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How Long Does It Take A Spirit To Cross Over?
When Spirits First Visit After Loss. How long does the soul’s transition take? What can I expect as a soul transitions to heaven?
Prayer to Archangel Uriel for Money
Calling in the Angel of Finances! Archangel Uriel, one of the Money Angels, can assist you with aligning your passion to where it is most needed.
19 Root Chakra Affirmations
Blocked Root Chakra? Opening the Root Chakra is possible with these affirmations -
10 Ways To Have Hope When It Feels Like There Is None
Hope is not cancelled. Need more hope in life? Inside are a few of my best tips for restoring a sense of hope -
Angel Prayer for Security and Protection
A prayer for protection and guidance. Angel protection prayers can be used for protection for family and at work. Call in a feeling of security.
5 Life Changing Books For Spiritual Seekers
Looking for books like The Four Agreements? Inside are the best spiritual books for life-changing perception shifts.
4 Tips To Improve Your Energy Boundaries
Keeping energy boundaries is spiritual self care. In this post, learn how to increase your energetic boundaries and how to draw energetic boundaries.
5 Ways To Raise Your Vibration From Fear To Love
Raising your vibration for beginners. Pivot from a negative to optimistic perspective. In this post, learn how to raise your vibration now, using simple tips.
5 Clear Signs From The Universe
Need a sign from the Universe you're on the right path? Learn the most common synchronicities, validations and confirmations from Source.
10 Ways To Get And Stay In A Happy And Loving Mood
10 tips to be happy! You can develop habits to be happy in a single day and then strengthen them over time. Learn tips for getting into a happy, loving mood.
1212 Symbolism: Tap Into The Vibration Of Angel Number 1212
1212 angel number. Seeing 12:12 everywhere? Wondering what the significance of date 12/12 is? What does it mean when you see a series of 12s in a row?
7 Tips For Grieving The Loss Of A Pet
Coping with the loss of a loved one, it’s one of the world’s most shared human experiences, you aren’t alone, here are a few tips to manage -