How To Call In The Luck Of The Dwarves
Updated 2024.11.21. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, Amanda Linette Meder and her partners may earn a commission or other compensation, at no extra cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
This past weekend I was in the Catskill Mountains, which is the great mythological home of Rip Van Winkle, a farmer who comes under the spell of the Dwarves up in the mountain forests of that area.
Dwarves can definitely be fun-making, so many think they do put one in a spell, but they are certainly known to be quite hardworking, as well.
Dwarves are Earth Spirits who live in and around dark forest areas and geological outcroppings. They favor caves, houses close to the ground, forests, mountains, and living in and amongst others who have a close connection to the land.
Culturally, they are connected to Germany, Scandinavia, and the North Woods, though some have seen and experienced them in the Philippines.
Most people are familiar with Dwarves from their appearance in the film, Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs. In that film, Snow White encounters a clan of Dwarves in the forest, and they each teach her a particular skill. She goes on to use and embrace her now realized power skills for the rest of her life.
Dwarves are indeed diverse in their trades, and they all have different skills they can teach, just like the different Archangels. Dwarves are known to be master crafts(wo)men in earthen trades, whether it be herbalism, metalworking, or even book mending.
Dwarves are known for luck, so many people enjoy them around. Being earth-workers, they protect the precious abundance elements of the Earth, and this is what gives them that symbolism.
Due to their work cherishing and showcasing the beauty of the Earth, it is thought the Earth herself also favors the Dwarves and the people they befriend.
Does any of this sound like you?
If so, you may already have the luck of the Dwarves on your side.
Aside from already having a tendency towards crafts they favor or a leaning towards the types of celebrations they like, below are a few other ways to call in the luck of the Dwarves.
7 Tips To Call In The Luck of the Dwarves
1. Start working with crystals, jewels, and minerals
In Norse mythology, Dwarves are thought to bring abundance and wisdom, and due to their close connection with the physical aspects of our world that bring wealth.
Many Dwarves are known to be metal and jewel workers, who live in and amongst the delicate ecosystem of caves they protect. Some have seen this as a connection to what we view as greed for precious jewels, though nothing could be further from the truth.
Dwarves tend to have such an eye for beauty. They tend to gravitate and work with those who also do. If you work with sparkly things, you can call in Dwarf energy to help with your next project by visualizing them around you in your mind's eye.
Make sure to show honor for the Earth while they're around you, by showcasing Earth's wonder, and they will share even more wisdom with you.
2. Take time to honor fun amongst friends
Dwarves are known as hardworking Spirits. They're also so aware and so fond of the wisdom of play as they know this is how creativity that fuels the work of crafts(wo)menship happens. So Dwarves also tend to play pretty heavily, which means that in some lore, this is symbolized by depicting them spending a lot of time drinking and being merry.
Lots of wisdom comes from the fun times, and Dwarves know that real talent comes from creativity.
When you let loose amongst friends, your pure light shines through. Play relaxes the soul so that when the time comes to get serious about work, there is no resentment about it, and you have even more ideas than before.
Cultivate and make time for fun and jolly gatherings. Dwarves appreciate this, especially if it happens in and around a forested area, which is generally regarded as safe to them.
3. Embrace your inner medicine person
Dwarves spend so much time living close to the Earth. Because of this, they hear and are continuously in tune with Earth's heartbeat. Because Mother Earth is always looking after all her children, when you get in tune with nature, you often connect with the balance needed to feel restored.
By spending time working on an earth wisdom craft, such as herbalism or shamanism, getting in tune with your own mystical wisdom, you call Dwarf energy into you. This happens as they see you listening to the same rhythm that appears to them.
When this partnership occurs, Dwarves may even show up in your meditations to show their support.
They love connecting with those who hear the same songs they do. In this case, those who hear the restorative songs and messages of the Earth.
Call in the luck of the Dwarves by working with Earth's resources to bring yourself and your family into a place of wholeness and wealth. When you do, the Dwarves in your local area celebrate this and may send you physical abundance as gifts.
Of course, they often send these gifts through the means of other humans. So if you receive earthen gifts from others, know these people may also be friends with the Dwarven Spirits in their neck of the woods.
4. Own your worth in your business endeavors
Being master crafts(wo)men, the Dwarven Spirits know the worth of what they bring to the table, and they love to guide fellow crafts(wo)men and women to understanding and to identify their worth too. This is why they are often friends of the artists who are realizing their true potential.
If you are newly embodying your trade, whatever it is, ask the Dwarf Spirits for assistance in embracing and having confidence in your wealth.
Ask them to show you through the Divine mirror your value.
They will often show their support through feather symbolism and the color green. You can call upon their energy by wearing objects with these same symbols and colors.
5. Call them in when bargaining for the fair price of physical goods
Dwarves are very familiar with the cost of items today and how inflation has affected things.
They know that every person, when selling, is attempting to get a little bit more than what they paid. They also know that everyone buying is trying to keep a little bit more of what they made.
For this reason, Dwarves are master Spirit Guides at helping those who buy and sell things, especially those buying and selling stuff they have unearthed from the ground… antiques, gems, bones, plant medicines, and so on.
They love to help humans negotiate bargaining interactions and help all reach a fair and honorable price. When you strive to do this in your business, you naturally call in the luck of the Dwarves.
The Dwarves honestly wish for a goods and exchange system that is more free-flowing. They send luck to those who are exchanging services and goods on the free market such as antique dealers, crafts(wo)men, service people, and jewelry artists to make this happen.
6. Spend time around natural resource areas, mountains, and forests
Dwarves are the Spirit guardians of Earth's treasures, and because of this, they often spend time near natural resource areas that people still value. Mining areas, crystal harvesting spots, places where rare plants and herbs are known to grow, and pristine waterways are Dwarf energy hot spots.
The more time you spend in these areas, appreciating the area, the more likely you will attract the favor and guardianship of those in Spirit who value and care for similar spots.
By spending time in reverence in nature, Dwarf Spirits will naturally take notice and begin to teach you their secrets and wisdom. Pay attention to any claircognizant downloads you receive in these treasured locations, as they may be the ones transmitting this wisdom to you.
Dwarves also work with those who sustainably harvest Earth's resources in these spots in order to help humans.
They guide the conscious-minded to proper practices for picking plants, crystals, and in the development of co-creative cooperative relationships with the creatures of the area.
They especially favor those who vow to protect the safe and honorable use of Earth's precious resources.
7. Make an offering to show respect to the Dwarves
Dwarves, like all Spirits, love to be appreciated and seen as valuable. Anytime we honor or show value to one Spirit, we really show honor to all.
You can make an offering to show respect to the Dwarves by:
Creating a piece of Dwarf art.
Placing Dwarf symbolism in your home. They like feathers, gems, and the color green.
Taking a drink or having a party in their honor.
The Dwarves cherish any sign of respect and acknowledgment.
Showing respect for the Spirit World is not the same as worship, think of it more like honoring and seeing the light in a fellow earthmate.
Dwarves are often seen in books and legends as troublemakers, but the truth is, they aren't.
They're a multifaceted Spirit group that loves the Earth, has many trades, and specializes in fun and wisdom, but knows when it’s time to work. Even if they do bring on the darkness and live in the darkened areas of the world, they do this to help us see the light in those areas.
Sometimes, we as humans see what is light as really dark, only because it requires another way of seeing.
Dwarves love to teach us new ways of looking at things, particularly in the form of crafts(wo)manship, hearty play, and deep connection to the Earth.
Dwarves often appear male, I believe this is due to all the yang-action energy they embody, and they look tiny when they appear.
To me, they feel a little bit more hardworking than elves, a little less serious than gnomes, and more masculine and 'down to earth' than the fairy people.
Common questions about dwarf sightings in the astral plane:
Some people see and have seen dwarves with their physical eyes, as real as you or I. Though, others see them in their astral travels. In my opinion, both worlds are real and true, although the most common questions about dwarf sightings are related to the latter. So below I cover a few answers to this.
Seeing Dwarves in your dreams
This is an excellent sign if you are starting a new craft or business.
Dwarves symbolize hard work, creativity, and mastery at a trade. They also express a close connection to abundance and wealth, due to their support of and care for Earth's precious resources.
Seeing Dwarves in your mind's eye
Tap into meditation and ask if they have a message for you.
They may show you a symbol, which you can ask the Dwarf Spirit to expand upon, and they may give you a word or another symbol. I then ask what that symbol means to me. This is usually what their message means.
Dwarves usually come in groups, just like Angels, so if you see one or they've been on your mind, you typically have a few around. To enjoy their company more and more, use some of the tips above to call them closer to you.
And most importantly, slow down. Dwarves cherish those who take the time to look at things.
It takes only a minute to see another’s beauty, and Dwarves want us to capture this wonder. When we do, life becomes more wonderful and because of this, in many ways, more abundant than we’ve ever dreamed.
Because they are the value-keepers of the Earth, many times, this is what they wish to show us. When you see it, the luck they bring will always be on your side.
So to recap, to call in the luck of the Dwarves…
Work with crystals and minerals
Make time to honor fun and celebration with friends
Embrace and cultivate your inner earth medicine person
Own your worth in life and business
Ask for help when bargaining in physical trades
Spend time admiring areas they cherish
Make an offering to the Dwarves
As I am calling in any Spirit Group to work with, I look at my list of things I can do to embody this group and try to work on one aspect a day.
When working on any of these aspects, remember you can always call in the Dwarf Spirits in your meditations, see who appears to help, and ask them to show you something that can assist you.
Dwarves are very much connected to the low physical realms, so they tend to be very visual communicators. Clairvoyant visions of the Dwarven are quite common, especially if they've already decided they favor and wish to interact with you.
They love crafts(wo)men, revelry makers, environmentalists, and those who connect to the mystical, so if that sounds like you, you may already have their luck on your side.
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