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73 Different Kinds Of Mediums Described By Allan Kardec
There is more than just one type of psychic medium, some are writing mediums, others are hearing, which kind of psychic mediumship abilities do you have?
Lightworker Terminology // What Is A Lightworker?
How do you know if you are a lightworker? There are many characteristics and symptoms that can guide you but the true test is what you feel in your heart -
Indigo, Crystal, And Rainbow Children VS. Generation X, Generation Y, And Millennials
Generation X, Y, and Millennial Generation ... how do they compare to the metaphysical groups, Indigo, Rainbow, and Crystal -
What Does 'Clairvoyant' Mean?
What does it mean to be clairvoyant? What is the definition of clairvoyance? This post discusses what it means to be clairvoyant and what clairvoyance means.
Ascended Masters: Who Coined The Term?
Ascended Beings. What is an Ascended Master? Who are the Ascended Masters? Plus, learn how to call in an Ascended Master inside -
The Spiritual Meaning: Hearing A Loud Clap Noise
Hearing a loud clap during the day or at night? Rapports are the sonic boom of The Spirit World. What does it mean when you hear a loud pop spiritually?
Guardian Angels: Who Are They? And How Can They Help You?
About Guardian Angels. Your Angelic team awaits you. Find out who your Guardian Angels are, and their role in your life.
What Is Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)?
The spiritual and paranormal EVP meaning. In this post, I discuss hearing spirit voices through electronic voice phenomenon.
Mediumship Versus Channeling: What's The Difference?
Spiritual Channeling. Learn about channeling Spirits and Light, and the answer to the question: what is channeling?
Conjuring VS Mediumship: What's The Difference?
What is a conjurer? What is a psychic medium? In this post I discuss the differences between conjuring and mediumship -
The Differences Between Spirit Guides
Have you received readings and messages from your Spirit Guides and then other information, from other people’s Spirit Guides? Hearing about Fairy Guides, Animal Guides, Master Guides and Joy Guides, and wondering if there is a difference in the type of information you get between each? Read on -
Telephone Readings VS In-Person Readings: Which Is Better?
Don't know the difference between telephone intuitive readings and in person psychic mediumship readings? What's the difference?