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73 Different Kinds Of Mediums Described By Allan Kardec
There is more than just one type of psychic medium, some are writing mediums, others are hearing, which kind of psychic mediumship abilities do you have?
10 Dos And Don’ts Of Delivering Messages From Spirit
Delivering a message from spirit? If you deliver spirit messages, read on for few tips for giving the best mediumship reading possible -
On The Map: How Do Spirits Find Their Mediums?
The Medium Map. How do mediums contact spirits? How do mediums find and get their information? The Spirits find you -
Mediumship Methods: The Three-Way Link Of Connection
A method of linking in mediumship: a clear connection between Spirit, medium, and client. In mediumship, your connection to Spirit involves six steps -
9 Reasons A Mediumship Reading Could Benefit You
Thinking about booking a reading with a psychic medium? Here’s the 9 benefits of a psychic mediumship reading -
26 Signs You're A Great Medium
Looking to be the best psychic medium? This post goes over signs you’re a great psychic medium, plus what to look for in a quality mediumship practitioner -
What Is A Medium?
Spiritual mediums definition. Over 73 different kinds of known medium gifts have been identified. For the definition of mediums, click inside.
21 Signs You're A Medium
Am I A Psychic Medium? Inside are the top signs you’re a psychic! In this post, learn the 21 signs you have psychic medium abilities -
How You Can Get The Most Out Of A Mediumship Reading
What can you do to get the most out of a reading with a medium? Inside are a few things you can do to get the most out of your mediumship reading -