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5 Ways To Integrate Higher Vibration Energy Into Your Life
Raising your vibration and holding it there. This post discusses tools for how to raise your vibration and keep it at that high level.
9 Signs You Are Raising Your Vibration And It's Working
Physical signs your vibration is rising! Learn what the common signs are when you have a spiritually high vibration.
4 Best Crystals To Repel Negativity
Powerful Psychic Protection Crystals will absorb negative energy and even send negative energy back. Inside are the best crystals for cleansing negative energy.
Do The Deceased Go To Their Own Funerals?
Attending your own funeral. Do spirits attend their own funeral? Does the now-dead person go to their own funeral or legal happenings? Find out in this article -
How To Safely Use A Pendulum
Do pendulums work? They do! In this post I discuss how pendulums work plus cover how to use a pendulum to get the best results.
10 Powerful, High Vibration & Easy To Use Pendulums
Looking for different types of pendulums? The best stone to use for your pendulums? The best pendulums to use in your spiritual practice inside -
How To Use Oracle Cards To Connect With Spirit
Using Oracle Cards to connect with Spirit. In this post, learn how to use Oracle Cards to get guidance from Spirit, and my fave oracle cards are for divination.
How To Sage A House
Wondering what to say when saging a house? Need a prayer to say when saging a house? Inside are the steps to saging a home -
Déjà vu Meaning: What Is It And Why Does It Happen?
The Deja vu spiritual meaning. What is Deja vu spiritually? In this post, I discuss the spiritual meaning of Deja vu -
New Year’s Ritual For Release, Celebration & Manifestation
Looking for the perfect intentional release ceremony for the New Year? Want a manifestation and celebration ceremony for the New Year?
When And Where Is The Veil Thinnest?
The thinning of the veil between worlds. Where are places in the world where the veil is thin? When is the veil thin? In this post, I discuss thin veils.
Can A Person Be A Portal? Is My House A Portal?
How can you tell if you have a spiritual portal in your house? Where do energy openings and vortices exist in places or things? Can a person be a portal?