5 Tips For Finding Your Life Partner Soulmate

Photo of pink peonies in foreground with blue sky looking background by Couleur from Pixabay

Photo of pink peonies in foreground with blue sky looking background by Couleur from Pixabay

Updated 2020.12.30

When will I meet my soulmate?

This is one of the most common questions during readings. That question, along with all the associated questions are some of the most common concerns expressed by clients in sessions:

  • What will he/she look like?

  • How will we meet?

  • What will they like about me?

  • What can I do to meet them faster?

This was the question I asked at my first reading (In my recent interview with Anna Sayce, I talk about that more). 

The first answer I received was not what I expected.

What I wanted was an answer full of details of what he would look like, how I could find him and a detailed description of what it would feel like when we first made eye contact.

Instead, the psychic said: 

“You won’t meet your soulmate, until you accept your abilities and who you are.”

Yup - I was told I wasn’t going to meet my soulmate until I gave in, accepted my abilities to see Spirit and stop hating myself for it.

I had avoided developing or paying attention to my gifts every day of my life at the time, and if I had it my way back then, I would have liked to keep it like that.

Yet, since the soulmate was the prize, I gave in and did everything I needed to do to meet him.

I committed to learning about my abilities, develop them as fast as possible in an effort to accept them and meet him.

Now, a practicing psychic myself, I realize that the advice I received in that reading was true and is true for all. 

For someone to find, love and accept you for who you are, you have to find out who that you even is.

Then and only then, will the soul mate appear.

A soulmate is the person who is designed to align with you, compliment you and help you grow into your highest and greatest self while on Earth during this lifetime.  

Your Life Partner Soulmate is one that lasts forever. 

Meeting your soulmate, in the romantic sense, means that your soul has to be available, visible and accessible to the world so that you can be found and aligned with this person.

You have to be traveling in the direction of soul alignment to meet someone who is to be perfectly aligned with your soul. If you aren’t, you likely won’t meet a soulmate - either in the part time sense in or in the full-time sense.

Further, soulmates can either be romantic and long-term, romantic and short term, platonic and long term, platonic and short term, and just about every shade in between. 

But if you do want to find your soulmate - in any sense - you have to radiate that which is within you, freely and openly to the world.

For a ship to find it’s lighthouse, the light has to be both on and shining out into the right section of ocean.

There are many types of soulmates, and if you’re looking for one that is also a Life Partner Soulmate, read on.

To find your Life Partner Soulmate, the one that also lasts forever, read all these steps below and then make sure to make it to the last line in this article - where I mention the final one. 

5 Steps To Finding Your Life Partner Soulmate

Photo of pink peonies on black background by Lolame from Pixabay 

Photo of pink peonies on black background by Lolame from Pixabay

Step 1. Start identifying with what the heart wants

Your soul mate is your heart and soul’s paired companion.

If you are steering the ship in another direction than the direction your heart wants to go, you may not find yourself on the right path at the right time to meet your Life Partner Soulmate or any soulmate, as all soulmates are good. 

Identify what your heart wants and head in that direction, towards both your soul’s alignment and your alignment with a soulmate.  

You have to identify what YOU want before your Guides can pair you with the one that matches those wants.

Step 2. Make changes towards alignment with your soul needs

When you start to make changes in your life, that reflect what is truly happening to you and what you truly want in your heart, you start removing the blocks and barriers around you, preventing you from living the life you really deserve.

This may mean leaving friendships behind that no longer serve you or going back to school for something you actually like.

What is it you have always wanted to do? Who is it that you have always wanted to be?

You already are those things. You simply have to start redirecting your life to align with love. When you do what you love, you find people who love you for it.

Step 3. Integrate your needs within

This one is about self-love.

You have identified within yourself the elements that make you beautiful - before you will allow anyone else to see you as beautiful.

It’s okay to be who you are. It’s okay to want what you want.

Start to accept the body that you have, the mind that you have been given and the emotions that you feel.

When you accept yourself as lovable, you let your guard down. When you see yourself through the eyes of love, others have permission to finally see you the same way.

As you start to truly believe, accept and love what your soul is and who you are, is when the alignment begins to occur.

Step 4. Allow your heart to take center stage

Once you have decided what your soul wants for your life, have made changes to reflect who you are, and started to love yourself for who you are becoming - you now have to radiate this out into the universe.

You have to let the world see you. How can your soulmate ever find you, if you are hiding under a rock?

You may decide to make changes in your external environment that reflect to match what you feel in your internal environment.

This may mean moving, changing jobs, hanging out with new people or re-designing your wardrobe.

To meet your soulmate, you have to allow yourself to be seen. You have to get out there.

Step 5. Ask for what you really want

Now that you are walking on your soul path, aligning with your heart and radiating it to the world  - you have to make sure you ask for the right thing.

A soulmate is technically any person in your soul group who is meant to connect with you in this lifetime to help you learn lessons, grow and manifest into the greatest and highest version of yourself.

A soulmate is not necessarily a romantic partner or even a life partner. You have many soulmates, there are so many different kinds as a soulmate refers to anyone in your soul group.

Looking for someone to love you for you, until you leave this earth?

This is a Life Partner Soulmate.

Love & Relationships. 5 Tips for Finding Your Life Partner Soulmate title over photo of pink peonies on blue sky background by by Couleur from Pixabay - Find your soulmate, it’s still possible -

Love & Relationships. 5 Tips for Finding Your Life Partner Soulmate title over photo of pink peonies on blue sky background by by Couleur from Pixabay - Find your soulmate, it’s still possible -

To recap, to meet a life partner soulmate


Start identifying with what the heart wants


Make changes towards alignment with your soul needs


Integrate your needs within


Allow your heart to take center stage


Ask for what you really want

When you ask the universe to send you a soulmate, they could send you a Life Partner Soulmate, someone who changes your life forever for the good.

The most commonly asked question about Life Partner Soulmates is whether you get more than one. A Life Partner Soulmate is technically a person you spend 20+ years or more of your life.

Usually, there is more than one available in a lifetime if a life path changes suddenly. Often around three is available for any one person, sometimes up to five or more, depending on circumstances and what the soul contract signed up to do in their lifetime.

So if you’ve already experienced one Life Partner Soulmate, know, there is always a chance for more love.

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