Spirit’s Fingerprint: Identifying The Calling Card

Photo of finger print in sepia tint light

A Unique Way To Pick-Up The Presence Of Your Spirit Guide

Updated 2021.11.30

When it comes to picking up on the presence of a Spirit, it’s important to remember that there are thousands of Spirits in existence.

The number of Spirits in The Spirit World are just as numerous as the number of souls here on Earth.

Because everyone is an individual, even in The Spirit World, their presences and how you sense them can be unique.

We all have individual behavior traits, genetics, personality characteristics, signature phrases and outfits, and a range of emotion and thoughts expressed. We have a scent. We have a voice inflection. We have a style of walk.

We have elements about us that are signature to who we are. 

We have an identity so distinct that we could be singled out in a crowd, apart from millions of other people - by those that know us and know what to look for, when looking for us. 

All of those in Spirit, likewise, have signifying traits that are unique, distinct and different, distinguishing them from other Spirits.

This identifying signature set of traits for a single Spirit in The Spirit World is called a Calling Card. 

When you identify the Calling Card of those on your Spirit team, you will know when they are with you and with this information, you'll be able to identify your Friends, Spirit Guides, Angels and the like from all else.

Knowing the Calling Cards of your familiar Spirits, you could theoretically pick out your Spirit team in a crowd of strangers and there would be no question as to whom you were communicating with.

Identifying your Spirit’s Calling Cards helps you determine which Spirits are safe, and which are not - and because we share the world with these creatures, and many of us listen to them for guidance, it's essential we know whom we're listening to and that we’re listening to safe Spirits.

In most cases, if people are communicating with Spirits at all, they want to be interacting with safe Spirits.

Safe Spirits are Spirit Guides, Angels, and Deceased Loved Ones, all who will likely be present around you and visiting with you on a fairly regular basis.

These are Spirits who are protecting you, supporting you, guiding you and overall, geared toward enhancing the quality of your life. In other words, it is the calling cards of the safe Spirits you want to identify.

Most know who is visiting them, but by identifying Spirit's unique Calling Card (the way they identify themselves), we can single it out as it is uniquely distinct from all other Spirits.

You generally sense Spirit Calling Cards, and they're communicated with you through the intuitive senses, though some spirits move objects, knock over boxes, and have other tricks they use to get your attention and let you know it's them.

To identify a Spirit’s unique feel and presence, their Calling Card, look for sensations, visions, words or thoughts that pop into your mind that were not present before when your Spirit Guides are present.

A great way to assure they are present when you do this exercise is to call them forward for a meditation and notice how you feel when you consciously call your Guides forward.

To identify a calling card, a simple calling card meditation:

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels of Selective Focus Photo of Dew of Water on Plant

  • Get into a comfortable position, exhale, and Call your Spirit Guides in.

  • Ask them to step forward, then see what you feel. Then ask them to step backward, and see how what you feel changes when they're not near you.

  • Repeat again, asking them to step in and out, until you can pick up, see or get a difference in what you feel, see or hear, when they are with you, and when they are not.

  • Ask them to step in and to be shown a symbol that represents their energy, so when you see it, you will know they are there. If you feel bold, ask for a message, too.

  • Wait to see what you hear or sense.

  • Thank them for the message.

  • Exhale.

If you have the intuitive ability of clairvoyance (clear-seeing): you may see images within your mind, shapes, colors or lights around you when this particular Spirit is present.  

If you have the intuitive ability of clairaudience (clear-hearing): you may hear names, pops, buzzing noises, singing or words/voices within your mind when this particular Spirit is present.  

If you have the intuitive ability of clairsentience (clear-feeling): you may feel changes in temperature, internal or external bodily sensations, breezes or emotions when this particular Spirit is present.

Most people are clairsentient naturally, so it's likely you'll feel a Calling Card before seeing one.

The feeling, image or sensation you receive intuitively when you ask your Spirit Guide to step forward and be with you is their Calling Card, which is essentially their finger print.

You can assume this Spirit will always visit you using these cues, just as you can assume someone you’ve known for years will retain their general characteristics overtime.

Remember it, and you can use it to identify when they are present the next time around, you can also use this exercise to single out the presence of a deceased loved one, an angel or any entity unseen in regular lighting you wish to identify either for yourself or others.

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