

  • The intervening substance through which impressions are conveyed to the senses

  • A halfway between two extremes

  • An agency or means of doing something

In popular lexicon today, the word medium typically stands for any person who channels the energy that is different from their own.

Occasionally, they take on different personalities, moods, and emotions, while conveying ideas, concepts, and images from one world to the next.

Mediumship is the art of bringing through energy in the body and transmitting that energy to the world around us.

Usually, this is discussed in terms of channeling the energy of a Deceased Loved One, Angel, or Spirit Guide. 

In the general sense, most mediums connect their clients with Deceased Loved Ones on The Other Side, to healing images and prophecy-type of information.

Not all mediums specialize in working with the deceased or in healing, some channel art, writing, or speaking - and not all are aware of the source from which it can.

This is all only part of the development process of spiritual gifts, becoming aware of your muses.

To varying degrees, each medium can connect with each of the three main groups of light spirits (Angels, Guides, and Loved Ones). However, there are many more. 

Each medium then usually has one main gift of connection or of how they bring through information and of what they are known to carry through.

Generally, there are seven main types of mediums are thought of today

Psychic medium definitions. Photo of pink and blue sunset with boat off the distance by Jove Duero on Unsplash.

Psychic medium definitions. Photo of pink and blue sunset with boat off the distance by Jove Duero on Unsplash.

  • Angelic Mediums

  • Spirit Guide Mediums

  • Deceased Mediums

  • Healing Mediums

  • Writing Mediums

  • Speaking Mediums

  • Somnambulistic Mediums

However, in the past 100 years, so far, over 73 different kinds of known medium types have been identified. 

And while not all mediums have the same link and way they transmit with all those in Spirit, the goal of each medium is the same – 

To be the clearest channel for Spirit, and deliver messages of guidance, inspiration, and assistance, born entirely out of love and ideally, for the betterment of society and culture.

A medium is any being who channels energy, ideally more positive and divine than their own, to translate that energy from the non-physical to the physical.

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