What Does It Mean To Be Called A Witch?

What Does It Mean To Be Called A Witch - Image by Prawny from Pixabay, Victorian Woman picking flowers along mountain path -

What Does It Mean To Be Called A Witch - Image by Prawny from Pixabay, Victorian Woman picking flowers along mountain path -

Updated 2021.12.29

When I first started practicing the family gift out in the open, by bringing through deceased Loved Ones to talk to other people that I knew in my life, it caused some family commotion.

All types of relatives had something to say about it. Some of those things included calling me a witch with a lower tone to their voice.

While I could see and hear deceased people, and translate what they said to the living, I didn't know the first thing about casting spells then, which was what I thought witchcraft was.

I've since learned that opinions of what it means to be a witch vary widely and vastly from what the actual meaning of witchcraft is.

You may not be surprised to hear I've been called a 'witch' more times than I can count on two hands - and not just by my own relative, wanting to make sure Sunday family dinner went by without a hitch. 

I've heard this word come out of the mouth, about me and my life, from friends, family, and complete strangers alike. In all cases, the name was intended to be taken by me as a derogatory term. 

In the United States today, social and emotional stretching sometimes still occurs when people step out onto a spiritual path.

Women and men, who follow their intuition and pursue paths in energy work, plant medicine, or spiritual communication with Angels, may be separated from their family and friends, and often isolated in their paths.

Usually just in the beginning, until they find new kindred spirits to walk with.

Many practicing psychics, mediums, and intuitives have been accused of witchcraft and called a witch, without the accuser or the accused knowing the truth of what the word really means. 

The origin of the word witch

Witch meaning. Photo of woman in garden with text overlay, What Does It Mean To Be Called A Witch?

Witch meaning. Photo of woman in garden with text overlay, What Does It Mean To Be Called A Witch?

The origin of the word 'witch' doesn't imply someone is casting spells, practicing sorcery, or doing anything of ill-intent at all.

And it's definitely not a derogatory term, even though it's often thrown out as one.

The word witch is derived from the Old English wit(t), gewit(t), referring to the mind as the seat of consciousness.

The word wit means keenness and quickness of perception or discernment.

And the practice of wit-craft, it means you practice keen wisdom.

As someone who exercises skill in the making (-craft) of the wisdom (wit-), when someone calls you a witch, they have identified you as someone who is practicing the art of using your own wisdom.

Photo of woman walking carrying sticks down a hill by Prawny from Pixabay

Photo of woman walking carrying sticks down a hill by Prawny from Pixabay

So actually, being called a witch is a little bit of a compliment.

What shall you say next time someone calls you a witch? I’m going to say thank you!

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