White Rabbit Symbolism

Image of white and cream spotted rabbit in the snow with sticks coming out of snow in the background by Rex Landingham from Pixabay

Image of white and cream spotted rabbit in the snow with sticks coming out of snow in the background by Rex Landingham from Pixabay

Updated 2020.04.07

When I was a little girl, I was given a white pet rabbit by my parents. 

Later in life, I was grateful to care for many more white rabbits as pets, and joined animal care clubs that catered to caring for small animals.

I now know other humans that continue to care for these beautiful, loving animals and have a few things to share about them. 

Rabbits tend to have shorter lifespans than humans. However, they move quickly and can teach us a lot about the use of our intuitive senses. 

Rabbits, in general, symbolize the release of fear, a willingness to trust your intuition. When you encounter one as an adult, they generally suggest teachings about survival mode. 

When you see a white rabbit, they can symbolize purification fears regarding survival, and their appearance can encourage a more playful and curious view of the world. 

The appearance of a white rabbit is often meant to alert us that we are now entering into a journey unknown.

This journey will carry us through the path of our own fears, onto a quest of knowledge, step us into the mystery, but we will step out the other side. 

It is usually a sign that someone is embarking on a spiritual pursuit and can appear more than once in a person's lifetime to herald this. 

A few other symbolic interpretations of a white rabbit entering your mind and heart are listed below.  

4 Things The White Rabbit Symbolizes

4 Things The White Rabbit Symbolizes. Image of small white rabbit with black ears behind held in a person’s lap by MorningbirdPhoto from Pixabay

4 Things The White Rabbit Symbolizes. Image of small white rabbit with black ears behind held in a person’s lap by MorningbirdPhoto from Pixabay

1. Letting go and purifying fears

The white rabbit and his appearance to you symbolize the letting go of fears, ideas, and as a message to drop the seriousness of life.

He also illuminates paradoxes and distortions of reality, helping you to lighten up. 

White symbolizes a burning up and a purification of these fears into a lighter path.

Seeing a white rabbit typically symbolizes a period of overcoming fears so one must grow. When you release fears, you often end up with what is left - your true self.

Sart with the meditations written about in The Golden Energy: What It Is, How To Work With It, And What It Can Do For You.

2. A time to have more fun with life

The white rabbit’s message to us is also that no matter how dark the path, and how twisty the turns, you can have fun by being engaged in the mystery along the way. 

The world is a mysterious place, and the rabbit asks you to laugh and bounce at the mystery as you traverse through it.

Trusting your intuition, and your friends and cohorts to guide you and appear to make living more fun. 

To have a little more fun, if you see a white rabbit, ask, what can I do to have a bit more fun and energy today?

Take action on the first thing that comes to mind, to follow the white rabbit's path. 

3. It can mark an initiation of returning

Image of white rabbit in steppe environment with hill in slight foreground and another hill in the background by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

Image of white rabbit in steppe environment with hill in slight foreground and another hill in the background by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The white rabbit is the harkening of the inner shaman, the inner healer, and a mystic.

This Spirit Animal usually arrives right at the start of a spiritual journey, which is typically a return to self, to your truer essence.

As a symbol in dreams, meditations, or in the physical world around you, the white rabbit can symbolize you are about to enter into a mystery that will bring you closer to who you truly are. It will likely be fun. 

I usually like to see the white rabbit for people who feel their whole life is changing or needs to. I also like to see the white rabbit when a person is overcoming patterns that are going to contribute to their greater, joyous life. 

They can also be fantastic reminders of the workings of The Spirit World since their presence so often takes you on a mystical path, but just for a short time. 

The white rabbit Spirit Animal helps you step into the spiral of returning.

To return to your true essence, what is one thing that would bring you health and vitality? Take a break and do that now. 

4. It can mean a short turn-around

If you are going on a journey, being white, little, and fast, having the white rabbit guide with you enables you to travel through even the most challenging landscape. 

The rabbit is a sign you are evolving and more alert than ever.

Given the rabbit's gestation period is 28-days in length, this level of quickness in birth will apply to the change you are undergoing now. 

Rabbits are also known to have multiple litters, so they can symbolize that whatever growth is happening now is likely to be rapid and expansive.

For this reason, they are great spirit companions to have if you are manifesting your dream life for this reason. 

They are also signs that there will be purity and quickness with the process that is occurring now. 

They are positive signs that the journey you are on now will likely reach completion within a single lunar cycle and within your generation.

With rabbit symbolism by your side, know there may be a rapid, but significant change that is occurring now. 

White rabbit symbolism calls in a time of rapid transformation. 

To step into the quickness, ask, what action I can take in my next project to ensure it is completed with ease?

So to recap, white rabbits spiritually symbolize

Drawn to white rabbits lately? Seeing a white rabbit in your meditations? White Rabbit Symbolism can signify quickness to accomplish a goal, overcoming fears, and gaiety. Image of white rabbit in the snow by Rex Landingham from Pixabay with textover…

Drawn to white rabbits lately? Seeing a white rabbit in your meditations? White Rabbit Symbolism can signify quickness to accomplish a goal, overcoming fears, and gaiety. Image of white rabbit in the snow by Rex Landingham from Pixabay with textoverlay “Spirit Animal Symbolism: White Rabbit”

  1. You’re overcoming fears to traverse a landscape

  2. Time to invite in fun and curiosity 

  3. An invitation to spiritual journey has arrived

  4. Quickness, something may happen rapidly

All in all, the white rabbit symbol can appear to help you move forward, and through what you are facing now, being confident and happy that you will come out on the other side. 

One thing I learned from caring for white rabbits is that they are also vocal and speak up for themselves when necessary. This is part of the white rabbit's teaching. 

There is everything right with being vibrant, alive, and present in this world, and the white rabbit invites you to step into it.

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