26 Signs You're A Great Medium

Photo of the sun shining through tall trees by Dave on Unsplash

Updated 2024.11.18

In an industry that prides itself as being full of perfectionists, it can be a challenge to settle and accept the path of unfolding, even if that's what you do for a living. 

When I first wrote this post in 2014, I was actively teaching several sections of mediumship training programs and one of the things I noticed was just how tough everyone was on themselves.

Mediumship is an industry that attracts people who look for something more, those who understand that the truth as we know it is continually expanding, and those who are on the brink of new ideas and concepts. This field attracts bright thinkers. Think back to every person you ever knew who was just never satisfied with one finite answer, and that's your average medium. 

For myself, it was my desire to always be on the edge of a new discovery and in this job, that's basically your everyday reality. 

So if you're in this field seeking truth, know you're in the right place and that you may find it only to realize you can still find more. There may never be an end to the truth you seek. There may also never be an end to your everlasting path of ideas of what's possible. 

Part of the job is keeping the flame of hope alive, and that means you personally may still hold ideas for yourself of what's possible for expansion.

Even with all this, there are signs you're on the path to greatness. 

After so far training hundreds of people in the art, I thought today, I'd refresh this post with some new signs I've seen that someone is destined for greatness. 

In my job, I've been lucky enough to meet more than a few of these folks. If you and I are meeting now just for the first time, know I believe being a great medium is more than getting hits, facts, and evidence from Spirit. 

It's so much more than that. Any medium, who is clear, connected, and who has done their practice, can receive information from Spirit that they couldn't have known otherwise.

Any psychic medium can be accurate and bring through Spirit for themselves and those that they serve. Any medium can charge for their services and offer these services to the public.

In my work with training other mediums, there are many more factors that go into making a great medium, and these factors are more than just accuracy and number of hits per reading. 

So without further ado, below are just a few signs you're destined for greatness - 

26 Signs You're A Great Medium

Photo of a sandstone rock opening in a desert landscape by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash with text overlay 26 signs you’re a great medium.


You always strive to connect with Spirit in the most evident emotional, physical, and mental state of mind.


You accept clients and potential message recipients, even the more skeptical or difficult.


You respect yourself in all interactions with Spirit and ask to be treated with respect from all you work with.


You can detach from other people's opinions of you and keep going despite any external feedback you receive.


You take all feedback as a form of guidance, but can shake it off, even after more difficult readings and interactions.


The love and compassion you have for others in private sessions and when working with Spirit has now transcended into your everyday life and interactions.


You make sure to cut your cords after each session and let go of the situation you were once in to move forward in the present moment.


You do your best to educate your clients and message recipients on what mediumship is all about, helping your clients prepare for coming to their session with an open heart


You trust Spirit completely and seek to develop your personal relationship with Spirit daily.


You never disparage a fellow medium and do your best to support colleagues.


You encourage others to develop their own connection to Spirit and provide the tools necessary to do so, as much as you can. 


You resist asking leading questions of your clients and message recipients and instead allow Spirit to do the talking.


You honor the value and importance of the vulnerability and sacredness of space a message recipient shares with you when they ask you to connect with Spirit for them.


You take your work seriously and strive to always improve and learn more, but do so with a light, compassionate and understanding heart.


You feel that psychic mediumship is fun and rewarding, and are in awe of the healing power of your gifts.


You receive all your information from Spirit and trust in what you see, hear, and sense, even before the physical world shows you why. 


You deliver the messages from Spirit clearly, while giving authority of the message always to Spirit, using words such as I'm getting this, I'm sensing this, I'm feeling, ahead of each message.


You strive to share precisely what you see without filter and withhold judgment of someone else's ability to be ready for the message you are shown. You know people are stronger than you think. 


You hold your client's trust and what they share with you in strict confidentiality and never share, expose, or release telling information that was given to you in the sacred space of connecting with Spirit.


You make sure to give back to yourself as much as you give to others as often as possible.


You adopted a mission statement or code of ethics for your purpose as a medium. You strive to honor and adhere to your services to be in alignment with that mission at all times.


You strive to always communicate honestly, clearly, and truthfully in all of your interactions with others.


You have learned to see the light in everyone.


You have a thirst for knowledge and learning now, no matter how long you’ve been on your own spiritual growth journey.


You have developed a list of boundaries for connecting with Spirit for yourself and others, which you enforce and ask others to follow, as well. You create a loving, sacred container for your work. 


You charge what you are worth and ask others to value your worth with an exchange of value for the services you offer.

Photo of a sandstone rock opening in a desert landscape by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash

This list is just some observations of greatness I've seen in those I've worked with. Do you see any of these qualities in yourself? 

If you see something here in yourself, continue the process of greatness. And know that if I've seen it, others have too. Here's to those who continue believing, and keep going closer and closer to the light -

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