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Do Spirits Sleep? How Do They Rest?
Spirit sleep. Do Spirits sleep? Do Ghosts sleep? Do Angels sleep? In this post, we discuss the potential answers to these questions.
7 Things That Repel Ghosts (Spirits)
Wondering what repels ghosts? In this post I discuss how to keep spirits away and what keeps spirits away. Repel ghosts with the tips inside -
Why Saging Doesn't Always Work
Does saging a house really work? Saged, smudged and still have spirit activity? Inside this post I discuss when sage does not work and what to do instead -
Spirit VS Residual Energy: What’s The Difference?
What’s the difference between the way residual energy behaves and a Spirit? Are you communicating with residual energy?
The Real Reason Why People See Ghosts
Why some people see ghosts and others may not. Your ghost sighting can be a wake up call to your intuitive gifts and in this post, we discuss -