Vision of Angels. What Do Angels Look Like In Dreams?

Image of angel statue with braided hair in greenery by Štěpán Halíř from Pixabay

Updated 2022.03.22

What do Angels look like? The meaning of Angel appearances and symbolism -

Angels, both Guardian Angels and Archangels, are known as the beings of Light and exist entirely in the Light of the Divine.

Angels, unlike Spirit Guides and Deceased Loved Ones, have usually not been human, and they are without religion - they appear to people regardless of religious belief. Some cultures call Angels, Giants.

Except in the case of Earth Angels, the existence of Angels is entirely a manifestation of the belief in Divine Love and Light, shining down from above.

What does it mean when you see an angel?

Image of wing carving by Ariel Palavecino from Pixabay

When you see an Angel, this typically means you are protected and watched over, and it may even mean you have the spiritual gift of clairvoyance

Clairvoyance is the ability to see Spirit, and in some cases, seeing an Angel is a way for The Spirit World to let you know you have this ability. 

An Angel sighting is also one of the ways The Spirit World lets you know things are going to be okay.

Each of us has two or three Guardian Angels, which I like to refer to as personal assistants of grace, love, and connection to the Divine. 

Angels appearing to us often means we are supported, and sometimes that they have a message.

We have access to connect with the Archangel to which we feel speaks directly to us. This is also usually the Angel that appears to us most frequently.

For some people, this Archangel is Raphael, for others, it is Michael, and for some, it's Archangel Ariel

We are multifaceted in our roles and lessons on Earth. We each face our challenges and unique situations.

Thankfully, there are Angels to assist us in addressing each one of these areas.

There are Angels of love and compassion, Angels to assist us with greater understanding, Angels to help us with abundance, protection, wellbeing and intuition. 

No matter what the Angel, and their unique personal or worldly role, their goal is the same when they appear - to imbue each situation with a higher level of Divinity, grace, and love.

Angels help us see things panoramically, with more gentleness, and with a deeper level of connection.

Connecting with any Spirit will help you facilitate a higher level of grace and compassion, but this is the underlying specialty of Angels. 

Angels are unique in the fact that no matter what their role and what they are present to assist you with, they bring a level of non-judgmental Light and compassion. 

With this said, many people ask, okay, well, when they appear, how will I know? 

What does an Angel look like?

How can I tell the difference between an Angel and any other Spiritual Being? 

First, to see an Angel, it's essential to know when they appear.

Angels can visit us when we are

Photo of male cherub in cloud with trumpet by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

  • Driving home from work

  • Leaving a shopping center

  • Having a rough day

  • Visiting a spiritual location

  • Assisting someone in their transition to or from this world

  • In meditation

  • In a dream state 

  • Out in nature

  • Open, spiritually, to hope

While you can certainly sense and feel the presence of an Angel, they also have a unique appearance, different from other Spirits. 

The first step is connecting with your Angels is knowing what you're looking for when you see one. 

Angels can appear to us in many manners of ways, and below, we'll discuss how they look and what each form can symbolize.

7 Most Common Traits Of Angelic Appearances

What Do Angels Look Like? The Meaning Of Angel Appearances And Symbolism. Image of angel statue with braided hair in greenery by Štěpán Halíř from Pixabay

1. Orbs or Flashes of Light

Often, when you see an Angel, it may just be a flash of Light.

As they are beings of Light, Angels can and do appear as merely that - light only. 

Blue, pink, green, or white in a flash, a streak, or a ball of Light. 

If you see a full form Angel, which is common in dreams, in clairvoyant visions, on special occasions, weddings, this being may appear surrounded by a halo or glow of Light.

They are beings of the Light, and thus, they are embodied and surrounded by Light, and often, project it into the physical realm from time to time.

So sometimes, the orbs or flashes you see are Angelic. 

2. Floating and lifted

The Realm of the Angels is vibrationally elevated and moves very fast. 

With all that energy - Angels can appear to hover above the Earth, rather than land directly on it. 

With this said, to see an Angel, your energy, your emotions, your senses, must in some way be elevated too - which is why raising your vibration is essential to see an Angel.

Angels often appear floating slightly above the ground, to around eye level, as they must lower their energy just enough to be visible to you.

For this reason, it is often common to see or sense them floating up in the sky. 

3. Genderless

Angels are the Spiritual Beings of neutrality and love. 

As such, they often appear to you as not male, not female, but more neutral.

In religious texts, while they are historically shown as male, and in art, they are often depicted as female, this typically has to do with the audience and the culture at the time.

It's thought that Angels can change their shape to be more acceptable to the receiver of the vision, which can explain their gender changes throughout history. 

Angels have mostly not taken human form. Thus, they have not needed to 'choose sides' that are inherent in selecting a gender. 

All Angels embody both male and female characteristics - yin and yang energies, outward and inward, solid, and flowing. They will often appear to the viewer on the side they are currently expressing. 

When an Angel shows to you with gender, such as female, this is usually symbolic of the way they are supporting you.  

A Feminine Angel appearing is usually a sign that the feminine aspect of their essence is something you must embody now to assist you with your situation. 

Where, your Angel, at another time, may embody as male when outward strength or action is required in your life. 

For example, Michael is often seen as male and usually upon for physical protection, a masculine-associated quality. 

Angels may appear as dominantly feminine or masculine, representing the qualities they are assisting with now, not because that is their gender. It's more to get the symbolism across. 

This is often why you see angels is bi-gender haircuts and neutral faces. 

4. Wings

Most of the time, Angels appear with feathered wings.

The presence of wings and appearance of the wings is symbolic of their nature, light density of matter.

If you should see an Angel with wings, they may be of many sizes and colors, which is also a symbol of their meaning and role in your life.

Did an Angel with rounded wings appear once in a dream, and then another time, in meditation, you saw an Angel with pointed, sharp-edged wings?

Perhaps the first Angel, the Angel of softness, was symbolic of the gentleness required for dealing with life on Earth and self-care. And the second Angel, with sharp-edged wings, was symbolic of the protection that we might need.

Protector-like Angels tend to have sharper-looking wings. 

5. Outfit

Much like the wings, the clothing by which the Angels wear can vary but is often a long gown, and usually, the colors on the gown indicate the Angel. 

Blues and yellows can symbolize Haniel. Fuschias and reds can signify Metatron. 

Is your Angel wearing an electric blue, or is there an electric blue light around them? Perhaps this is Michael, who has been known to appear as blue and is the Angel of Protection.

What about soft pink? This is the color associated with love, and this could be a Guardian Angel around to assist you in this area.

The outfit worn by an Angel is often flowing, loose, and gently touching their body.

Sleeves are usually long and draping, as though the clothes are an extension of softness and grace. 

The clothing of an Angel is often fluid, to symbolize the energy they carry, which can permeate all things.

Fluidity is what is needed to reach rigid situations and change them, which is one of the things Angels specialize in, change. 

6. Size

Angels, especially Archangels, can be huge. Archangels, such as Michael, Raphael, Ariel, Gabriel, and others, can be enormous, appearing as nearly 10-feet tall or taller. 

This is why in some nordic cultures, Angels may be the original Giants. 

The size of an Angel usually has to do with its vast scope and sphere of influence. Angels are guardians of all beings.

Even Guardian Angels can feel and appear large, due to the diffuseness of their energy.

7. Symbols or tools they carry

The overall appearance of an Angel and the instruments they carry are often symbolic in meaning.

Does your Angel carry with it any tools or gifts? Is he or she showing you any symbols in meditation? 

If so, this is an indication of what they are assisting you with, and of the tools and gifts now being offered to you.

So to recap, the symbols angels use to communicate are 

Photo of red dress on mannequin with large white wings by Duncan Sanchez on Unsplash

  1. They often appear as Light

  2. They are often floating and lifted

  3. They're usually genderless

  4. Most appear with wings

  5. Their outfit is usually fluid

  6. They can be large

  7. Some carry tools or gifts which can symbolize how they support you

After interpreting and understanding their appearance of Light, lift, neutrality, and presence, hopefully, you may have an idea of the overall appearance and qualities of your supporters within this realm. 

When you look to an Angel to understand why they have come, notice the color, their age of appearance, their size, the shape of their wings.

The colors, ages, and sizes are all symbols. 

When you see an Angel, whether in meditation, dream, or a waking state, you can also ask who is with you, and this can help you identify the Angel you have present. 

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