An Easy 3 Minute Grounding Guided Meditation

Image of tree with glowing branches by Nicky from Pixabay

Updated 2025.01.15

Grounding exercises are a suite of techniques designed to bring your energy down to a state of a rooted, centered peaceful calm. Any grounding practice you try is meant to take the chaotic energy around you and settle it down.

When I look at grounding practices intuitively, typically they appear as highly active energy in the upper chakras redistributing to the lower chakras - the root, sacral and solar plexus energy centers.

Personally, I like grounding for diffusing unstable, anxious or stress energy in my aura. Grounding makes me feel safe and secure. It restores my energy field to a state of feeling protected and centered.

I always practice grounding before I do an intuitive reading or after a long day to help me release the energies of the day to get ready for bed.

One of the best ways to ground is with a guided meditation. 

Guided meditations are visualizations you imagine taking place in your energy body; they can really make a difference by getting your thoughts, emotions and entire energy flow going in a new direction.

Below we’re going to practice a guided meditation for grounding.

To begin, get into a comfortable seating position if you’re not there already, roll your shoulders back and down, place your knees at hip width apart. Place your hands palm up on either side of you.

Image of autumn leaves by Gaby Stein from Pixabay with text overlay Easy 3 Minute Grounding Guided Meditation

3 Minute Grounding Guided Meditation

Inhale… and exhale. 

Inhale… and exhale. 

Inhale… and exhale.

Bring your attention to your core, your torso. 

Start to imagine the seedling of a tree growing in your belly. As you breathe in and out, this seed grows into a sapling, then into a small tree, then into a large tree. Visualize what type of tree you have growing inside you.

Visualize this tree filling your energy field and its canopy expanding past your crown.

Bring your attention down your thighs, your knees, your shins and to your feet. Imagine this tree’s roots beginning to grow from your feet.

Notice the roots growing outward along the floor beneath you, giving you some stability. 

Also notice some of the roots growing straight down into the earth, like a taproot. 

The roots now travel into the earth, growing past the floor beneath you, down into the foundation of the building you’re in, and they start to pierce into the earth, going down and down until they reach bedrock and ultimately they reach groundwater.

Now visualize these tree roots sucking up the ground water and carrying it back up through the bedrock, the soil, the foundation beneath you and the floor beneath you.

Imagine the water is now flowing to the roots beneath your feet, feeding the surface roots, so they can expand. Now visualize the water now flowing up your shins, your knees, your thighs and into your hips.

This water is now nourishing the seed that originally grew this tree, and it begins to flow into your tree’s trunk, making it thicker, sturdier and wider. 

Breathing in and out, the water now flows to the branches, allowing the leaves, the tree canopy and the crown to expand.

Image of oak tree in soft otherworldly landscape by Guren-The-Thirdeye from Pixabay

Your grounding meditation is now complete.

Take a moment to stretch in your seat, wiggling your hips, moving your neck from side to side and shaking out your shoulders.

How do you feel now compared to before you started this exercise?

Hopefully, you are experiencing a renewed sense of peaceful calm.

For more guided meditations like this, start your 14-day free trial in The Membership!

The Membership is a guided intuitive and spiritual development program, featuring a curated online hub of rotating learning topics including guided meditations (audio and transcripts) just like this one. 

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