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Do Spirits Sleep? How Do They Rest?
Spirit sleep. Do Spirits sleep? Do Ghosts sleep? Do Angels sleep? In this post, we discuss the potential answers to these questions.
Mediums Communicating With Spirit In Other Languages
Can a deceased Loved One speak another native language and communicate with a psychic medium? Can mediums talk to loved ones in a foreign language?
7 Things That Repel Ghosts (Spirits)
Wondering what repels ghosts? In this post I discuss how to keep spirits away and what keeps spirits away. Repel ghosts with the tips inside -
Why Saging Doesn't Always Work
Does saging a house really work? Saged, smudged and still have spirit activity? Inside this post I discuss when sage does not work and what to do instead -
Spirit VS Residual Energy: What’s The Difference?
What’s the difference between the way residual energy behaves and a Spirit? Are you communicating with residual energy?
The Real Reason Why People See Ghosts
Why some people see ghosts and others may not. Your ghost sighting can be a wake up call to your intuitive gifts and in this post, we discuss -