The 3 Truths About Life After Death
Updated 2024.12.06
Each day, I spent at least a few hours talking to Spirit, sometimes for clients. And also, sometimes, just for myself.
During all of this time one-on-one connecting with Loved Ones, I've learned a few things about life after death, and I feel they are essential to share with you.
While here, I refer to these things as truths. In actuality, this is what I've learned when connecting others with Spirit.
1. Death is not the end – our spirits are eternal
Our bodies are temporary homes for our spirits. When we cross over, we make a transition out of our physical body, but our soul continues on.
The earth is a classroom. Some call it a playground for our soul, where we are given a body to use to grow, develop, and learn lessons necessary for our soul's evolution.
However, once our lessons on earth have been learned, we transition back to pure Spirit – a transition called death.
After dying, we eventually can return to earth, in another physical body and continue our spiritual path of evolution - if we so choose.
The only change that has occurred in death is that we are no longer bound to our bodies – our Spirit continues to live on. Once in Spirit, we are free to move between The Spiritual and Physical Worlds. Without the boundaries of time, money, or work.
Since the energy of the Spirit still exists, and over time, once they are comfortable, your deceased loved ones may try to send you signs to let you know they are still watching over you.
2. You have love, support, and guidance available from the Other Side
After transitioning into The Spirit World, deceased loved ones often stay active in watching over their families and assisting them in anything they need.
It is not uncommon for parents and grandparents to come to a reading and take credit for strings they have pulled.
If you're interested in connecting with a loved one in this way, I suggest asking for guidance from a deceased loved one who had a specialty in the particular area in which you need help.
To start connecting, your best bet is to begin by asking for guidance from those individuals that you knew well and were close with while they were alive. While it is not uncommon for long lost ancestors to be watching over you as well, it will be easier to connect with and feel the energy of someone you knew.
To know who in Spirit is watching over you, take note of any spiritual experiences that you have had – dreams, visitations, and hunches. If you had a deceased loved one connect with you in a dream, feel the energy of a loved one near you, try connecting with that person or pet first.
3. Loved ones are the same, but usually brighter
Many people believe that when our deceased loved ones cross over, they have ascended in consciousness and are now enlightened beings with all the answers.
In some cases, this is true.
Your loved ones are usually brighter, more buoyant, and more themselves than ever before.
Once they cross over, your deceased loved one does have an opportunity to review their entire life, from birth until death, from their perspective.
Also, from the perspective of everyone, they have ever interacted within their life.
Through this process, they learn about the growth they were meant to experience on earth, understand who they impacted and how deeply, and gain perspective on the role they played in the lives of others.
They learn about the positive impacts they made, and they do gain perspective.
Your loved ones may come back to visit you with the insight they gained or an apology for how they acted. And while they can see life and have gained understanding on a deeper level from this distance, the essence of who they are has not changed. It's sharper, brighter, and usually more amplified.
So to recap…
Your loved one’s Spirit is eternal
You can call upon their support
They’re usually the same but brighter
Your loved ones are living on, you can ask them for help in guiding you, they're still the same person you always knew.
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