How To Release The Top 6 Spiritual Barriers To Connection

The Keys To Getting Signs From Spirit. Photo of canyon by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash.

The Keys To Getting Signs From Spirit. Photo of canyon by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash.

Updated 2021.12.27

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You're ready to open up a connection with your Guides, Angels, and Loved Ones on The Other Side.

You've opened up your heart. You've read books and articles. You've learned about divination tools, cards, and pendulums, but it seems like nothing is happening. 

Perhaps you are looking for more to happen faster. 

There are times in our lives where it can feel like we're totally open to the Universe, then challenging experiences happen, perhaps many.

We roughen up to move through these experiences, and as this happens, we can close down to conserve energy to get through these experiences. 

However, Spirit will call for you again, and you'll begin to feel it when it's safe to open back up. 

So whether you'd like to connect with one Spirit on The Other Side and get validation, they exist, or open your heart to all Spirit again, in this post, we'll go through a few of the most common roadblocks in connecting with Spirit and following their guidance, and how to troubleshoot them. 

Even though you may be completely ready to connect with Spirit, there may be things holding you back to fully awakening to connecting with someone special on The Other Side or connecting with all in Spirit with all your heart.

You can overcome these. 

Are you ready to identify which, if any, barriers you have that prevent you from connecting with loved ones, angels, or guides on the other side? To fully open your heart to do it?

Reading to work with and release those barriers? 

Spirit communication. The Top 6 Barriers To Connecting with Spirit and How To Release Them. Photo of man standing at canyonlands opening by Todd Trapani on Unsplash.

Spirit communication. The Top 6 Barriers To Connecting with Spirit and How To Release Them. Photo of man standing at canyonlands opening by Todd Trapani on Unsplash.

1. Belief In You

This is the barrier of belief - confidence in yourself that you can connect with The Other Side. 

We all are worthy of and can receive guidance from The Spiritual Realms, in spiritual texts, it is sometimes called the Original Language or the Primal Language. All humans can inherently know this language. 

You are likely already receiving guidance and messages from The Other Side without even being aware of it. 

Have you ever assisted a friend, and offered the most profound wisdom you’ve ever heard, only to shortly after forget completely what you said or where it even came from? 

Someone text you an exact pick me up at the moment you needed it without asking you?

Ever just knew for a fact that something was not the right thing to do or not in your best interest but didn’t know why? Then a couple days later, you learned new information about it, confirming why. 

Ever had a feeling about someone that you couldn’t explain? 

Have you escaped a dangerous situation with no explanation as to why you suddenly stopped your car before moving through an intersection? Have you ever heard a voice in traffic or been saved by Spirit and knew it?

In all of these occasions and more, you were accessing information from the realm of Spirit. This could be guides, angels, and loved ones who are assisting you every day.

Having the belief that you can't access the divine or that connecting directly to Spirit is something that you can’t do, can actually block you from connecting, sometimes this looks energetically as a closed-door right over your crown chakra. 

It's also possible that other people's statements have closed you down, people who didn't believe they could connect, and your energy field became filled with theirs. 

This happens - but Spirit has never left. You can connect right now - but the first step is believing that you are worthy of connecting and that this is an attainable reality for you.

Suggested affirmation: “I am worthy and capable of receiving Divine Guidance.”

Suggested action: Temporarily pivoting and sharing your most worthy insight with others who have suggested you're great, and nothing else, in the past month or so. 

2. Harboring Doubt, Denial

These two barriers are paired together, as doubt is often followed by denial.

Doubt is the inability to trust and skepticism that what you experience can be trusted. It can come in through the absorbed thoughts we take in, in the ethers, and it can manifest through the environment we were born into. 

We can always rise up out of it and be models. 

If you can trust yourself and your own perceptions and have evidence they have been right many times, a firm trust in the foundation of what you know and who you are - there is no need to have doubt. 

This is about trusting your own experience. Looking back on your life, have some things woven together beautifully somehow to make now? 

Have there been pieces of the puzzle that now make sense?

You must have trust in yourself, to connect with Spirit - as much of the time, Spirit connects with you when there is no one else around that can verify your experience. 

While occasionally, those in Spirit do visit more than one person at a time, mainly our connections with Source can feel individual. 

One way to trust is to pay attention to how you feel, noticing when your heart feels most open, following that. Seeing the next time you experience a psychic chill, and following that. 

Another thing that affects us is our denial of the beauty and truth of Spirit. Despite the centuries of first-hand experiences, cross-cultural blind studies, and even now some validation from the sciences.  

You likely have had mystical experiences all your life.

Taught that your experiences would put you in a mental home, maybe they did, only for you to be later released as usual, or you grew up in a community where your abilities were thought to be related to persecution others feared. 

To prevent a feeling of loneliness, some have had to deny it exists or happened at all. 

Now with the internet, the thousands of accounts of individual people, just like you, having unexplainable, spiritual experiences- worldwide are available.

In fact, these 'odd' things, when collectively examined, suddenly begin to seem not so odd anymore and do appear a little bit more regular.

One of the more common subjects brought up in readings in my early work is that they have been trying to get your attention - but that their attempts have gone unnoticed or ignored - due to doubt, and then denial. 

To release this barrier: Trust yourself and your experiences. You don’t have to explain it to anyone or come up with a reasonable story right now. You are the only one who can validate your experiences as real. 

Then, surround yourself in angel light every day. For this, I recommend calling in light angel colors and Sylvia Browne's Book of Angels.

This activity builds up your resistance to negativity, which helps tremendously in not only getting those signs but being able to experience them at the moment with all your being. 

3. A Lingering Fear 

Another barrier to connecting with anyone in Spirit is fear.

Some television shows, movies, radio, books, or magazines haven chosen to use fear to sell, and the act of contacting spirits is depicted as painful or fearful. If you have been exposed to this, fear may have affected you. 

One of the main reasons I didn't want to share my gifts of mediumship with others at first, was because I was scared of The Spiritual World and being involved in it.

I'd seen some of the demon fever as a youth and didn't want to get caught up in it. 

Know you will usually attract those in The Spirit World who exude those same or similar qualities. Sometimes you will attract slightly different vibrations of souls to harmonize with them, they bring up your energy, you bring up theirs. 

While lower energies do exist, my guides and I call them primordial forces, as long as you have a positive, loving energy about you, and The Spirit World is a safe place for you. 

Your loved ones on The Other Side are protecting you from anything harmful, and if you are worried about that - ask for protection from it. 

Some experiences in life are written into our soul contract. Though even with these, The Spirit World is a safeguard throughout.

When I was first removing my own fears, I used this affirmation:

"It is safe for me to see. I am divinely protected, secure, and loved, welcoming only those into my life who are loving, compassionate, and kind to my space."

4. You’re Processing Grief For Any Reason

If you’ve recently lost someone that you love, or if you are going through a tough time, you likely feel very heavy - in pain, grief, or just energetically overall. 

This is an essential time for you to process emotions and allow yourself to fully experience, feel, and heal from this period of your life. 

Those in Spirit have often described their energy as fast, high, and energetically mighty and robust. 

To connect with those in physical bodies, they have to slow down their energy, almost like a hovercraft, for us to sense and connect with them. Then, we have to raise our vibration or awareness to feel and connect with them. 

Creating this “match” can help raise your energy while you grieve, even if your emotions are still lifting. 

Higher vibrational energies for us can be expressed by feeling immense gratitude, joy, love, and compassion. 

Grief can be a gateway to meet spirit at this match.

You can bring yourself here through the use of essential oil therapy - for example, use any of these essential oils for grief.

I also like Cypress and Orange.

You can also do it by remembering the good times, going out in nature, or asking your angels to guide you towards gratitude. 

The energy of dense, low, sadness, pain, and grief is slow in vibration, and it’s tough for Angels to slow down their energetic state and connect with you, as it is hard for you to raise yourself to joy and happiness at this level.

You won’t be alone spiritually if you are grieving though.

Animal Spirit Guides and Earth Guides, such as gnomes, fairies, and Pathfinder Deities, are usually easier to access here, and they are all emanations of God. 

So make a fairy garden or care for an animal, while asking the angels to bring the light back into your heart. 

Deceased Loved Ones have described grief energy as like an impossible thick smog cloud, and they just can’t get through until the storm passes.

During this time, it is your inner light that begins to flicker and the earth ones around that guide you. 

The suggestion for removing this barrier is: Give yourself time to experience and raise emotions.

Then seek Animal Guides or other earth spirit friends. While you rise up, call in angel light to link in at your heart, and imagine it guiding you. 

Take your time, the Spirits may be helping you through the process. 

Grief takes its time, to speed up your grieving process, you may miss profound and essential steps in your healing. There are many beautiful moments in grief. 

5. Having Exponential Expectations

At first. Spirit communication can begin as knocks, cracks, and odd things, like having a painting hang sideways on a wall every time you turn around. 

Moving an object, making a physical object, or manifesting a bird, all takes an incredible amount of energy and practice. 

While your loved ones have heard your requests - they may still be working towards guiding you to manifest what you have asked for. 

The deceased do and will move mountains for those they love, but they typically start with a connection, and the most common method your loved ones on The Other Side connect with you is through getting you to sense their presence. 

To release this barrier, you may alter your expectations on how those in Spirit connect with you. You deserve signs, you will get them, they may just be trying to give them to you to in a grander way. 

Open your expectations to be higher and broader than what you already know and know they often start slow or with creaks and cracks. 

Early signs can be extremely physical, for example, you may hear them in your environment before they expand to guiding you to a job offer or free resources to get you through this time. 

6. Not the right location or time

In my family, whenever someone would move, we'd go up and down the territory and read the energy in every town. Have you ever moved before? Does anyone else's immediate family do that?

We'd stop in certain towns and do readings there and see how easy it was to access Spirit with all the other energy present in that town. We found spots, social areas, and land regions where it was easier to connect. 

Generally, at times with the least wave interference, in areas with lower crowds, it can be easier to contact Spirit, at least at first. I also find that on higher peaks it is easier than in valleys, depending on the day. 

We can access spirit any day, astrologically, even meteorologically, or geographically. Yet, there can be ideal conditions, there are optimal times. 

Those in Spirit want to make the most of their attempts to contact you.

It takes an incredible amount of energy and effort on their part to get through and get your attention - thus, they want to reach out when they know it really could be possible to reach you. 

Deceased Loved Ones, Spirit Guides, and Angels are often manifesting outcomes and real situations without your knowing, but to connect with you one on one - they sometimes prefer for it to be just like that - one-on-one.

When you are alone, your attention is more easily captured than when you are out socializing. When your mind is clear, you are more easily reached and influenced. In some areas, when it's misty, it's better. 

In the early morning, it is usually a good time, regardless of where you are.

If you give those in Spirit other times of day where you have clarity of mind and attentiveness, such as a meditation practice or an active dream life, this will improve your contactability. 

To connect with Spirit, make sure it is the right time for you to make the connection - are you attentive, with a clear mind, and of sound emotion? This is the right time. 

To overcome this barrier, you could stay working on the energy where you are and improve the current energy of your area. That's what we often set the intention to do on our energy scans of earlier years. 

Or, make a date with Spirit to connect. Set the intention, in a dream, in a place that feels mystical to you, or go on a special trip. 

Going somewhere on vacation where the energy is already open, can also accelerate your ability to connect. The energy of the land can work on people like an attunement, so they are more open when they return. 

The more you cultivate quietness of mind and awareness, the more opportunities you create for Spirit to get through to you. 

So to recap, the top 6 barriers are

Photo of Bryce Canyon by Lukas Kloeppel from Pexels

Photo of Bryce Canyon by Lukas Kloeppel from Pexels

  1. Belief in yourself

  2. Doubt & denial

  3. Lingering fears perhaps familial

  4. Grief

  5. Exponential expectations

  6. Need to try another place or time

If you've identified with one of these barriers - don't worry.

We each have one that resonates more strongly and more prominently than any other and you can release any of them with the tips above.

To develop your connection to your Spirit Guides, Angels, or Deceased Loved Ones on the other side, work with releasing this barrier to open up and strengthen your connection to the Divine.

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