Blocks To Clairvoyance

Photo of hand holding amethyst pyramid by Castorly Stock from Pexels

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The word clairvoyant defines a person who can see images in their mind’s eye. These images can help to predict the future, help a person chart their soul path, support wellness, or provide emotional clarity.

Clairvoyant people often see images in their mind’s eye, and these images are thought to be received from psychic sources.  

Like all psychic gifts, the purpose of clairvoyant gifts is to assist humanity and provide love and support to those in need.

For clairvoyance, the most significant blocks are emotions like:

Clairvoyance Tips. Blocks To Clairvoyant Gifts - the most common psychic blocks & how to clear them Photo of person holding amethyst pyramid by Castorly Stock from Pexels

All of these emotions will create a skewed or altered image of the truth.

The presence of other psychics in a negative mood can also create a clairvoyant block. Sometimes a blocked third eye will happen when others around you are intimidated by your energy. 

If you've been around other unfamiliar psychics and energy workers lately, their intimidation can create a mask over your third eye. Familial fear can also do this.

How to clear it: I like to use a third eye clearing meditation to clear this, and I have one available in The Member Center Archives if you need it. Imagining pulling light through my third eye out into the space in front of me also helps.

Other people rejecting your visions can also cause us to shut down a chakra. The opinions of others can definitely affect your energy field, this is why white light protection and protection books are so popular.

Psychics are typically empaths, so they will also feel the judgment others send to them. 

Clairvoyance is the ability to clearly see the truth before it manifests, and it can be incredibly helpful, it can also be incredibly powerful. 

Even experienced psychics can get blocks.

Usually this happens when we are taking things too seriously or our energy is too heavy.

If this is you, know that the most common blocks experienced psychics deal with include heart-chakra blocks, crown-chakra blocks, and third-eye blocks all of which can affect our psychic gateways. 

Imagine a perfect painting. Now imagine suffering and twisted faces on it. Does it look different? Will you interpret the picture to someone else another way than before? ⁣

We all have these emotions. But when do you experience them the least? ⁣

For me, I feel the freest in the pre-dawn hours, so this is typically when I write. 

When you are in a state most opposite from the feelings above, this is when your Clairvoyance will be most reliable and most precise. ⁣

Still picking up something negative? Or something less desirable to you? ⁣

Clear your energy first and try to re-tune in. Once you’ve done that, truth is the truth, my friends, and when we see it, we can't unsee it. ⁣

Occasionally, the truth stings when it's first made apparent, which is why so many people hide from it and resist it. But once we embrace and accept it, we can allow it to guide us in an entirely new direction in our lives.

What to do if you see something clairvoyantly, and it’s a negative or blocked energy

Photo of person holding glass ball in blue light by Tim Savage from Pexels

Picking up on something potentially negative or getting nothing, ask

  • To see it another way⁣

  • To see it through a softer lens

  • What is this teaching me so I can make peace with whatever the truth is? ⁣

  • For a solution ⁣⁣

To remove clairvoyant blocks, try these exercises then take another peek:

Photo of crystal ball with moon design in wooden stand by Virgil Cayasa on Unsplash

Clear it by asking to see a solution

If you ever get a reading and someone tells you what's wrong with your life but doesn't ask Spirit for a solution, you can ask if Spirit sees one. ⁣

This doesn't mean the reader is "bad," they may have just been not trained to see the light. 

Some clairvoyants specialize in seeing the darkness specifically because some people refuse to look at it. So if your reader highlights these aspects, it could be just the medicine you need. 

Clear it by sharing it

Validating something negative for another person also can help confirm their intuition, too.

We often don't want to believe that things could be harmful and lightworkers specifically are like this.

So if you do see something "negative," just know that the darkness brings us all to the light and the truth is ultimately not all bad, because once we see it, we can allow it to guide us to the light. 

I like to leave things on a lighter note if I see something dark though, so I do ask the Angels for higher-level answers when we look at something for a positive answer or direction, and usually an image will come through.

The fear of seeing something negative can block Clairvoyance, so just be aware you can ask to look into the light and see light solutions only. 

Clear it using vibrational sound or scent

To open up acceptance or judgment blocks, vibrational weighted tuning forks can open up a blocked third eye chakra. 

A third eye block can also be created when and if you've seen a vision that scared you, and it came true. When your gifts shock you, we can shut them down due to fear of their power. 

How to clear it: If this is you, I like to use grounding essential oils, like Frankincense which can promote a grounded and centered energy field.

So to recap…

Photo of clear globe on shoreline by Jake Willett from Pixabay
  • Negative emotions can block clear-seeing

  • Fear of seeing something negative can block clairvoyance

  • You can ask to see positive images and solutions when you are at your crispest time of day

  • Try energy clearing techniques

  • There are mindful solutions for clearing blocks that include meditation, vibrational work and aromatherapy

The crisper the image usually, the more energy behind it, and usually the stronger the chances it holds for manifestation. ⁣So trusting the crisp images can help you rebuild your confidence in your third eye.

Clairvoyance is a way to see the answers before they are physically known.

For this reason, it can be a helpful tool for getting out of a bind. When using it for yourself, keeping your emotions clear will help you see the steps you need to take most readily, and owning it will help you release the fear of its power. 

The more you focus on your gifts and the stronger they become, the more trust you’ll develop in what you see, and the more you may run into others who fear this trust. 

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