9 Signs You Are Raising Your Vibration And It's Working
Updated 2020.04.16, and just as an FYI, this post contains affiliate links.
Have you been working on lifting your vibration? Raising your energy? Want to know if it's been working?
There are tell-tale signs, though, when you change, know chaos or entropy often ensues, so what is a positive shift can look like a disaster on the outside at first.
Positive shifts often happen individually first, though they can happen for entire communities at once.
A desire for a raised vibration can be triggered by an outside or inside need for change. It always leads to an evolution of an old pattern and to a better, more harmonious life.
Chances are if your energy is shifting, and raising, the people around you are changing and raising in response.
The things you are buying, consuming, and taking in, need to meet your new energy level now. So you will often see evidence of your new vibration in the space around you within a matter of months.
Most people will usually see the changes objectively within about a year of continual work on keeping their mood at a new vibrational set point.
Have you been working on lifting your mood? If so, you may have already witnessed evidence of it via the law of reflection.
Looking for signs your vibration is lifted? Evidence your spiritual work is working?
Below are nine more tell-tale signs that the Spiritual, inner work you have been doing is now starting to take a visible, physical effect.
#9 You Have More Physical Energy
Though it is still possible to meditate and be present, when you raise your vibration, you'll often get a burst of additional energy.
You want to dance, move, walk around, and you're pacing around the house. You may need or crave more exercise or physical activity.
This may come in waves at first, though it tends to stick after a couple of months of vibrational work.
#8 Your Sleeping Patterns Changed
You're waking up earlier than you usually do, needing less rest than you used to, or you may find yourself getting deeper sleep.
When you do vibrational work, you become more in alignment with you and you. Your mind and body move into a closer harmony of what they both need.
This may be reflected in a more accurate alignment in your rest and recovery levels.
Through raising your vibration, you may eventually settle into a new pattern of when you get tired at night and when you wake up in the morning. You may also notice your body begins to follow seasonal patterns of rest.
You may find yourself sleeping more when it is darker out and awake longer when it is lighter out, honoring, and moving in sync with the ecosystem in which you live.
#7 You've Noticed Tolerance Shift For Social Interactions
You're feeling more taxed after specific social interactions than before, wanting to connect with more people on your level than before, or even finding yourself wanting more alone time.
You may also find yourself craving more togetherness when you previously wanted distance. Generally, as you raise your vibration, you open to love, and your desire to spread that love becomes greater.
Your desire to receive love also increases. You may find yourself shifting your social patterns to interact with others more willing and able to give it.
#6 Knowledge Sponging Is Happening
You're reading more spiritual books, classes, podcasts, and articles than ever before. You may follow more spiritual bloggers on Pinterest or their websites.
When you raise your vibration, your desire to link to higher frequencies often increases, so you may find yourself attracted to new sources of information than before, too.
#5 You Cringe Over Low-Energy Situations
When your vibration is raised, you have more of an understanding or an interest in seeing the perfection and innocence of people.
You're noticing yourself having a visceral response when people complain, gossip, or cast unnecessary judgment on others.
When you recoil away from these situations that you used to tolerate, this is a sign you are no longer a vibrational match with this energy.
Your soul knows and often naturally starts moving away from what is unhealthy for it and towards what is.
To continue to stay in a high energy situation, you may find yourself gravitating away from these situations and towards experiences that involve speaking to ideas, concepts, and positive growth.
With a raise in vibration, you can continue to change the world from your new position simply by sharing your positive energy with those around you.
Those who are willing to accept it will. In other words, you can invite others into your new space of peace.
#4 You Are Finding It Easier To Focus On Work
With a raised vibration, it's easier to block out low distractions because they simply no longer align or find a match within your auric field.
This means it's easier to focus on your soul purpose.
You also may have an easier time picking tools that help you enhance your work in a more aligned way, making it easier to achieve your goals.
Both are making it easier to focus on work because you are connecting more with others who honor your workspace.
This, in turn, can result in manifestations of the reflections of your new energy happening more quickly, the longer you go along.
#3 You've Become More Accepting Of Life Circumstances
As your vibration rises, you let go of resistance of what is, making it easier for you to go with the flow.
You continue progressing for a more peaceful world or advocating for your needs. You just do it more compassionately and constructively.
With a newer energy state, it's also more likely that your chakras are aligned. So you are more likely to be able to see things how they physically are while being able to apply third sight to those situations.
So, it is also easier to implement spiritual goals here on Earth.
#2 Your Diet Is Simplifying And Feeling Cleaner
When your vibration raises, you become more an intuitive eater, consuming that which is aligned for you.
This happens because when your soul you is aligned with physical you, you can use your clairsentience to pick out food choices that will benefit you.
You may find yourself simplifying your diet to a more minimalist eating environment. You may discover that it's easier to pick out and arrange meal plans.
You make improvements to your diet, include more grounding foods, lighter foods, and cleanses.
You may reduce things you've consumed that have adversely impacted your energy levels, continuing to ensure a higher level of mood, energy, and vitality.
#1 You're Getting More Intentional With What You Buy, Attend And Invite In
You've been actively working on raising your energy, connecting with Spirit, releasing yourself from things that hold you down or back.
You are making this a priority.
This also means your buying choices, social invite selections, and course-taking practices may become slower. Thus, you move out of manic manifesting and into a state of magic manifesting itself.
Focused, aligned movements often have the most benefit, think of it as yoga. The more streamlined and fluid your poses, the deeper and more gratifying they are for your body.
Have you been working to raise your vibration, become more spiritual and make your soul connection into a daily practice and a priority?
If you've noticed these changes happening, that means it's working - keep going.
You want your spiritual work to affect your physical world, life and interactions.
The goal of raising your vibration is the infinite you that is, steps into the material plane. This makes it possible for love and joy to exist here on Earth.
Any of the above signs can be an indication of your infinite you, starting to make its presence known in the physical world.
For external resources on keeping your vibration high I like:
Also some of the tools on the Recommended Resources page may help.
Vibrational alignment is, in part, related to quantum physics, and connected to how molecules, of which you are millions, become entangled. When you become entangled in an energetic pattern that is healthy for you, it tends to feel more comfortable.
Meaning, when you vibrationally align to a higher infinite you level, your body may feel better, your mind and thoughts may relax. You may have a sense of peace that cannot be described by others outside of your experience.
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