Angel Prayers for Employment, Career And Business Success
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Archangel Uriel is known as one of the Archangels of Employment.
A few other Archangels for career and jobs include Michael, for protection, Ariel, for provisions, and Chamuel for Divine Union. Still, in this post, we're going to focus on working with Uriel.
Uriel is an Archangel you can call upon for reigniting a passion, honing in on your soul's purpose and for identifying where you are going to find that passion and payback in the purpose work that you do on this Earth.
Purpose work often is where you are for a physical job, or through the physical jobs you provide others, so this is the Angel you can call upon for help with a career, finding a new job, and for success at a business.
So, in this post, we're going to discuss Archangel Uriel prayers you can say for getting a job, enhancing success at a career, and business ventures for entrepreneurs and business owners.
Uriel's name means fire of God, so often, this Angel will appear in meditations as a red-orange shade.
To begin, grab anything you like for your mantras, prayers and chants to Spirit, your fragrances, your candles, or your crystals, then let's start.
Below I will go over three prayers you can use to call in Archangel Uriel, depending on your situation -
Archangel Uriel Prayer for New Employment & Job Finding Success
Thank you, Archangel Uriel, for connecting me with companies which are destined for success and caring individuals who see my light.
Thank you for linking me to jobs that reflect who I am as a soul and employers who care about my wellbeing and for guiding me to jobs where there is an opportunity for soul advancement as well as monetary advancement. Thank you for sending me to employment situations that offer security, protection, and that value what I have to offer.
Thank you for reducing the amount of time I spend on fruitless leads, and igniting my intuition to guide me more quickly towards exciting opportunities, that will support my family and my desires for my highest expansion. Thank you for confirming these leads with positive, prompt validations.
Thank you for the wealth of job opportunities sent thus far and for the more that is to come.
And So It Is.
Archangel Uriel Prayer for Overall Career Success
Thank you, Uriel, for guiding and supporting my career in ways that fulfill my soul and also my wallet. Thank you for the Angelic awareness of financial support, which also supports my spiritual path and for the perception of how I can give to others through my career.
Thank you for guiding me through the feeling of passion and motivation as I choose the best path forward in my career with my gifts. Please now guide me to exciting opportunities to advance my career in the ways that would benefit me most now, you already know what they are, and for confirming that direction through the feeling of excitement, courage, and butterflies in the stomach.
And So It Is.
Archangel Uriel Prayer for Prosperous New Ventures for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Archangel Uriel, thank you for blessing all new starts with the golden path of success and for the awareness of what's working and what's not working, just at the right time for me to grow and change to better serve all.
Thank you for sending signs and clues for what will be successful in the future and the confirmation of this success you've already sent. Thank you for sending these signs in the return of finances and numbers, and security through monetary rewards, health benefits, and vacation time to places and activities that would refill my soul and Spirit, and refill the soul and Spirit of all with whom I partner.
Thank you for the resources to provide for my employees, contractors, and vendors in a way that they feel valued and excited to come to work on a shared mission. Thank you for connecting me to generous and intelligent people.
Thank you for guiding me to people and resources that are compassionate about my wellbeing and honest in all their dealings with me, our ventures, and those we serve through our business partnerships. Thank you for letting me know when something is for me through plentiful signs returned by the universe, like either number signs, feather signs, or psychic chills.
And So It Is.
For me, anything career-related, Archangel Uriel, is my go-to, and these are my angel prayers for getting a job, career success, and new ventures. If you are a freelancer or entrepreneur, you can call on Archangel Uriel to help with any of these prayers and for guidance on where to focus next in your current ventures for the highest levels of success.
I always find it helpful to ask for a sign after you say any of these prayers for confirmation your request has reached the ethers, though if you send your wishes up with a pure heart, they usually have.
Use these prayers to redirect you towards new employment partnerships and payment, which may be more harmonious and valuing your highest potential in all ways.
After connecting with Archangel Uriel in this prayer, pay attention to opportunities that excite you, that respect you, and that give the feeling that you are connecting with groups that are going to elevate you to a higher level.
Your employment should advance you as a soul.
Thus, when seeking more opportunities in your career, sensing excitement, or feeling better about yourself after a meeting around a new opportunity is a positive sign you are connecting with the direction Uriel is guiding you to go.
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