19 Root Chakra Affirmations

Photo of chakra runes by Cup of Couple on Pexels

Updated 2024.10.18

The Root Chakra is the lowest energy center in the body, usually seen in the mind’s eye as located at the seat of the spine, in between the space of the pelvic floor. 

Often depicted as the color red, the Root Chakra governs the feelings of action, passion, determination, safety, and security. Energy flows to and from the Root Chakra, and as it is the base energy center of the body, energy from the Root Chakra ultimately feeds all the other Chakras. 

I think of the Root Chakra as the headwaters of a stream. If there is a dam there, like a Root Chakra block, there may be a drought in many areas downstream.

If you feel energetically unbalanced, a great place to begin rebalancing is always by focusing on the Root Chakra first, seeing how you feel after that, and then balancing the other Chakras from there, if needed.

Because the Root Chakra governs feelings of safety and security, you will be able to tell the Root Chakra is blocked if you have intense fears over your current or future levels of safety and security, feel a lack of passion, or feel a loss of determination.

It is normal to have concerns about future survival and what that looks like, and days where you feel less motivated, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about an overarching sensation of not being supported or provided for, or a loss of a sense of passion or excitement for life that was once there. 

When you feel this, you can almost be sure your Root Chakra needs to tune up. You can balance, center and open the Root Chakra in many ways.

In this post, I want to talk about positive affirmations you can use to balance the Root Chakra. 

Affirmations are positive verbal statements that you repeat to guide a material outcome. They can be used to open a Chakra, and get the energy flowing evenly through the energy body again. Once you say the affirmations below, you’ll be able to tell if the Root Chakra is open by the way you feel. If you feel more supported, safer, or more abundant, your Root Chakra is open.

So to begin, get into your favorite meditative position, and grab your favorite Root Chakra crystal (optional), if you have one. Root Chakra crystals are usually red, so think Carnelian, Jasper or Ruby.

Then, scroll below, and mentally or verbally repeat the affirmations below to open your Root Chakra:

Photo of red and black crystals by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels with text overlay 19 Root Chakra Affirmations
  1. I am completely safe where I am right now

  2. Today I take action to reach my goals

  3. I have sources of security in my life

  4. Today I focus on all sources of abundance

  5. I have every resource I need to begin right now

  6. My needs are always met in surprising ways

  7. I am supported by a Universe that loves me

  8. I can relax knowing I have a vibrant life

  9. Where I am right now is a perfect place to be

  10. I am a determined person who can accomplish many things

  11. Today I exhibit courage in multiple ways

  12. I have passion in my heart

  13. I have plenty of physical energy today

  14. I always know when it is the best time to act

  15. I am initiating positive change in my life

  16. I have the ability to overcome any obstacles

  17. Today I focus on my core physical needs

  18. I give my time to actions that produce positive change

  19. Today my survival matters to me

Photo of white sage stick and red star crystals by Stina Bailey on Pexels with text overlay of 19 Root Chakra Affirmations

Okay, are you sitting more comfortably in your seat? Noticing any change in the energy flow around the base of your hips or at the seat of your spine? Does your mood feel slightly better? Do you feel more empowered or safe?

If so, your Root Chakra is now open and flowing energetically. 

To really get a sense of the above affirmations, try repeating the above process up to three times, and see if you notice any differences in how you feel. If you noticed a positive effect from the above, consider making repeating Root Chakra affirmations a part of your wellness routine.

Root Chakra affirmations can be great to repeat before sitting down to work, starting a project, when planning a change, when initiating anything that creates fear or resistance in you. The benefit of repeating Root Chakra affirmations is usually afterward, you feel safer and more secure, which promotes relaxation for the body. 

When the body relaxes, it allows the upper Chakras to open, many of which are gateways to other positive experiences, like connecting to the Higher Self, with Spirit Guides or to emotions like love, confidence and bliss. 

So typically Root Chakra affirmations, when repeated with regularity, can produce more positive consciousness experiences, making life in general, more enjoyable.

For more activities to open the Root Chakra, check out the grounding articles below. Grounding is a spiritual practice that connects you to Earth Energy, which can also open the Root Chakra.

To end, you are filled with passion and determination. You take actions today to facilitate positive change. You have access to sources of security where you are right now

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