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Dragon Symbolism: 7 Spiritual Meanings of the Dragon
Discover the spiritual meaning of the dragon and learn what it means when dragons appear in your dreams, meditations or life -
The Story of the Phoenix Rising
Rise like a Phoenix from the ashes! Learn the spiritual meaning of the Phoenix rising, Phoenix symbolism, plus read the full legend of the Phoenix story -
A Gipsy Prophecy by Bram Stoker
In honor of Dracula Day, when the Novel Dracula was first published, this post covers one of my favorite Bram Stoker lesser known short stories -
Justice Tarot Card Symbolism & Meaning
Wondering what the Justice Tarot Card symbolizes when you see it in a reading? In this post, we discuss the meaning of the Justice Tarot Card -
Temperance Tarot Card Symbolism & Meaning
The Temperance Tarot Card symbolizes dignity, harmony, divine balance, and patience. Learn more about the tarot card symbolism for Temperance -
Pathfinder Deities
Spiritually, what are Pathfinder Deities and who is yours? In The Spirit World, what do Pathfinder Deities look like?
73 Different Kinds Of Mediums Described By Allan Kardec
There is more than just one type of psychic medium, some are writing mediums, others are hearing, which kind of psychic mediumship abilities do you have?
Vatican Update: The Church Approves of Psychic Gifts
The Catholic church approves of mediums. In this article, a new Catholic church update approving and validating the existence of psychic gifts.
Mediumship Hot Spots In The United States
Spiritual travel sites worth considering. These spiritual centers are open for visiting if you are planning to travel -
What Is The Hero's Journey?
Are you The Hero’s Journey? In this post, I discuss what is The Hero’s Journey, as an integral part of the spiritual path -
Halloween: Is The Veil Between The Worlds Really Thinner?
The Halloween Veil. Many people think the veil of the spirit world is thinnest on or around Halloween. Inside this post, I discuss -
What Does It Mean To Be Called A Witch?
Witch meaning. What does it mean when someone calls you a witch? Plus what to say when someone calls you a witch inside -