Pathfinder Deities
Updated 2020.12.22
All About Pathfinder Deities. How can Pathfinder Deities help you? Read on for more -
Pathfinder Deities are Gods, Goddesses, and other types of Spiritual Beings, such as Earth Spirits and Guides, who help us achieve our soul’s purpose, make the best decisions, and rise above the physical to see a bigger, more mythical picture.
Most of the time, when we are in the midst of life changes, a Pathfinder Deity will make themselves known, usually in meditation.
And if you would like more assistance on uncovering the steps of your path, connecting with a Pathfinder Deity may be something you’d enjoy.
You can work with them spiritually to promote a greater sense of connection on your path, overcome odds, and transcend previously believed physical limitations.
Pathfinder Deities are abundant, and there are many of them.
To get started working with them, let's first discuss how they can appear -
What Do Pathfinder Deities Look Like?
Pathfinder Deities don’t always look the same at each pivot point in our lives when we encounter them.
And depending on the culture, they can be called Messenger Guides, Familiar Spirits, or Spirit Guides.
Typically, though, Pathfinder Deities are a little bit more ascended than your average Guide and often reveal themselves as one of these types of Spirits:
Oak Man/Green Woman
Ascended Master, Ganesha can be a Pathfinder Deity, for example, but there are many more
Hawk or Eagle Guide
Egyptian God/Goddess, such as Isis
Norse God/Goddess, such as Odin
Dragon Elemental
A Pet
A Pathfinder Deity can be incarnated inside the living body of someone close to you, typically an animal. When this happens, they are called a Familiar. But, most of the time, they exist in the non-physical.
They will appear to you via your meditations, or as a robust and reliable voice, usually in a time of crisis or doubt.
Pathfinder Deities can also appear as Pixies, Gnomes, Dwarves, Giants, or other types of Earth Spirits.
A lot of people like having Earth Spirits as their pathfinders. These are known as Pathfinder Nature Deities. It is believed that given the closer connection to the physical realm than other Spirits, Earth Spirits are better tasked with helping one on their earthly mission. I find there to be some truth to this.
Your Pathfinder Deity may not be earthy, though, and to find out how yours would look, it may help to look into your ancestry.
Often, the Pathfinder Deities called to work with you are connected to your family line and have been working with your family for centuries.
So if you are meditating and suddenly have a Hindu Deity show up, now might be a time to dig into your family archives.
How Pathfinder Deities Can Help You
Pathfinder Deities are specialists at assisting with tough choices when life gets complex, all while still maintaining a light and playful heart.
They’re great Spirits to call in when:
Identifying your calling
Embarking on a new journey in your life
Making changes that will karmically affect your future
Applying for a new career path
Making hard choices
Dealing with a puzzling situation that involves finesse
Try meditating with a topic you need assistance within mind, calling in your Pathfinder and seeing what images, words, or messages arise.
Having their energy around while you work is also helpful because it helps you embody the wisdom they carry more easily. It enables you to step into some of that Pathfinder energy yourself, especially beneficial if you help others make choices as one of your roles in this lifetime.
How to start connecting with your Pathfinder Deity
To have a Spirit helping you at any level, you might first be interested in learning what they call themselves.
Pathfinder Deities will feel different from other Spirits and Guides you have around you. You'll want to know how they feel so you can discern when it's time to communicate.
So to work with a Pathfinder deity, identify how their presence feels when they're around, so you can determine precisely when they are with you and guiding you.
Some people really enjoy the process of identifying when Spirit is present because it helps you develop a closer connection to your Guides. It also usually improves communication quite a bit.
Use this article to identify how your Pathfinder Deity feels to you: Spirit's Fingerprint: A Unique Way To Identify The Presence Of Your Spirit Guide and then, to find out when they are present simply stay on alert for that feeling then tune in.
Once there, you can ask questions of your Pathfinder.
So to recap…
Pathfinder Deities are ascended Spirit Guides that can help us in sorting out the choices we have to make to get through the maze of life.
They often appear in meditation when they are needed.
They can be connected to your family line, though many are Earthy in appearance.
You can connect with them by learning their names and identifying how they feel when they're present.
If you think of life as a video game with an epic quest, the Pathfinder Deity is the one who appears to you in the hut or temple to give you the next level of direction.
You may meet more than one on your journey of life.
Other people may give you hints of who your Pathfinder is, too.
If hanging out in metaphysical crowds, you may be told a particular Guide is around you or suggests you "look one up." If this happens, follow the guidance. It may just be your Pathfinder Deity trying to get in touch.
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