How To Be Psychic

Article: How To Be Psychic: The First Step In Honing Your Abilities Photo of pitcher plants by Alfred Schrock on Unsplash

Article: How To Be Psychic: The First Step In Honing Your Abilities Photo of pitcher plants by Alfred Schrock on Unsplash

The First Step In Developing Intuitive Abilities

Updated 2021.12.09

We all have a spiritual sense of knowing and use different methods of getting in touch with our intuition. Intuition, like anything, takes practice and some time in getting to know how it works for us.

When it comes to being psychic or being intuitive, these phrases are often focused on predictive abilities and having the ability to foretell the future.

While some people specialize in these gifts, intuitive gifts work differently for everyone.

Being psychic is the ability to use all your senses to perceive the energy of the environment around you, allowing you to make better decisions in the present moment.

This energy around us all is full of emotional, psychological, and spiritual information and cues.

These aspects are the ingredients of our here and now, and you’re already picking them up. But you may not be using them to your fullest advantage yet, and that’s what this post is focusing on. 

After doing many readings, time and time again, Spirit Guides, Deceased Loved Ones, and Angels often come through and want to validate one essential thing:

We are psychic. It's just a simple matter of figuring out how to use the energy around us to the best of our ability.

So, given all this -

What's the first step in becoming psychic?

How To Be Psychic - The First Step tT Developing Your Intuitive Gifts. Psychic Development is about trust, this article discusses. Photo of  pitcher plants from Unsplash with text overlay of title.

How To Be Psychic - The First Step tT Developing Your Intuitive Gifts. Psychic Development is about trust, this article discusses. Photo of pitcher plants from Unsplash with text overlay of title.

The first step when people ask how to become a psychic is: trust you already are.

Believe in yourself and your sense of guidance and knowledge.

Each one of us can pick up intuitive information.

However, each one of us has also been told we can't, generally by someone else, at some point in our lives. Usually, this has happened because one person was afraid and wanted to mask the truth.

If you've been a part of truth masking, as we all have, you know that usually, when this happens, it happens as a form of self-protection. 

Eventually, the truth comes full circle in its own time.

To develop your gifts, you have to ignore the input of those who are afraid and currently masking the truth, at least for the time being. 

To receive psychic and intuitive information, you need the ability to perceive correctly what is going on around you and to trust it. 

If someone around you is currently straying from trusting their own, you may need to go within and separate from this energy source for a while. 

Truth maskers do prevent you from trusting. So it helps to release as many truth maskers out of your life as possible as you develop.

You can love people from a distance, and I have material on how to do this in The Membership Program.

Trust is the first part of honing in your perceptions. In addition to it being affected by those in your surroundings, sometimes, it is also associated with self-esteem.

So the second part of trusting is raising your self-esteem to perceive clearly.

With low self-esteem, a person hesitates from acting on intuitive impulses, because the fear of being wrong, or of social judgment is powerful.

Being psychic or intuitive can only be effective when one has the courage and personal strength to follow through on the guidance.

Thankfully, the guidance your Spirit Guides gives you usually falls right in line with the social order in your area or is slightly avant-garde above it.

The Spirit World is all about societal growth, so sometimes they do provide guidance that does push the needle. 

You can follow the guidance you get from Spirit to the level of your comfort each time. 

Following the direction of Spirit or your intuition requires action, and this can sometimes produce feelings of nervousness about change. Some people interpret this as another emotion, but you may feel this in your heart. 

After moving past the nervousness, the feeling you get when acting on the guidance of Intuition can feel a lot like bravery or courage, at least at first.

Just clicking the button of yes towards progress is sometimes all that is needed to grow your intuition. 

As a person becomes more trusting of their intuitive prowess, things can work out, and you may get early evidence of your hits. 

So when genuinely following Spirit Guidance, look for bits of confirmation of your success reasonably early on. 

You have probably already been developing your trust and intuition your entire lifetime.

As you start to develop it again, see where you stand on self-trust, because this is the first step.

Check-in and evaluate where you are on each of the below questions

  • Do you like yourself? What do you like most about yourself?

  • Do you respect yourself? How are you reflecting self-respect to others around you? 

  • Are you honest? How can you continue to stay in alignment with the truth?

  • Can you decide on a lifestyle change you'd like to make? Is there one you are thinking of? 

  • Do you wish that your life was different? If so, in what ways? What action can you take today for positive growth?

  • Do you consider yourself strong? What is one time you can recall where you have had to be the strongest you’ve ever been, and it worked out?

Focus on strengthening and developing your ideas and actions in one of these areas above. In turn, you will improve your intuitive gifts because you will be honoring yourself and your path. 

To end, learning how to be a psychic begins with developing trust in yourself

The first step in becoming psychic is developing a sense of trust. Photo of orange and black butterfly on yellow flower cluster by Sheri Hooley on Unsplash.

The first step in becoming psychic is developing a sense of trust. Photo of orange and black butterfly on yellow flower cluster by Sheri Hooley on Unsplash.

Doing so is what allows you to take action on the perceptions and to become more confident in taking further steps on new impressions in the future.

Psychic abilities are related to growing our self-power as much as they are about focusing, developing the inner self, and following our dreams. 

To build your intuition, starting with any practice that promotes any one of the above questions. And you'll be well on your way to honing a safe and even more reliable sense of inner sight.

For more content like this, start your 14-day free trial in The Membership!

The Membership is a guided intuitive and spiritual development program, featuring a curated online hub of rotating learning topics with at-home lessons and exercises, live workshops and guided meditations so you can flourish in your sacred connection anywhere, anytime and at your own pace.

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