Do All Dogs Go To Heaven? Pets & The Afterlife

Photo of German Shepard by Christoph Schmid on Unsplash.

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When I was younger, All Dogs Go to Heaven was one of my favorite cartoon movies.

I actually had a dog growing up that looked like the main character, and his name was Sirius, named after the Dog star.

Sirius watched over my sister and me when we were babies, and I have fond memories of having Sirius around when we were infants. Sirius is one of my strongest memories of a child. 

If you're into symbolism and astronomy, you already know Sirius is the brightest star visible from anywhere on Earth.

But alas, regardless of my own story, if you've ever had a dog, you may feel this exact way about them - that they were and are the brightest star of your life. 

So when they cross, it can feel as though this light in your life has suddenly vanished. It hasn't. 

Dogs stay with their humans once they cross over, and yes, they do frequently visit. I've seen it in readings, and I've experienced it myself, so today, I'm happy to tell you that yes, Dogs do go to Heaven. 

Still, this post is really more about where Heaven is for dogs and how you can access them and continue the bond with your pet, once your own Dog star crosses over. 

In Spirit and on Earth, animals are our spiritual companions and counterparts, so it's only natural to wonder what might happen to each of them after they leave this Earth.

If you're a pet lover like me, you might even feel like your dog, cat, parrot, or hamster is your right-hand man. The one you can talk out loud to, play silly games with, ask questions no one else wants to hear, and the one who understands you on a real level.

With pets, we have an unspoken language. We have a way to communicate with our animals that doesn't use language or words. 

In psychic terms, I often call this the language of the soul. Some people call this the Primal Language. Other people call it the oneness. Pets are our first and most honest companions, and they often represent pure, positive energy.

It is this energy we use to communicate with them after they cross.

Where do Dogs go after they die?

Photo of German Shepard by Christoph Schmid on Unsplash with text overlay, Dogs & Heaven: How Dogs Visit and Where they Go When They Cross.

The world of Spirit and the realm of Heaven isn't somewhere else, high up and far away and inaccessible to humans.

The Spirit realm is side by side next to the Human physical realm. Meaning, the afterlife of Heaven is right alongside us - a different realm, but yes, basically right next to the physical realm, just a few feet up.

This explains why so many people can feel, hear, sense, and communicate with their lost loved ones, guides, and Angels. It also explains why people sense the energy of their pets in the days following their passing.

You may have already experienced visitations from your pet.

If Heaven, and the world of Spirit, were so far away, light years even, in some distant cloud place - it'd be much harder for everyday people to connect.

But thousands of people reunite with their loved ones in Spirit, both in human and animal form, every single day.

Where The Spirit World is for Dogs

Photo of Yorkie in Grass by Shannon Richards on Unsplash

While the world of Spirit isn’t far, the world of Spirit is different from the realm of the physical energetically, at least. 

It's less dense, more fluid, and higher in frequency, it's not a solid-state realm - where things appear solid and thick like wooden tables and chairs. It's more like a gaseous state.

Moving from the realm of the physical to the realm of Spirit is much more like a chemical phase shift. Let's use water (H20) as an example.

Water, in the solid-state, appears as a solid, dense ice cube that can fill containers and reflect light so that it is visible to the human eye. However, when the temperature rises, the container is lifted, and pressure is released, the form can change. 

Dense ice can then transition to liquid water, and then liquid water can transition gas, and we now have water vapor. It's still water, still the same molecules. Just now, in a different more free-state situation. 

In one case, when confined to a specific temperature, pressure, and container conditions, it's a solid-state. Still, when temperatures change, and pressures and containers shift, it can transition to a new phase.

You can feel vapor and sense it like humidity in the air when it's all around you and when you're surrounded by it. You can sense it on your skin, in your pores, and near your face.

You know it's water vapor near you, you know it's water, but as a gas, it's hard to see in some scenarios, yet not all. Likewise, when someone, a pet, or a person transitions to Spirit, it's similar. 

Our loved ones in Spirit have shifted into a different form, and in certain situations, you can sense and identify water in its new vapor form when around.

Then once in this vaporous form, Spirits can go anywhere, meaning they get to choose their Heaven. 

This is how it's been explained to me by the deceased in session.

Where do Dogs prefer their Heaven?

Photo of little dog looking into a crevasse by Mengliu Di from Pexels

For many, they say their heaven is to be on Earth still with you. 

Pets go to Heaven, but often, when they come through in sessions, they say, Wait a minute, I still go and snuggle by your feet and sit alongside you on the couch. 

So often, your pet loved ones show to me in sessions that they stay with you and visit as often as possible because being around you is what makes them happy. Pet Heaven may mean visiting you or even becoming your Spirit Guide.

Thus, pets often feel and show in sessions that you are as much their version of Heaven as they are yours. And they hang around as close to you as possible.

They may even send you signs of their presence that are very similar to the signs deceased loved ones send - making noises, creating smells, flashes of light.

How to connect with a Dog in Spirit

Photo of dog in glowing golden light by Helena Lopes on Pexels

Give yourself at least two months to process the grief, and know for some people, it takes about six months.

As you do, stay open to dream visitations, messages in song, or even flashes of light. Some dogs, just like some human Spirits, like to knock things over or make noise to get your attention. 

Anytime you get a sign or a mysterious happening more than three times, you can generally consider it an actual visitation.

A Meditation To Connect With Your Dog In Spirit

Uncross your legs. Roll your shoulders back and down and place your hands palm up on either side of you. Soften your gaze.

Imagine your dog is standing behind you in a mist of glowing pink light. Visualize your dog’s pink light flowing into your energy field and wrapping you in this loving energy. Ask to be shown 1 happy memory you shared with your dog. Notice what you see in your mind’s eye and feel in your heart center.

Take a moment to thank your Dog’s Spirit for sending you this energy and ask your Dog to send you a physical sign of their presence in the next 24 hours.

Inhale and exhale. Whenever you’re ready, wiggle your fingers, and continue on with what you were doing.

You can use this meditation to call forward your Dog’s Spirit energy anytime you need it. Please keep in mind that when your Dog crosses over, they become part of your Spirit Team and their energy will never be too far away.

People experience visitations from their dogs 20 years or more after they cross because dogs become Spirit Animals for their humans after they pass over.

In some cases, that's what they were when they were alive, so when they transition, that never changes.

So, upon crossing, often, know a Dog's Heaven is alongside you the physical realm. There, it's still possible to sense their presence, feel their energy, and identify when they visit you.

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