Can Recent Ancestors Be Your Spirit Guides?
Updated 2020.11.17
After my father died, I called him a Deceased Loved One when he visited in dreams and my grandmother called him an Angel.
In some cases, when a Loved One transitions on to The Spirit World and they return for visitations, what we call them, or how we categorize it with words is really a matter of semantics and semantics alone.
Sometimes though you will hear psychic mediums say that someone who just newly passed can’t be a Spirit Guide, because of the life review needed and this is mostly true, there are caveats to every rule or absolute in the Universe including this one.
Ancestors can be Spirit Guides, in some cases, and below I discuss -
Without a physical body, Spirit Guides can assist you with many things that your friends in physical bodies cannot - behind the scenes nudges, indispensable unbiased guidance, unconditional flows of love energy, and support at all and any hour that you need it.
Spirit Guides do appear in the darkness and honestly, usually it’s at these times when the Light appears brightest.
For one, we often call on an answer in these times and due to the contrast. In heavy contrasting situations, it’s easy to discern light from dark and The Spirit World does often take advantage of these moments to reveal themselves to you.
Also, when energy is more charged around you or a situation, there can be a lot of available energy Spirit Guides can use to make themselves known.
When the Spirit World wants to get through, to you or to someone you know, they will then send forward a Spiritual Body in the form that you have known trust, this helps a person trust and receive the guidance more.
All of those in Spirit come from source, so when meeting a Spirit Guide, if a Loved One appears, know that in a way, if they have ascended into the Light, they are free to roam the cabin and thus, offer support to you that you can trust.
In this way, Ancestors can become Spirit Guides, and because they will often appear self-illuminated when this happens, with a bit of an ethereal glow in your meditations in dreams, some call this Angelic.
A Spirit Guide can technically be any familiar spirit that guides you. Largely a Spirit Guide has these characteristics:
The being has generally taken a human, animal or physical existence before now - as now they are assisting you in a non-physical form in Spirit in earthly matters
You can know many of your Spirit Guides from previous lifetimes or they know you from before you incarnated on this plane
Spirit Guides often appear dressed in period clothing from a variety of older time periods, generally a clue as to how they know you
Like Angels, Spirit Guides use their appearance, their clairaudient or telepathic words, or feelings they give all to deliver a message.
So while it also often said that Spirit Guides could not be Deceased Loved Ones that you knew while alive during this time of yours on Earth, because they are too close to you to guide unbiasedly, yes, there are exceptions to this rule.
Your Ancestors, your great-great-grandparents and family members from the 1700s can all be your Spirit Guides.
Once crossed-over, some members of the deceased can and do move rather quickly into guardianship and mentorship roles, though they may serve more on a guide council with others.
Some mediums say that your main Spirit Guides can't be your Ancestor alone, and this is partly true also.
A Spirit Guide must be able to offer you unbiased support and guidance.
If you had a karmic relationship with someone while living, or a relationship was strained, it is likely not this Spirit who will be solo guiding you on The Other Side, though they may appear occasionally or be on the council.
The best main Spirit Guide is usually a neutral party that the person incarnated, you, trusts. In some cases, this can be an Ancestor who takes on angelic-like qualities.
If you have Ancestors that are far enough removed from your immediate family members, that were wise, genuine, loving and are in a place now where they can offer you unbiased guidance and spiritual support - they fit into the Spirit Guide category.
So, how far removed does your Spirit Guide/Ancestor have to be to fit the model of the official Spirit Guide?
Generally, but not always, this person has to have to have died well before you were ever born into a physical body and living. Those that pass suddenly or through the route of attempting to balance emotion are the often exception here, however; as these spirits may move rather quickly into guardianship roles for various reasons.
So to end, the short answer is yes, a departed Loved One, an Ancestor can be a Spirit Guide; the long answer is it depends on the soul group, situation and relationship of each person as to if this happens and who is the Ancestor guiding you.
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